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Regional Coordinators Meeting September 28-30, 2009 Washington DC Data Quality Assessment Framework for the ICP and Checklist Nada Hamadeh Statistics Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Coordinators Meeting September 28-30, 2009 Washington DC Data Quality Assessment Framework for the ICP and Checklist Nada Hamadeh Statistics Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Coordinators Meeting September 28-30, 2009 Washington DC Data Quality Assessment Framework for the ICP and Checklist Nada Hamadeh Statistics Officer World Bank

2  Data Quality Assessment Framework (DQAF): ◦ Developed by the IMF ◦ Methodology for assessing data quality that brings together best practices and internationally accepted concepts and definitions in statistics ◦ Structure for assessing data quality by comparing country statistical practices with best practices 2

3  Six-part structure: ◦ Prerequisites of quality: review of the legal and institutional environment ◦ Integrity ◦ Methodological soundness ◦ Accuracy and reliability ◦ Serviceability ◦ Accessibility 3 Five dimensions of quality

4  Cascading structure: 4 1. Dimension of quality 1.1 Element 1 1.2 Element 2 1.1.1 Indicator 1 1.1.2 Indicator 2 1.1.3 Indicator 3

5  A framework for assessing the quality of ICP rounds.  This framework will constitute a structured tool to evaluate the quality of: 5 ICP processes in countries, regional offices, and Global Office ICP data, including input data (prices and expenditures) and output data (PPPs)

6  The DQAF was developed with specific data sets, typically compiled by a single institution in each economy, in mind.  In adapting the DQAF framework to the ICP, consideration was given to the complex data collection and statistical compilation arrangements that apply to the ICP. 6

7  The DQAF-ICP is divided into three parts:  Each part follows the DQAF cascading structure and covers it six dimensions. 7 Part B covers the activities of the Regional Coordinators Part A covers the activities of the Global Office Part C covers the activities of the National Coordinators

8  A set of questionnaires to help collect the information required to evaluate the ICP based on the DQAF-ICP framework.  Three questionnaires designed for Countries, Regional Coordinators, and the Global Office. 8

9  DQAF-ICP Country Checklist in draft format  Regional Coordinators’ comments and input required before finalizing it  Country Checklist requires translation into various languages  Two more questionnaires underway: ◦ DQAF-ICP Regional Coordinators Checklist ◦ DQAF-ICP Global Office Checklist 9

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