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Workforce Solutions of Central Texas asks: Are you eligible for assistance with your Child Care? Workforce Solutions of Central Texas asks: Are you eligible.

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Presentation on theme: "Workforce Solutions of Central Texas asks: Are you eligible for assistance with your Child Care? Workforce Solutions of Central Texas asks: Are you eligible."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workforce Solutions of Central Texas asks: Are you eligible for assistance with your Child Care? Workforce Solutions of Central Texas asks: Are you eligible for assistance with your Child Care? Next

2 You may be eligible if each adult in the household is… working a minimum of 25 hours a week or going to school full time on campus or working part time and going to school part time on campus. and You are within our income guidelines. NextBack

3 Full-time Student: Must be attending classes on campus a minimum of 25 hours per week (online classes do not meet this requirement). Must have a minimum 2.0 GPA. May receive child care for up to 4 years or until they have achieved an Associates Degree or Bachelors Degree, whichever comes first, that prepares for a job in a high-growth, high-demand occupation. See list of high-growth, high-demand occupations next. NextBack

4 Targeted Occupations 2009--2010 Occupation Name Medical Records and Health Information Technicians Auto Service Techs/Mechanics Medical/Clinical Lab Technologist Bookkeeping/Accounting/Auditing Clerks Middle School Teachers Bus/Truck Mechanics/Diesel Specialist Nursing Aides/Orderlies/Attendants Carpenters Pharmacy Technicians Computer Support Specialist Plumbers/Pipefitters/Steamfitter Correctional Officers and Jailors Police and Sheriffs Patrol Officers Customer Service Representatives Radiologic Technologist/Technician Electricians Registered Nurses Elementary School Teachers Secondary School Teachers Environmental Engineering Technicians Social and Human Service Assistants Executive Secretaries/Admin Assistants Stock Clerks and Order Fillers Fire Fighters Surgical Technologist General and Operations Managers Truck Driver, Heavy and Tractor Trailer Heating/Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Mechanics Truck Driver, Light or Delivery Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Welders, Cutters, Solderers, Brazers Machinist Maintenance/Repair Workers General NextBack

5 Income Eligibility 9$6,228 10$6,361 11$6,493 12$6,626 13$6,758 14$6,891 15$7,023 Effective October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010 1$2,297 2$3,004 3$3,710 4$4,417 5$5,124 6$5,830 7$5,963 8$6,095 Family Size Gross Family Size Gross Monthly Monthly Income Income NextBack

6 R U eligible? Applications available online or through your local Workforce Center NextBack

7 Child Support Contact your local Child Care Service representative for our child support requirements. TX Office of the Attorney General: NextBack

8 You must choose a child care provider prior to enrollment. It is your responsibility as the parent/guardian to ensure that the chosen provider has the space available for your child. Please take time to visit potential providers prior to making your final child care choice. Need help? CHECK OUT THIS WEBSITE: Child Care Provider Choice: NextBack

9 Documents to submit with the application Social Security cards for each family member Birth certificates for each child Four most recent pay stubs. Latest full month LES if military Award letter or other proof of SSI or VA payments if applicable Transcript from every college attended Degree Plan/Training Plan Current class schedule Proof of child support payments, or proof of an open child support case with the Office of Attorney General (OAG) A copy of your divorce decree If separated from spouse, proof of separate residence. For example, a utility bill or rental lease for you and for your spouse NextBack

10 Child Care Fee Facts If you are approved for Child Care Services assistance, in most cases you will be responsible to pay a portion of your child care fees each month. Your portion of the child care fees is called “Parent Share of Cost” Your parent share of cost is due and payment must be made to the child care provider in advance of receiving care. You must pay your parent share of cost even if your child is absent from care. NextBack

11 Facts continued… You will be given a Parent Share of Cost Agreement and you must pay the monthly fee amount to remain eligible for Child Care Services. It is your responsibility to talk to your child care provider about any additional fees the provider may charge. Your parent share of cost amount is based on your income and the number of children you have enrolled in care. NextBack

12 Which office serves my town? Bartlett, Belton, Ben Arnold, Buckholts, Burlington, Cameron, Davilla, Gatesville,Gause, Heidenheimer, Holland, Little River Academy, Maysfield, Milano, Pendleton, Rockdale, Rogers, Salado, Temple, Thorndale, Troy. Temple Office Bend, Carlton, Cherokee, Copperas Cove, Evant, Flat, Fort Hood, Gatesville, Goldthwaite, Hamilton, Harker Heights, Hico, Jonesboro, Kempner, Killeen, Lampasas, Leon Junction, Lometa, Mound, Mullin, Nolanville, Ogelsby, Pottsville, Priddy, Purmela, Richland Springs, San Saba, Star Killeen Office NextBack

13 CCS Contact Information Our 7 county area Bell, Coryell, Hamilton, Lampasas, Milam, Mills, and San Saba Office locations 2420 S 37 th Street Temple, Texas 76504 (254) 742-4524 (888) 816-8970 300 Cheyenne Killeen, Texas 76542 (254) 200-2009 (888) 816-8970 Child Care Services Program does not discriminate against race, sex, color, national origin, age, political beliefs, religion, and disability. Equal Opportunity Employer NextBack

14 Top Ten Ways to Keep Your Child Care Turn in your paperwork on time. Pay your parent share of cost. Call your daycare provider to report when your child will be absent. Call CCS to report a new job. Call CCS to report any changes in your income. Call CCS to report that you lost your job. Call CCS to report a change of address or phone number. Open a child support case. Report if you get married or are sharing household/living expenses with another adult. Inform CCS of court ordered visits with your child’s other parent. Next Back

15 8/16/2015 Certificate of Completion I (print your name here) have successfully completed the orientation regarding the Child Care Services Orientation for Applicants provided by the Workforce Solutions of Central Texas I certify that I have completed this on-line orientation for Child Care Services applicants. By signing this certificate, I certify that I understand the requirements for eligibility for Child Care Services and the Workforce Solutions of Central Texas. Sign Your Name Here BeginningBack

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