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Dyabola Archäologische Bibliographie Realkatalog (DAI) The presentation of search results Click = next Libraries.

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Presentation on theme: "Dyabola Archäologische Bibliographie Realkatalog (DAI) The presentation of search results Click = next Libraries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dyabola Archäologische Bibliographie Realkatalog (DAI) The presentation of search results Click = next Libraries

2 Dyabola: presentation of search results -In this demo we search the Archäologische Bibliographie (aktualisierte Version des Realkatalogs). The other databases in Dyabola work on the same principle. -This demo uses the English version.

3 The titles are in chronological order. The oldest titles are shown first 1964 1987 1978 The arrows take you to the next or the last page These are the search results of the query: silk

4 Or to the previous/first page Navigation shows the list of titles you have clicked Session Results contains the search history Click a title for more information

5 Subjects shows the subject tree of this title

6 Links shows the elements which may be used for further queries (author, etc)

7 Reviews gives titles of reviews of the selected title, but only for book titles

8 Click Parents to go to the journal title of an article Listing of all articles from that journal issue Listing of all issues of that journal

9 All issues of that journal

10 All articles from the issue selected

11 Summary Results list -Titles in chronological order, from oldest to most recent -Session Results takes you back to the list of search results -Navigation lists titles you have looked at Function of the tabs -Subject gives the subject trees -Links shows which elements can be searched (1 st author, 2 nd author, etc.) -Parents takes you to the journal which contains the article -Children takes you to other contributions in this journal issue

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