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DeLilah Collins Office of Federal Programs Administration E-rate/ConnectEd.

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Presentation on theme: "DeLilah Collins Office of Federal Programs Administration E-rate/ConnectEd."— Presentation transcript:

1 DeLilah Collins Office of Federal Programs Administration E-rate/ConnectEd

2 ConnectEd Initiative  Designed to enrich K-12 education for every student in America.  Within 5 years, connect 99% of America’s students to next- generation broadband and high speed wireless in their schools and libraries  Invest in improving the skills of teachers  Encouraging private-sector innovation

3 Upgrading Connectivity  President Obama instructed the Federal Communications Commission to infuse an additional $2 billion into the E-rate program.  In addition, the FCC began steps to modernize the E-rate program to ensure that every school will have the ability to obtain support for high speed broadband connectivity.

4 Private Sector Contributions  Private sector companies are also investing in this initiative and have contributed over $2 billion in tools and services. Private Sector Contributors Adobe*Apple AT&TAutodesk ESRIMicrosoft PreziSprint VerizonedX O’Reilly MediaCoursera

5 AT&T AT&T will provide:  4G mobile broadband data services for student access to learning- based websites, applications, and services;  Mobile device management to support tracking and usage of devices;  Security software to protect access, safety and security of students;  Solution integration for schools, to support device configuration, logistics and care services, and  Training for teachers and administrators on effective ways to integrate this solution into classrooms and learning.  Next phase: Spring 2015, deadline TBD

6 Microsoft  This program includes a range of discounted partner and Microsoft devices built with Windows 8.1 Pro;  Office 365 Education for free  Teacher training and resources through the Microsoft Educator Network  Ad-free search with Bing in the Classroom  Microsoft’s nonprofit partner EveryoneOn is offering home internet service as low as $10.  Student training and resources for fundamental technology skills through Microsoft IT Academy for up to 2,000 high-needs academic institutions and their educators, students, and staff with digital curriculum and certification. windows-devices-for-us-schools/default.aspx#fbid=Q0YR2eo4Qr-

7 Sprint Sprint has committed to provide high-speed wireless broadband service for up to 50,000 students at schools across the country starting in August 2014 and over the next four years.  Approved schools or districts will receive 4 years of free Sprint high-speed wireless broadband service with a 3GB monthly data limit for each student activation CID=vanity:connected

8 Verizon In partnership with the International Society for Technology Education (ISTE) and Johns Hopkins University, the Verizon Foundation is launching the Verizon Mobile Learning Academy – a virtual, moderated professional development course offered to teams of educators for free. Course modules are designed to help teachers, administrators and tech coaches implement effective mobile learning initiatives in their schools and classrooms.International Society for Technology Education academy?CMP=DMC-SMB_Z_ZZ_ZZ_Z_ZZ_N_X00037

9 Free Software Adobe – Photoshop, Presenter, Captive, EchoSign Autodesk - Autodesk design software (Autodesk Education Master Suite and Autodesk Entertainment Suite Ultimate) ESRI - Access to ArcGIS Online Organization accounts Prezi - Edu Pro licenses for high schools and all educators across America

10 Free Professional Development  Coursera - Offering free Verified Certificates for district- approved professional development courses to all U.S. teachers.  EdX - has committed to provide more than a dozen free online teacher professional development courses from leading universities like Rice, Teachers College, Columbia University, and UT Austin.  O’Reilly Media - Through a partnership with Safari Books Online, O’Reilly Media has committed to over $100 million of e-books and videos.

11 E-rate Modernization

12  First order adopted July 11, 2014,  Most of the program changes were outlined in the first order.  Included a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking which led to the adoption of the Second Report and Order which was adopted on December 11, 2014.

13 Program Changes  FCC adopted three goals:  (1) ensuring affordable access to high-speed broadband sufficient to support digital learning in schools and robust connectivity for all libraries;  (2) maximizing the cost-effectiveness of spending for E-rate supported purchases; and  (3) making the E-rate application process and other E-rate processes fast, simple, and efficient

14 Funding Changes  Funding Cap Increased  Previous cap at 2.25 billion, indexing for inflation  New cap 3.9 billion, indexing for inflation  Roll over  No Priority 2 since 2013  2 billion in rollover funds available, to be distributed over the 2015 and 2016 funding years

15 Program Changes Priorities to Categories  Terminology changed from Priorities to Categories  This change eliminates any emphasis on specific types of services  Eligible Services

16 Program Changes Category 2 budget  ALL schools will receive a budget for Category 2 eligible services.  School budgets are $150 per student PRE-DISCOUNT based on the count of full time and part time students at that school with a floor of $9,200.  Library budgets are $2.30 - $5.00* PRE-DISCOUNT times the square footage of the library (inside the four walls) with a floor of $9,200.  Non-instructional facilities (NIFs) – including school NIFs with classrooms and administrative buildings – do not have Category Two budgets Libraries in urbanized areas within principal cities with a population over 100,000 and in areas outside of a principal city, but within an urbanized area with a population over 250,000. These libraries have a local code of 11, 12, and 21 assigned by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).

