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Using Clickers (Student Response Systems) in the Classroom Erik Byker Anne-Lise Halvorsen

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1 Using Clickers (Student Response Systems) in the Classroom Erik Byker Anne-Lise Halvorsen

2 Agenda 1) Introduction to Classroom Response Systems 1) Introduction to Classroom Response Systems 2) Discussion of their use in TE401 2) Discussion of their use in TE401 3) Modeling Clicker quizzes/surveys 3) Modeling Clicker quizzes/surveys 4) Troubleshooting Clickers 4) Troubleshooting Clickers 5) Questions 5) Questions

3 Introduction A Clicker is a small electronic device that enables the user to provide a response to a receiver normally attached to a A Clicker is a small electronic device that enables the user to provide a response to a receiver normally attached to a facilitator or teachers’ computer. facilitator or teachers’ computer. Why use a Clicker? Clickers provide classroom teachers with a device that will enable them to assess students in an immediate, private, and personalized manner. Questions can be pre- determined or created during a lesson. It can also be integrated with PowerPoint files that can be shared with other Clickers provide classroom teachers with a device that will enable them to assess students in an immediate, private, and personalized manner. Questions can be pre- determined or created during a lesson. It can also be integrated with PowerPoint files that can be shared with otherteachers.

4 Research on Clickers In How People Learn, Bransford et. al. state that classroom response systems and related pedagogy is one of the most promising innovations for transforming classrooms to be more learner/knowledge/assessment/ community centered. In How People Learn, Bransford et. al. state that classroom response systems and related pedagogy is one of the most promising innovations for transforming classrooms to be more learner/knowledge/assessment/ community centered. They are especially effective in lecture hall-sized groups. They are especially effective in lecture hall-sized groups. Researchers report that instructors use the response systems to Researchers report that instructors use the response systems to 1.enhance questioning and feedback; motivate and monitor the participation of ALL students foster discussion of important topics; and energize and activate students’ thinking. Source: Roschelle, Jeremy, William R. Penuel, and Louis Abrahamson, “Classroom response and communication systems: research review and theory,” presented at the 2004 Meeting fo the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA, 2004. Source: Roschelle, Jeremy, William R. Penuel, and Louis Abrahamson, “Classroom response and communication systems: research review and theory,” presented at the 2004 Meeting fo the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA, 2004.Classroom response and communication systems: research review and theoryClassroom response and communication systems: research review and theory

5 Clickers are an Effective Way of Gathering Data/Responses PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island -- Professor Ross Cheit put it to the students in his Ethics and Public Policy class at Brown University: Are you morally obliged to report cheating if you know about it? The room began to hum, but no one so much as raised a hand. PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island -- Professor Ross Cheit put it to the students in his Ethics and Public Policy class at Brown University: Are you morally obliged to report cheating if you know about it? The room began to hum, but no one so much as raised a hand. Still, within 90 seconds, Cheit had roughly 150 student responses displayed on an overhead screen, plotted as a multicolored bar graph -- 64 percent said yes, 35 percent, no. Still, within 90 seconds, Cheit had roughly 150 student responses displayed on an overhead screen, plotted as a multicolored bar graph -- 64 percent said yes, 35 percent, no. Source: “No Wrong Answers” Wired 14 May 2005 Source: “No Wrong Answers” Wired 14 May 2005

6 Research on Clickers in Education (Halvorsen, in preparation) 92.2% of students agreed/strongly agreed that the clickers were an effective instructional tool in TE 401. 92.2% of students agreed/strongly agreed that the clickers were an effective instructional tool in TE 401. 70.6% of students agreed/strongly agreed that the clickers helped them do more thinking in class. 70.6% of students agreed/strongly agreed that the clickers helped them do more thinking in class. 90.2% of students agreed/strongly agreed that the clickers helped them enjoy the class more. 90.2% of students agreed/strongly agreed that the clickers helped them enjoy the class more. 74.5% of students agreed/strongly agreed that the clickers helped them get a better understanding of subject matter, teaching, and learning of social studies. 74.5% of students agreed/strongly agreed that the clickers helped them get a better understanding of subject matter, teaching, and learning of social studies. 94.1% of students agreed/strongly agreed that if clickers are available in their school, they would use them in their social studies teaching. 94.1% of students agreed/strongly agreed that if clickers are available in their school, they would use them in their social studies teaching.

7 Uses in TE401 and Examples from our Classes Facilitate Class Discussion Facilitate Class Discussion Guide Lectures Guide Lectures Encourage Peer Instruction Encourage Peer Instruction Collect Data and Perform Baseline or Formative Assessment Collect Data and Perform Baseline or Formative Assessment

8 Clicker Concept Map – created by IHMC Cmap Source Source:

9 Clicker Quiz

10 My primary emotional state right now is A. Energized B. Tired C. Somewhere between energized and tired

11 I decided to attend this clicker workshop because: A. Wanted to find out what clickers are & how to use them B. I know what clickers are but wanted to find out more ways to use them C. Not really interested in clickers but I had nothing better to do D. Oops! I am in the wrong place! E. Other

12 [ What famous document begins: "When in the course of human events..."? A. The Preamble to the Constitution B. The Gettysburg Address C. The Declaration of Independence

13 What child name's plunge in U.S. popularity was attributed to a famous 1974 scandal? A. Richard’s B. Ted’s C. Gordon’s

14 Who's been Saturday Night Live's most frequent host? A. Alec Baldwin B. Bill Murray C. Steve Martin

15 Which of the points on the graph below best represents conditions along the Tropic of Cancer (23 degrees N latitude)? A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E

16 A rapidly growing city within a humid climate zone experiences a land use change from predominantly crop land to mostly urban/suburban. A likely natural response would be: A. Increased infiltration—reduced flooding B. Reduced infiltration—increased flooding C. Increased infiltration – increased flooding D. Reduced infiltration – reduced flooding Infiltration rate in soil science is a measure of the rate at which soil is able to absorb rainfall or irrigationsoil sciencerainfallirrigation

17 This clicker workshop was beneficial to my understanding of how to use clickers A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree

18 Clicker Questions Like the previous questions demonstrate, clickers allow the instructor to ask: Like the previous questions demonstrate, clickers allow the instructor to ask: True/False questionsTrue/False questions Multiple choice questionsMultiple choice questions Yes/No questionsYes/No questions Likert Scale surveyLikert Scale survey

19 Clicker Software To download clicker software go to the following website: To download clicker software go to the following website: ex.cfm ex.cfmSpecifics: Select PC full release if you are a PC user Select Mac full release if you are a Mac user Download will take at least 20 minutes From there a nice help tutorial will guide through how to set up your database

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