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Virginia Operation: Military Kids Virginia Operation: Military Kids Presenter: Terry Patterson Southern Virginia OMK Region Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "Virginia Operation: Military Kids Virginia Operation: Military Kids Presenter: Terry Patterson Southern Virginia OMK Region Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 Virginia Operation: Military Kids Virginia Operation: Military Kids Presenter: Terry Patterson Southern Virginia OMK Region Chair

2 Training Agenda Mini Ready, Set, Go! Training: Part I. – National OMK Overview Part II. - Virginia OMK Overview

3 Welcome/Introductions Who am I?

4 Develop a clear understanding of what OMK is and how it operates Understand ways that ALA can partner with OMK Anticipated Outcomes

5 Operation: Military Kids is the U.S. Army's collaborative effort with America's communities to support children and youth impacted by deployment. It is a joint effort between 4-H National Headquarters and the U.S. Army Child, Youth & School Services. OMK National Goal is to Support Military children and youth where they live when impacted by deployment

6 National Partners United States Army Child, Youth & School Services (CYSS) American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary National Network of Child Care Resources and Referral (NACCRRA) Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) Boys and Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) 4-H


8 NATIONAL OMK OBJECTIVES Raise community understanding about how the deployment of a family member affects military children and youth through awareness building and educational trainings Build community capacity & create Local Support Networks Implement Educational Programs through Local Support Networks

9 Why OMK ? A New Reality: Impact of Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO)

10 Pre-deployment Mobilization Post-deployment (Reintegration) Deployment Cycle

11 The Emotional Cycle of Deployment

12 Identified Issues for Children & Youth in Military Families Geographically dispersed Families and lack of connection with other Youth and Families in similar situation Child separation/anxiety issues regarding safety of deployed Parent Deployed Parent absent for significant events Less parental involvement from Parent at home Limited opportunities for Youth to attend extracurricular activities Teens having increased care of home and younger siblings Behavioral changes, peer pressure, lower self-esteem Need to live with extended Family Changes in financial resources Communication with deployed Parent

13 OMK Core Elements Ready, Set, Go! Trainings (RSG!) Speak Out for Military Kids (SOMK) Mobile Technology Hero Pack Project Labs (MTL)

14 Ready, Set, Go! Manual and Training Community trainings designed to increase non-military youth workers, educators, counselors and other community members understanding of: The unique issues facing military youth; Military culture; The deployment cycle; Fostering resilience in youth and to engage them in building State and Local community networks to provide support for military children and youth.

15 Speak Out For Military Kids SOMK OMK’s youth-driven community outreach program. Through participation in SOMK, military and non-military youth help generate community awareness of issues faced by military youth when a parent is in the deployment cycle. SOMK Initiatives: Youth Speakers’ Bureau Public Service Announcements developed by SOMK participants Video productions of “suddenly” military youth telling their stories Interactive Theater productions

16 Hero Packs Hero Packs are a tangible expression of support for military Families from their communities – especially young people and OMK Partners

17 Non-military youth and local community organizations Hero Packs and write letters of support/thanks to the youth to include in the backpack Local organizations donate youth items to supplement materials provided by national OMK partners Hero Packs are distributed to military youth impacted by deployment Hero Pack Implementation

18 Mobile Technology Labs A mobile, internet-ready computer lab for use in a variety of settings. The lab provides access to technology for military youth to communicate with deployed loved ones, learn about technology, enhance educational experiences, or make videos/pictures, etc. to send deployed loved ones.

19 Additional OMK Program Resources Yellow Ribbon Curriculum Operation: Boots On Curriculum Operation: Boots Off Curriculum Discover the Fun – A Day Camp Resource Experience OMK Up For the Challenge – Fitness Curriculum

20 OMK Structure OMK National Team Region 1Region 2Region 3 Virginia OMK State Team

21 OMK State Team Roles and Responsibilities Create a diverse and Highly Functioning State Team Establish Local Community Support Networks Provide Support for Core Components of OMK Program Provide content for State’s National OMK website Facilitate Partner use of the OMK Mobile Technology Lab Submit monthly and year-end reports to National OMK State Team



24 Community Volunteer Partners Businesses Local Military Components Faith Based Organizations Private Organizations Youth Serving Agencies/Organizations Civic Groups Veterans Organizations Individual Volunteers OMK Community Volunteer Partners

25 QUESTIONS? Contact: Southern Virginia OMK Co-Chair Terry Patterson Virginia State Project Director Megan Baker

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