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I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Copyright Notice Copyright Merri Beth Lavagnino, Marsha Waren, and Rick Jackson, 2003. This work is the.

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1 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Copyright Notice Copyright Merri Beth Lavagnino, Marsha Waren, and Rick Jackson, 2003. This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the authors. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

2 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Canning SPAM at Indiana University: What’s Possible & What’s Not Merri Beth Lavagnino, Deputy IT Policy Officer Marsha Waren, Senior Communications Specialist Rick Jackson, Manager, Messaging

3 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Outline of Presentation Merri Beth: Overview of the problem and the legal issues to be considered Marsha: Educational campaign Rick: Technical options

4 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T What Was the Problem? Number of “Unsolicited Commercial Email” reports to IT Incident Response

5 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Who Needed to Be Involved? Information Technology Policy Office: handles Incident Response Messaging Team: manages the email systems Support Center: provides user support, for example, on how to set your filters in email Departmental Services: provides support to computer professionals in departments Communications and Planning Office: coordinates user and public communications about information technology University Counsel: legal counsel for the university

6 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Education Project To engage our users in protecting their IU email addresses FTC found that: –100% of email addresses posted in CHAT ROOMS received spam –86% posted at NEWSGROUPS or on WEB PAGES –50% at free WEB PAGE SERVICES –27% from MESSAGE BOARD postings –9% from EMAIL SERVICE DIRECTORIES

7 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Technical Project Our goal a year ago: –To assist our users in dealing with spam when they do receive it, by providing an opt-in filtering service Our goal today: –To keep our email systems running!

8 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Legal Issues to Consider First Amendment –Does NOT apply to fraudulent emails, deceptive advertising, illegal activities To burden free speech, must show compelling governmental interest –Degradation of service, inability to deliver email in a timely manner, etc. Take all possible actions to avoid the necessity of burdening free speech and to remove the constraints as soon as possible

9 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Legal Summary To the maximum extent possible, keep control of communications in the hands of the individual users If central action taken: –Document the problem –Actions narrowly tailored to fit the problem –Apply to fraudulent communications only

10 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Educating Users Initiated University-wide Spam Communications Campaign Technology organization (UITS) to serve as model. Advance compliance requests to: –UITS staff –IU webmasters –Departmental technology support providers

11 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Updated our Knowledge Base (KB) about spam – "What is spam e-mail?" –"What does Indiana University do about spam" –"What is e-mail fraud, and what should I do about it?" –"What can I do to avoid spam e-mail?” –"What should I do when I get spam e-mail?" Educating Users

12 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Educating Users Pervasiveness of e-mail address harvesting Created new KB articles: –Protecting Web pages from harvesting With email form template –Protecting newsgroup & chat postings –The risks of autoresponse (“vacation”) email

13 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Educating Users Included info in educational materials Published two-part article in faculty/staff newspaper Announced in technology newsletters on both core campuses (40,000 recipients) Presented at committee meetings, Infoshares, departments, etc. Developed spam brochure

14 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Educating Users Incident Response modified communications with users: –New email autoreply to address spam complaints –New boilerplate message to inform users with spam problems how to protect themselves and where to get help

15 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Educating Users Teaching users how to protect themselves was very effective in reducing the number of complaints about spam.

16 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Technical Options Definition Environment Anti-SPAM Measures

17 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Technical Options SPAM: –Special –Processed –Annoying –Mail

18 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Technical Options Environment: –~ 1.5-3 Million inbound messages/day –~ 1 Billion/year –~100 % increase in six months

19 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Technical Options IU Email Environment: –Mail Services for all campuses –120,000 IMAP users –30,000 Exchange users

20 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Technical Options How much spam is too much? –Two occasions with multi-day delays in processing mail –Data suggest that since October 2002 spam accounts for 40-60% of all inbound mail to IU.

21 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Technical Options The Plan: –1 st Amendment concerns –Build a system users to choose to use

22 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Technical Options Three-prong Attack: –SPAM Filtering –Black Lists –White Lists All measures should be ‘opt-in”

23 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Technical Options Spam Filtering: –Inbound mail examined –Confidence levels assigned –Rules applied on mailbox servers –Action taken defined by individual

24 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Technical Options Black Lists: –Mail rejected based on sender –Lists created by filtering software –Individuals will be able to look up what is being blocked

25 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Technical Options White Lists: –Individuals create lists of domains or of individuals from whom they will accept mail –Senders not on the list, must reply correctly to a message in order for your mail to be delivered.

26 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Technical Options Reality Part 1: –These measures WILL NOT stop SPAM! –These measures WILL have a huge impact on resources

27 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Technical Options Reality Part 2: –Spam level spikes caused denial of service. –Spam levels continue to cause problems with mail delivery –After second spam induced denial of service we took action to try and block inbound spam –Currently unable to implement opt-in solutions due to flood of spam

28 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Technical Options Real-time Block Listing: –DNS-based database of IP addresses of spam sources –Queried in real time by mail systems –~8,000 messages per hour blocked

29 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Technical Options Future Reality: –Spam will continue to increase at alarming rates in lieu of legislated restrictions. –Spammers are working to circumvent anti- spam measures. –The solution will be multi-faceted and will have to be updated constantly.

30 I NDIANA U NIVERSITY C A N N I N G S P A M A T Technical Options NOTHING WILL STOP SPAM! Goal is to make it more manageable.

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