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Advertising Campaign South East Tire By: Brendon Mattson.

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1 Advertising Campaign South East Tire By: Brendon Mattson

2 Fargo, North Dakota 1300 13 th Ave E, West Fargo, 58078,

3 South East Tire, West Fargo  Developed recently in West Fargo  Built to meet customers demands of tires  Everyone needs tires if they own anything with wheels  It’s just a matter of time before they’re bald & you need new tread

4 Mission and Vision  The shop will install any type of tires from wagon tires to tractor tires  If there’s a demand we will meet it  Every persons needs are different and we will strive to meet them all  Customer satisfaction is our #1 priority

5 Main Advertisement/ Billboard South East Tire South East Tire Because So Much Is Riding On Your Tires Exit 70 701-555-TIRE 1300 13 th Ave E West Fargo ND 58078 Free Mounting And Balancing With Purchase Of 4 New Tires

6 Budget  My budget for advertising is $10,000 dollars, not really any more  It is going to cost $2,5oo per month for the interstate billboard so we will run that for 3 months in September, October, November  The rest of the budget will go towards the TV advertisement  It is important to get the word out about our business around the local area so people come to us instead of other places

7 Business Objectives  Every fall we will advertise and promote our business so people who replace tires before the winter will come to us so we can reach our 25% sales increase each fall over the summer months  We want to create awareness of our business and how important it is to have good tires and properly inflated tires during the winter months by billboards along interstate and TV advertisements in the local news station

8 Target Market  Primary target market will be travelers that are on interstate that see the billboard  Secondary target market will be the people watching the local channel and see the business advertisement

9 Good Year Informing customers and choosing the right tire for them will build our reputation of our knowledge and expertise in different tires different uses: all terrain, mudding tires, highway use

10 Delivering the correct tire  Delivering the right tire to the right customer is very important  As they are the ones spreading the positive and negative word about your business  People are more likely to spread bad experiences than positive so having every customer leaving happy because of our customer service is very important to us and to our reputation  There are so many different tires and different intended uses for them so know what the customer is looking for is

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