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Presentation on theme: "MATHEMATICS KEY STAGE ? 200? TEST A LEVELS 3-5 PAGE MARKS 5 7 9 11 13 15 TOTAL BORDERLINE CHECK 17 CALCULATOR NOT ALLOWED First Name Last Name School Mark."— Presentation transcript:

1 MATHEMATICS KEY STAGE ? 200? TEST A LEVELS 3-5 PAGE MARKS 5 7 9 11 13 15 TOTAL BORDERLINE CHECK 17 CALCULATOR NOT ALLOWED First Name Last Name School Mark Scheme Woodfield Middle School

2 45 + = 130 Write in the missing numbers. 135 - = 70 - 55 = 30 85 65 85 1 mark

3 Which of these numbers give 70 when rounded to the nearest 10? 64 76 73 66 80 1 mark 608070 80

4 Neil, Tony and Keith go to town by bus. How much more does Keith pay than Neil? 80p This is what they pay. NeilTonyKeith 85p£1.45£1.65 1 mark How much has Tony paid altogether for his two bus tickets? 1 mark Tony takes another bus from town to visit his auntie. He pays 90p on this bus. £2.35

5 Calculate 408 - 285 1 mark 408 – 285 123 3 1 Calculate 625 - 187 625 – 187 438 5 1 11 1

6 Kim and Nathan have 18 badges each. Nathan gives Kim 11 of them. 1 mark How many cards do they each have now? Kim Nathan Claire has 23 badges. Michael has four times as many as Claire. How many badges does Michael have? 1 mark 297 92

7 Calculate 2075 x 9 1 mark 2075 x 9 18675 1 6 4 Calculate 1208 x 6 1208 x 6 7248 1

8 Here are four digit cards. 2 marks 5 1 9 4 Choose two cards each time to make the following two-digit numbers. The first one is done for you. an odd number a multiple of 9 a square number a factor of 60 5 1 4 9 1 5 4 5 or 5 4

9 Sam has a set of cards numbered from 1 to 10. 1 mark He picks three different number cards. ? ? ? Exactly two of the three numbers are even. Exactly two of the three numbers are factors of 12. All three numbers add up to 17 Write what the numbers could be. 3 6 8 What other answers are possible?

10 Gemma and Thomas have 20 cards each. Thomas gives Gemma 12 of his cards. How many cards do Gemma and Thomas each have now? 32 1 mark Gemma Thomas 8 16 1 mark Mandy has 24 cards. She gives a third of them to Malcolm. How many cards does Mandy have now?

11 Three-quarters of a number is 24. 32 What is the number? 1 mark 36 1 mark Two-thirds of a number is 24. What is the number? 8 8 8 8 12

12 Here is a square. 1 mark What fraction of the square is shaded? 5 8

13 Draw lines to join the circle to two more number cards which make 120. 120 2 marks 70 + 50 40 + 90 65 + 55 330 - 210 210 - 110

14 9 x 60 = Write in the missing numbers. 5 x = 300 x 40 = 2000 540 60 50 1 mark

15 Circle all the multiples of 6 in this list of numbers. 30 34 26 54 45 1 mark Circle all the factors of 48 in this list of numbers. 22 16 14 12 18 1 mark 5 x 6 = 309 x 6 = 54 48 ÷ 3 = 1648 ÷ 4 = 12

16 Here is a repeating pattern of shapes. 11 1 mark Each shape is numbered. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The pattern continues in the same way. Write the numbers of the next two circles in the pattern. and 14 Complete this sentence. Shape number 60 will be a hexagon because… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… 1 mark The numbers in the hexagons are always multiples of three. Since 60 is a multiple of three this will also be in a hexagon.

17 Rearrange these number cards to make an odd number that is greater than 800 1 mark 7 4 9 9 4 7 Rearrange these number cards to make an odd number that is between 650 and 750 1 mark 1 6 8 6 8 1

18 Write in the missing digits. 1 mark += += += 3 3 6 1 9 7 1 6 6 2 7 9 0 5 3 5 2 7 6 0 5 5 8 2 9 8 4

19 Calculate 326 x 30 1 mark Calculate 309 x 20 326 x 3 978 1 so 326 x 30 = 9780 so 309 x 20 = 6180 Double 309 = 618

20 Tick ( ) two cards that give a total of 6 1 mark 3 3 4 1 1 4 3 1 4 4 2 4 1 2 4 3 1 2

21 Calculate 704 ÷ 22 1 mark 704 - (10 x 22) 220 484 - 6 1 (10 x 22) 220 264 - (10 x 22) 220 44 - (2 x 22) 44 0 so 704 ÷ 22 = 32

22 Calculate 340 ÷ 17 1 mark 340 - (10 x 17) 170 170 - 2 1 (10 x 17) 170 0 so 340 ÷ 17 = 20

23 3 x = 120 Write in the missing numbers. 204 - = 78 + 95 = 300 40 126 205 1 mark

