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Photo Clip Assessed Piece of Work Level What I need to do to improve my strand level Design ideas (Strand 2) Production plan (Strand 3) Practical work.

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Presentation on theme: "Photo Clip Assessed Piece of Work Level What I need to do to improve my strand level Design ideas (Strand 2) Production plan (Strand 3) Practical work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photo Clip Assessed Piece of Work Level What I need to do to improve my strand level Design ideas (Strand 2) Production plan (Strand 3) Practical work (Strand 4) Evaluation (Strand 5) Student Name:______________________________ Form:_______________ Tech group:____________ Date:_____________ Resistant Materials – Year 7

2 Photo Clip Literacy home Work Task: Select each word from the list below then writing in full sentences, fill in the table below: 1)Describe the word. (It will be either a tool, process or material). (2 marks for each description) 2)Give an example of the word being used in your project. ( 1 mark for each example given) One example has been done for you. WordDescriptionUse Solvent CementAn adhesive that is used to bond hard plastics together. It is a solvent and should be used in a well ventilated room. Applied with a brush, will dry in approximately 10mins. 1. (3) 2. (3) Acrylic Pillar drill Counter Sink File Abrasive paper Coping Saw Teacher comment: Name:____________________

3 Total out of 18 3. (3) 4. (3) 5. (3) 6. (3)

4 What to do? Fill the space below with a selection of shapes and patterns which will help you to produce some creative designs for your bud vase. Photo Clip Inspiration home Work Name:________________________________ _

5 How do I get a high level For designing  Create 4 different designs  Make your work is original  Blend your colouring  Make sure your drawings are bold  Use annotation to explain your design Photo Clip Design Ideas Class Work Closing the gap: Strand 2 N.C. level:

6 Part of strand 2 Design assessment  Modify one or combine two ideas  Sketch in 3D  Use 3D shading to add colour  Make sure your drawings are bold  Use annotation to show components Photo Clip Final Design Class Work Annotation!  Acrylic  Acrylic rod  Coping saw  File  Solvent cement  CNC Laser  Pillar drill Closing the gap:

7 Part of strand 2 Design assessment  Stick your model on this page  Stick on a picture of the model  Use annotation to explain your design Photo Clip Model Class Work Teacher comment:

8 Name :___________________ What do I do?  Find the full name for the plastic  Sketch a product made from that plastic.  Use colour Plastics home Work 1 PET 2 HDPE 3 PVC 6 PS 4 LDPE 5 PP Mark out of 12:

9 Product Analysis Class Work Ergonomics Function Safety The product and why it is made from plastic Teacher led – no assessment

10 Production Plan Home Work How to get a higher level.  Put the steps in the correct order  Quality sketch, colour + annotation  Detailed written description + tools  Safety with all hazardous tools  Problems you encountered Steps  Laser cut hole  Creative design  Cut out top and base  Finish edges of acrylic  Make a model of design  Cut rods to length  Assemble finished product Tools (cross them out as you use them) Steel Rule - Pencil - Scissors - Card Acrylic - Coping saw - Flat File Half round file - Needle file - vice - Wet and Dry paper - CNC Laser - solvent cement - Acrylic rod Closing the gap:Strand 3 Level: Name______________________

11 Peer Assessment Class Work Read what your peers have said and write your own improved target below : 1 What are the good points about this vase? And why? What parts need to be improved? Score: 1 2 3 4 5 2 What are the good points about this vase? And why? What parts need to be improved? Score: 1 2 3 4 5 3 What are the good points about this vase? And why? What parts need to be improved? Score: 1 2 3 4 5 4 What are the good points about this vase? And why? What parts need to be improved? Score: 1 2 3 4 5 Teacher led – no assessment

12 Evaluation Class Work Closing the gap: Strand 5 level:

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