17 Program Changes Phasing Down Support  All voice services are reduced by 20 percentage points beginning FY2015. This includes all costs incurred for the provision of telephone service and circuit capacity dedicated to providing voice services including:  Local phone service, long distance service, plain old telephone services, radio loop, 800 service, satellite telephone, shared telephone service, Centrex, wireless telephone service such as cellular, and interconnected VoIP

18 Program Changes Services and components no longer eligible for support Effective FY 2015

19 Program Changes Data plans and air cards for mobile devices are eligible only in instances when the school or library seeking support demonstrates that the individual data plans are the most cost- effective option for providing internal broadband access for mobile devices as required in the E-rate Modernization Order. Off-campus use, even if used for an educational purpose, is ineligible for support and must be cost allocated out of any funding request.

20 Program Changes Categories of Service:  Category 1 – Voice and Internet  Category 2 – Internal Connections and Managed Broadband  Available once every five years  BMIC – Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections

21 Program Changes Managed Internal Broadband  Services provided by a third party for the operation, management, and monitoring of eligible broadband internal connections components are eligible managed internal broadband services (e.g., managed Wi-Fi).

22 Program Changes Simplified Application Process  Multiyear contracts five years or less  To the extent applicable, any changes in the requested services must be within the scope of the original FCC form 470 and multi-year contract.

23 Program Changes Business Class Internet No FCC Form 470 posting is required if the applicant can secure services that:  Has bandwidth speeds of at least 100 Mbps downstream and 10 Mbps upstream;  Pre-discount price of $3600 or less annually, including one- time installation charges and  Service and price are commercially available.

24 Program Changes Legally Binding Agreement  Existence of a written offer from service provider containing all the material terms and conditions and a written acceptance of that offer can be evidence of the existence of a legally binding agreement.  Email offer and acceptance

25 Program Changes Discount Principals  Discounts are calculated for the organization as a whole.  Discount rates do not change based on which entities within a district/system are receiving service.  Libraries derive their discount from the NSLP eligibility of the district in which the main outlet is located.  Rural status is determined at the district/system level and only if more than 50% of schools or libraries are rural.

26 Program Changes BEAR payments to applicants  Beginning in FY 2016, applicants that pay the full cost of the E-rate supported services to a service provider will be able to receive direct reimbursement from USAC.

27 Program Changes State Matching  Applicants discount can be increased up to an addition 10 percent in order to match state funding the applicant receives on a one-dollar-to-one-dollar basis  An applicant with a 90% discount rate would receive its 90% discount on the E-rate eligible construction and if the state provided an additional contribution to the project (such as 5% of the total cost of the project) the Fund will match the states contribution (here, an additional 5% of the total project cost). Between the state contribution of 5% and the additional 5% E-rate discount, the 10% non-discounted share of the costs would be covered.

28 Program Changes New Forms  Form 471 revamped  Push for a new portal system  All forms must be filed online  USAC is working on the new online system for next year.  SECA will work with USAC this month to update and fix any issues.

29 2015 Funding Requests  Category 1 demand for FY 2015 is estimated at $2.25 billion, down from FY 2014’s comparable Priority 1 demand of $2.63 billion. The decline reflects the ineligibility of webhosting, certain telephone service components and most cellular data services, as well as the 20% phase- out of discounts on voice services. Although details are not yet available, the demand for broadband Telecommunications and Internet services presumably rose.  Category 2 demand for FY 2015 is estimated at $1.67 billion, down from FY 2014’s comparable Priority 2 demand of $2.19 billion. The decline in Internal Connections requests may be attributed to the narrow eligibility focus on broadband equipment, the five-year Category 2 budget cap, and, possibly, some applicant hesitation in applying for Category 2 funding.

30 Future Ready

31 The Alliance for Excellent Education and the U.S. Department of Education are leading an effort to maximize digital learning opportunities and help school districts move quickly toward preparing students for success in college, a career, and citizenship.  District leaders from across the country took the Future Ready District Pledge indicating their commitment to develop the human and technological capacity needed to personalize learning using digital tools.

32 Future Ready The goal of this effort is to help each district team come together to discuss their vision for student learning and begin making plans for using technology effectively - ensuring the following Future READY components are evident in all schools, to benefit every student.  Denver Regional Summit: June 11th and 12th, 2015 For more information about this movement visit

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