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Latest Results on HXRSS at LCLS Franz-Josef Decker 4-Feb-2013 1.Seeding with 004, 220 and over-compression 2.Tuned beam with slotted foil cutting horns.

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Presentation on theme: "Latest Results on HXRSS at LCLS Franz-Josef Decker 4-Feb-2013 1.Seeding with 004, 220 and over-compression 2.Tuned beam with slotted foil cutting horns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latest Results on HXRSS at LCLS Franz-Josef Decker 4-Feb-2013 1.Seeding with 004, 220 and over-compression 2.Tuned beam with slotted foil cutting horns 3.Energy spread  energy jitter  undulator acceptance 4.Up to 300,000 counts on FEE spectrometer (0.7 mJ) with multiple spikes

2 2 Hard X-Ray Self-Seeding at LCLS (HXRSS) Insert Presentation Title in Slide Master Bragg 004 Laue 220

3 3 Different Mode of Operation Latest Results on HXRSS at LCLS 1.Blue: “Background” SASE with delay, crystal out 2.Red: Seeded 220 (tuned) 3.Green: Seeded 004 4.Magenta: Seeded 220 over-compressed (less SASE?) Typical: 220: 0.8 eV 004: 0.5 eV 220 o-c: 2.0 eV SASE: 20.0 eV (Spectrometer cuts to 11.0 eV)

4 4 To avoid tuning up on the horns: Cut them with Slotted Foil Latest Results on HXRSS at LCLS Foil out Foil in (tuned) 100 shots SASE 1 shot Additional peak

5 5 Gas detector: FEL intensity vs time Slotted foil: out and in 0.2 to 0.70 mJ 0.0 to 0.4 mJ Latest Results on HXRSS at LCLS (SASE) or multiple spikes ?

6 6 Correlation Plot Data with Spectrometer Profile (Foil in) Peak (= area/sigma*2.5) vs x (= photon energy) Peak vs x (= e-beam energy) Seeding with Slotted Foil in

7 7 Three Different Energy “Widths” DL2 wire scan: 0.040% DL2 energy jitter: 0.036% Undulator acceptance: 0.032% all about the same Need to reduce E-jitter or increase acceptance (0.22-0.042% ?) Insert Presentation Title in Slide Master 0.040% Warning: “smoothed” data

8 8 Gain: Seeded / SASE: 3.4 / 2 / 0.7 = 2.4 (0.7 FEE spectrometer throughput) Latest Results on HXRSS at LCLS Seeding vs. SASE with Si(111) in XCS ( Aymeric Robert) Seeded up to 1mJ, 11-Jul-2012

9 9 Summary Seeding with 004, 220, and over-compressed beam Cutting horns with BC2 slotted foil, Up to 300,000 counts peak on spectrometer single shots Up to 140,000 counts average (100 shots) Multiple spikes might be cause for elevated gas detector Energy spread, energy jitter, undulator acceptance: 0.035% Laser heater is necessary (or: <10% FEL intensity) Latest Results on HXRSS at LCLS

10 10 Backup Slides Insert Presentation Title in Slide Master Six double pulses in a row, what causes the shifts?

11 11 Spectrometer peak show different picture Gaussian peak of fit: Foil out: 130,000 counts Foil in: 170,000 counts Seeding with Slotted Foil in

12 12 SASE plus start of seeding Latest Results on HXRSS at LCLS Seeded light is about one sigma off in x (y here) There is generally some offset with SASE lines too, looking at the lower half and trying to guess the upper part is flawed Seeded

13 13 BSA Jitter Data, and more Gas detector (FEL intensity) versus DL2 e-beam energy starts to show elevated middle Spectrum Energy FWHM versus BC2 peak current Seeding with Slotted Foil in

14 a)“User” energy: here spectrometer: 8.45 keV b)Beam energy to read 8.45 keV (and SASE in screen, full power not documented) c)Crystal Bragg angle scan Peak at 55.113º or 55.15º, where to tune up? Optimize horns or center of longitudinal distribution? 14 Latest Results on HXRSS at LCLS Getting Three Energies Right

15 15 Some Tuning of Spectrum Peak Peak on L1S phase Peak (+FWHM) on beam energy Seeding with Slotted Foil in Beam Energy 

16 16 Where to start tuning? Bragg angle at 55.113 deg (horn?) 55.150 deg (E more centered) Latest Results on HXRSS at LCLS DL2 energy 

17 17 To avoid tuning up on the horns: Cut them Slotted foil in to widest place (-10500 um) Latest Results on HXRSS at LCLS

18 18 Procedures: RF kicks measurements “Amount of RF Seeding with Slotted Foil in Foil out Foil in 1 shot 100 shots SASE

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