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Introduction to Operation: Military Kids and OMK Implementation Framework.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Operation: Military Kids and OMK Implementation Framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Operation: Military Kids and OMK Implementation Framework

2 OMK GOAL: Support the military children and youth who have been or are being affected by deployment where they live Goal of Operation: Military Kids

3 Objectives of Operation: Military Kids Raise community awareness of issues faced by military kids Build community capacity to deliver state & local outreach services Implement outreach support services Educate people and organizations using RSG! materials, on the effects of military deployments and how they can support OMK

4 What is Building Community Capacity?

5 Definition of Building Community Capacity? Community capacity is the interaction of human capital, organizational resources, and social capital existing within a given community that can be leveraged to solve collective problems and improve or maintain the well-being of that community. It may operate through informal social processes and/or organized efforts by individuals, organizations, and social networks that exist among them, and between them and the larger systems of which the community is a part.

6 4-H/Army YDP (YDP) is a collaborative effort between the 4-H National Headquarters and U.S. Army Child, Youth & School Services to provide predictable, consistent youth programs and introduce new youth to 4-H programs on Army installations worldwide. This partnership brings together USDA’s expertise in youth development with the Army’s goal to become the Nation’s model for Youth Programs. What 4-H Youth Development and Technology Extension Specialists from land grant universities are assigned to the Army to provide training and technical assistance to installation Child, Youth & School Staff. Additionally, Army Child, Youth & School staff work directly with local 4-H County Personnel and State 4-H Military Liaisons who coordinate support for military youth on a state wide basis. Who Nationally recognized effective youth organization Source of youth development professionals Compatible positive youth development strategy Outreach delivery complements Army facility based programs Strong national infrastructure and international capability Research based materials support Army youth framework Links to local communities and off-post youth opportunities Why 4-H/Army Youth Development Project

7 Oversight Responsibilities for Operation: Military Kids (OMK) Secure Funding for OMK Grants Develop OMK State Request for Proposals Approve State OMK Proposals 4-H/Army Youth Development Project

8 OMK Management Team Military OMK Oversight Army CYS Services -Nancy Campbell 4-H/AYDP - Darrin Allen - Jim Deidrick FMWRC Technology Support Mark Otto Kansas State OMK State Grants Marlene Glasscock 4-H Military Partnership Coordinator 4-H National HQ Eddy Mentzer OMK Management Team Washington State University OMK Implementation Kevin Wright Child, Adolescent, & Family Behavioral Health Proponency OMK Implementation Mona Johnson

9 County/State 4-H Extension Professionals Joint Family Support Assistance Program Representative Community Volunteer Partners Youth Regional & Local Boys & Girls Club Professionals School Personnel National Guard and Reserve Component Staff Military Installation CYS Staff OMK State Team* *4-H State Military Liaisons or OMK Project Directors serve as OMK State Team Leaders OMK State Team The American Legion Representative

10 Community Volunteer Partners Businesses Local Military Components Faith Based Organizations Private Organizations Youth Serving Agencies/Organizations Civic Groups Veterans Organizations Individual Volunteers OMK Community Volunteer Partners

11 OMK State Team Roles and Responsibilities: Create a diverse and Highly Functioning State Team Establish Local Community Support Networks Provide OMK Ready, Set, Go! to State OMK Partners Coordinate delivery of “Speak Out for Military Kids” OMK Speakers Bureau Implement Hero Pack Project OMK State Team

12 Deliver youth outreach service programs through Partner Organizations Operation Boots On and Boots Off experiences for youth, Babysitter Training, etc. Facilitate Partner use of the OMK Mobile Technology Lab Submit monthly OMK and year-end accomplishment reports to OMK Management Team

13 OMK State Teams OMK Management Team 4-H/Army Youth Development Project OMK Management Framework

14 OMK State Teams OMK State Wide Support Network OMK Local Community Support Network OMK Local Community Support Network OMK Local Community Support Network OMK Local Community Support Network

15 OMK Local Community Support Network Schools Veterans Organizations Local Military Components Faith Based Organizations Private Organizations 4-H Civic Groups Others? Youth Serving Agencies/Organizations Local Businesses OMK Local Community Support Network Boys & Girls Clubs State CCR&R

16 4-H Professional Family Readiness Group Leader School Guidance Counselor American Legion Auxiliary Representative OMK is most successful when multiple organizations come together to provide support to military children and youth in a local community. OMK Local Community Support Network

17 Joint Family Support Assistance Program (JFSAP) Army OneSource (AOS) Congressionally Mandated Initiative Mission of JFSAP is to provide mobile, high quality Family services to augment current family programs Primary focus of support will be Military Families who are geographically dispersed from a military installation Army Mandated Initiative Army Community Service (ACS) and Child, Youth & School Service (CYS) Programs are major players Mission of AOS is to provide high touch, high tech baseline programs and services to Army Families where they live Primary focus of support will be Army Families who are geographically dispersed from a military installation Supporting Military Youth Through Deployment Army is the executive agent for OMK Operation: Military Kids

18 OMK State Teams OMK Management Team 4-H/Army Youth Development Project OMK Implementation Framework OMK Local Community Support Network

19 OMK Management Team sets direction and provides financial and program resources to support OMK OMK Partnership Advisory Group members define roles, responsibilities, and capabilities of their organizations to collaborate in support of OMK at National, Regional, State, and Local levels State 4-H Military Liaisons or OMK Project Directors serve as OMK State Team Leaders & facilitate the development of High Functioning OMK State Teams OMK Keys to Implementation

20 State Teams include representatives from all OMK core partners and other state partners. State Teams organize Local Community Support Networks throughout the state. Local Community Support Networks deliver OMK services in impacted communities. Ongoing communication among OMK Management Team, Partnership Advisory Group, and OMK State Teams is Critical to successful Local Community Support Networks! OMK Keys to Implementation

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