24 Use each number card only once to make the answer to each calculation an even number. 1 mark 6 4 5 12 x 12 ÷ 12 + 5 = 60 6 = 2 4 = 16

25 Here is a rectangle with 19 identical shaded squares inside it. 1 mark 19 40 What fraction of the rectangle is shaded? What is his test score as a fraction? Joe gets 16 questions out of 33 wrong in a spelling test? 1 mark 17 33

26 Here is a sorting diagram for numbers. Write the numbers below in the correct spaces. 2 marks oddnot odd not a square number a square number 49 5063 36 49506336 1 mark

27 Write in the missing numbers in this multiplication grid. 2 marks x 4 5 45 55 27 110 911 20 31233 109040

28 Sandra loves reading books. She always reads four fiction books for every two non-fiction books. Last month she read 12 fiction books. How many books did she read altogether? 2 marks Show your working. You may get a mark. Instead of 4 fiction books she reads 12 (3x4) Instead of reading 2 non-fiction books she will read 6 (3x2) Altogether she will therefore read 12 + 6 = 18 books 18 books

29 Audrey says, 1 mark “I added three odd numbers and my answer was 94.” Explain why Julie cannot be correct. ………………………………………… ………………………………………… When any three odd numbers are added together the answer must always be odd. Since 94 is an even number it can not possibly be correct!

30 Mr. Bird buys paving slabs for his pond. £24.60 2 marks Square slabs Rectangular slabs £1.65 £3 50cm by 50cm 50cm by 100cm Pond He buys 6 rectangular and 4 square slabs. What is the total cost of the slabs he buys? Show your working. You may get a mark. 6 rectangular slabs = 6 x £3 = £18 4 square slabs = 4 x £1.65 = £6.60 Total cost = £18 + £6.60 = Would it be cheaper to only use square slabs for the border? 1 mark ……………………………………. No, 16 square slabs would cost 16 x £1.65 = £26.40

31 A shop sells 3 types of hats. 1 mark £2.74 £3.98 £3.99 £6.72 What is the difference in price between the most expensive and least expensive hats? Brian buys a baseball hat and two of the hats with a feather on. 1 mark How much change does he get from £20? Show your working. You may get a mark. 6.72 + 3.98 £14.68 1 2 1 1 20.00- 14.68 £ 5.32 1 1 1 9 £5.32 £6.72 - £3.98

32 Calculate 800 ÷ ( 25 x 8 ) 4 1 mark 300 Calculate 500 - ( 40 x 5 ) 1 mark

33 John thinks of a number. Since he ends up with the number he started with, multiplying his number by 5 must have the same effect as adding 40 on to it. This only works if the number he starts with is 9. 9 x 5 = 45 and 45-40 =5 again! 2 marks He multiplies the number by 5 and then subtracts 40 from the result. His answer equals the number he started with. What was the number John started with? Show your working. You may get a mark. 9

34 A sequence starts at 400 and 60 is subtracted each time. -20 2 marks 400 340 280… The sequence continues in the same way. Write the first two numbers in the sequence which are less than zero. -80

35 10 pupils are going on a school trip. The 5 at the end of £85 can only be made by multiplying £7 since any number of £10 will leave 0 at the end. 5 lots of £7 = £35 plus 5 lots of £10 = £50 £35+£50 =£85 2 marks It costs £10 including lunch. Some children take their own packet lunch. They pay only £7. The 10 pupils pay a total of £85 How many children are taking their own packet lunch? Show your working. You may get a mark. 5

36 Each of these bags contains £1.80 Complete this table to show how many coins are in each bag. 1 mark Each bag contains only one type of coin. 1p coins 10p coins 20p coins One has been done for you. Type of coinNumber of coins 1p 10p 20p 180 18 9

37 Which is larger, or ? 35 58 5 8 1 mark Explain how you know. 3 5 = 24 40 5 8 = 25 40 and 3 5 5 8 24 25

38 These are the prices of sandwiches, drinks and fruit. Sandwiches Drinks Fruit £1.98 cheese £1.25 milk 46p apple 18p tuna £1.80 cola 55p pear 25p salad £1.30 juice 60p melon 24p Maureen buys a cheese sandwich, cola and an apple. How much does she pay? 1 mark milkmelon and 1 mark Betty has 70p to spend on a fruit and a drink. What two things can she buy for exactly 70p? ……………

39 Ellis has 56 plants. He plants 4 plants in each of his pots. How many pots does he need? 14 1 mark pots How many plants did she start with? 1 mark Audrey puts 5 plants in each of her pots. She uses 7 pots and has 2 plants left over. 37 56 ÷ 4 5 x 7 + 2

40 2 marks Aimee bought some bags of green apples and some bags of red apples. She spent £4.10 How many bags of each type of apple did she buy? 4 Red apples 45p for 4 Green apples 80p for 10 1 bag of each costs £1.25 Show your working. You may get a mark. 2 bags of red apples bags of green apples 2 bags of each costs £2.50 which is £1.60 short £1.60 = 2 bags of green apples

41 BLANK PAGE End of test


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