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1 Wideband LNA for a Multistandard Wireless Receiver in 0.18μm CMOS 指導教授 : 林志明 學生 : 黃世一

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Presentation on theme: "1 Wideband LNA for a Multistandard Wireless Receiver in 0.18μm CMOS 指導教授 : 林志明 學生 : 黃世一"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Wideband LNA for a Multistandard Wireless Receiver in 0.18μm CMOS 指導教授 : 林志明 學生 : 黃世一

2 2 Outline Abstract Introduction Design of the LNA input stage Design of the LNA output stage Measure Performance and Discussion Conclusion References

3 3 Abstract A differential wideband LNA for a multistandard receiver The circuit topology is a two-stage amplifier with active feedback Bandwidth enhancement with inductive shunt-peaking

4 4 Introduction 1 The increasing number of wireless standards and multistandard transceivers increase. WCDMA, WLAN (802.11a,b,g, … ), HIPERLAN etc.

5 5 Introduction 2 The RF frontend for all these standards One RF frontend for each standard A wideband RF frontend A narrowband LNA with multiple passbands Tunable LNAs

6 6 Design of the LNA input stage Inductive shunt-peaking Reducing the Miller effect Optimizing the frequency behavior Current source Control the input impedance

7 7 The gain of the input stage is The input impedance is

8 8 Noise figure A theoretical expression for the noise figure of a single-ended version of our amplifier is

9 9 Design of the LNA output stage

10 10 Measure Performance and Discussion

11 11 S21

12 12 S11 and S22

13 13 NF

14 14 IIP3

15 15 1-dB compression point

16 16 Conclusion A wideband LNA The chosen circuit topology Measured and simulated results A gain of 13.1 dB with an almost 7 GHz 3-dB bandwidth Noise figure is low Input / out reflection coefficient

17 17 References S. Andersson, C. Svenson, O. Drugge, Wideband LNA for a Multistandard Wireless Receiver in 0.18μm CMOS, Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2003. ESSCIRC '03. Proceedings of the 29th European 16- 18 Sept. 2003 Page(s):655 - 658

18 18 Thank You For Your Attention

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