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Begins on page 221 Chapter 26 Romantic Opera Italian Opera  Bel canto developed by Bellini and Donizetti  Verdi: “La donna è mobile” from Rigoletto.

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2 Begins on page 221 Chapter 26 Romantic Opera

3 Italian Opera  Bel canto developed by Bellini and Donizetti  Verdi: “La donna è mobile” from Rigoletto Copyright © 2010 by Schirmer Cengage Learning

4 Italian Opera Puccini: La bohème 1.Mimi and Rodolfo meet 2.Sing an aria to each other 3.Proclaim their love in a impassioned duet 4.Go to the Café Momus together Copyright © 2010 by Schirmer Cengage Learning

5 French Opera  Distinct style emerges later in Impressionism  Three recognized opera composers: ► Gounod ► Massenet ► Bizet

6 German Opera  Style first appeared in operas by von Weber  Giant of German opera was Wagner ► Referred to them as “music dramas” ► Wrote own librettos and staged own operas

7 Wagner’s Music Dramas Features:  Characters often mythological Norse gods  Philosophical themes  No clear separation of recitatives, arias, and choruses  Use of chromatic harmonies

8 Wagner’s Music Dramas  Use of leitmotivs  Important role of orchestra

9 Wagner: “Immolation Scene,” Twilight of the Gods Leitmotivs  “Law”  “Ride of the Valkyries”  “Redemption by love”  “Magic fire”  “Rhine maidens”  “Valhalla”  “Siegfried”

10 Summary  Italian opera ► Puccini: La bohème  French opera  German opera  Wagner’s music dramas ► Wagner: “Immolation Scene,” from Twilight of the Gods

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