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E LEMENTS OF D ESIGN. L INE A line is a set of connected points that can be drawn carefully with a ruler or expressively by hand. Lines can be used to.

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Presentation on theme: "E LEMENTS OF D ESIGN. L INE A line is a set of connected points that can be drawn carefully with a ruler or expressively by hand. Lines can be used to."— Presentation transcript:


2 L INE A line is a set of connected points that can be drawn carefully with a ruler or expressively by hand. Lines can be used to show direction, create expression and value, indicate motion (gesture), or show the outside edge of something (contour).


4 S HAPE A shape is a line or series of connected lines that join at the ends to create a closed area. Shapes may be geometric (circle, square, etc.) or organic (free-form).


6 F ORM A form is the term used to refer to a shape that is 3-dimensional (has depth or thickness), rather than just being flat.


8 S PACE Space is the area defined by an object (positive space) or the empty area that is found between objects (negative space).


10 V ALUE Value (or tone) refers to the degree of lightness or darkness that something is perceived. The relationship between light and dark is called contrast.


12 C OLOUR Colour (or hue) is the light we see reflected off an object. Each colour has a specific wavelength and its full spectrum can be seen in a rainbow.


14 T EXTURE Texture is the look or feel of a surface. The illusion of texture can be created in art through drawing and painting.



17 R HYTHM Rhythm is the repetition of a visual element in a design that produces unity. Rhythm also can be used to create pattern.


19 M OVEMENT The illusion of movement can be achieved in art be using rhythm. Movement can also be implied by drawing objects of-balance.


21 B ALANCE Balance is a sense of equilibrium on art. Balance may be formal (symmetrical) or informal (asymmetrical).


23 P ROPORTION Proportion refers to the size of objects in relation to other objects. Proportion should be handled correctly in order to create a pleasing image.


25 V ARIETY Variety means difference. Variety helps add interest and excitement to your design


27 E MPASIS Emphasis is used by artists in order to get viewers to focus on a particular part of an image. A centre of interest is created by manipulating the different elements of a design or by adjusting the placement or size of objects.


29 U NITY Unity or harmony in a design means that all of its components work well together. This can be achieved in many ways (e.g. repetition, limited colour scheme).


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