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Marty Harger LMT, Wellness Center Owner
Fall Back in the Groove Finding Balance and Health with Natural Essential Oils Marty Harger LMT, Wellness Center Owner dōTERRA
End of “Freestyle” Summer Season Get Back into Healthy Routines
Fall/Autumn Transitions
Emotional Transitions Introspection New beginnings Traditional time for learning something new Return to Healthy “Routines” Exercise Regular meals Regular sleeping patterns Indoor activity Less socializing Back to School/Back to Work
THERAPEUTIC Essential Oil Tools to Help You Transition into a Healthy FALL
What Are Essential Oils?
“Live” natural essence and aromatic compounds found in plants Steam distilled or cold pressed extraction Powerful, safe benefits without side effects 50 to 70x more powerful than herbs (Oil sacs on peppermint leaf)
= ONE drop of peppermint essential oil is equivalent to 28 cups of peppermint tea! Essential oils are concentrated volatile compounds from plants.
Essential Oil Quality MATTERS!
Synthetic Perfume /Industrial Therapeutic Health Benefit Food GRAS Standard © 2008 DōTerra Intl, LLC Confidential and proprietary information. Unauthorized duplication strictly prohibited.
Highest Quality Essential Oils in the World
CERTIFIED PURE THERAPEUTIC GRADE™ PURE—GCMS Testing – EVERY batch, EVERY time! NATURAL - 100% natural, no artificial ingredients, fragrances, or fillers SAFE—Certified to be free of pesticides and other chemical residues POTENT—Standardized active compounds Highest Quality Essential Oils in the World
Antibiotics cannot penetrate cell membrane Essential oils CAN penetrate cells to kill viruses and bacteria Bacteria are found on the outside of cell walls and Viruses are on the inside of the cells Regular antibiotics cannot penetrate the cell wall and so they only work on bacterial infections NOT on viruses. Essential Oils CAN penetrate the cell wall and are therefore effective against bacteria AND viruses. Studies show that some of the essential oils are 99.9% effective at killing viruses. (STORY)…..H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus….many people had it for 2-3 weeks. People who used Oregano, Melaleuca and OnGuard blend….and these were taken every few hours…after 48 hours all symptoms were GONE….the oils work SO well for viruses. Innoculations were taken, but Read more about the Science of Essential Oils! National Institute of Health Research Database:
They Are Inexpensive & Work Quickly!
CONDITION SOLUTION COST PER DOSE TIME Children’s Fever Peppermint Oil $.33 3 - 5 minutes Fever Medication $.50 30+ minutes Upset Stomach DigestZen Oil $.39 1 - 5 minutes Over-the-Counter $.70 15 – 30 minutes Ear Infection Lavender & Melaleuca Oil $.64 1 day used repeatedly Doctor’s Visit & Antibiotics $28.99 7 – 10 DAYS (Tell the story of one of these examples) Not only are the oils less expensive, but they act so quickly that they truly save time in healing and relieving symptoms It is SO important that you get the quality of oils that will work…natural, clean, pure for the health benefits. No side effects or additicion issues than ….work MORE effectively than traditional medicine.
4 Essential Oil Benefits to Remember
doTERRA Oils are 100% Natural - CPTG More effective without the side effects Save time healing– they work quickly Save money - less expensive
3 Simple & Safe Ways to Use Oils
To everything… there is a season
Insight & Inspiration Personal Health Pulse Check Stressors Increase Take Inventory and Prepare Ourselves Fall is a season where we come in from the outdoors. We go withIN.
Essential Oil Spotlight: PEPPERMINT
Cool off during last hot days of summer Headache remedy Ease pain in muscles & joints Assists with indigestion Add to water to increase intake and freshen breath Favorite Oil (PASS IT AROUND) Uplifting to spirit Cooling at this time of year…take a drop or two and put it on the back of your neck….now don’t touch your eyes! Eases inflammation of the body, the mind…clears and uplifts
Insight and Introspection
Frankincense Sandalwood Lavender Myrrh Helichrysum Rose Fall is the season for an internal inventory of where we’ve been, where we’re going. Several oils that are great for this are….Sandalwood, Frankincense, and Clary Sage – the oil also known as “clear eyes” – giving us the vision to see where we need to go. The Immortelle rollon blend from doTERRA – originally for antiaging skin care …is actually a wonderful oil for introspective transition. Look at he oils – very high vibrational oils! Apply to the forehead – helps smooth the wrinkles AND focus the mind!
dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack
Take In the Harvest dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack Alpha CRS™ ORAC Score = 10+ servings of fruits & vegetables Omega 3’s, Essential Oils, Anti-Oxidants, Vitamins & Minerals IMPORTANT FOR EVERYONE – EVEN HEALTHY EATERS!
Seasonal Body Cleanse Lemon Essential Oil (daily)
Flushes toxins and petrochemicals from body Zendocrine Blend (daily) & Supplement (quarterly) Promotes healthy functioning of endocrine system Cleanses liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, and skin Enzyme delivery system Whole-food formula SLS-free vegetable capsules Clove, Grapefruit, Rosemary and Geranium
Exfoliate and Cleanse Skin
Invigorating Scrub with Grapefruit & Peppermint Clear Skin products: Rosewood, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lemongrass, Melaleuca with Black Cumin seed Invigorating Scrub Invigorate and energize skin while exfoliating and polishing using this aromatic scrub. CPTG® essential oils of grapefruit and peppermint make the exfoliating step of your beauty regimen a refreshing, aromatic experience. Jojoba and cruciferous vegetable extracts leave skin protected and smooth, while other cutting-edge ingredients work to prevent irritation and the proliferation of skin discoloration.
Essential Oil Spotlight: MELALEUCA
Most powerful natural antifungal for athlete’s foot, foot odor, nail fungus. Antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral properties for bites, scrapes, cuts, infections Helps skin & scalp problems Wards off ticks!
Stay Hydrated Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day (that's 8 - 8oz glasses) with 1-2 drops per glass to boost immunity Lemon Wild Orange Lime Peppermint Grapefruit Slim & Sassy Citrus Bliss
Return to Exercise Routines
Use Oils to rebuild damaged muscles and help with sore muscles, Marjoram, Lemongrass, AromaTouch, Deep Blue, Past Tense
Aprés-Sport Aromas Begin!
Diffuse powerful aroma-changing oils like PURIFY Place a few drops on a cloth rag inside shoes! Add a few drops when laundering soiled clothing
“Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff!”
Elevation, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Serenity, Balance Diffuse into the air Inhale directly from bottle Add 1-2 drops in hands and inhale Rub 1-3 drops on back of neck and feet Add 1-2 drops to a warm bath “Chronic stress can raise cortisol levels and weaken our immune system and make us more susceptible to colds and the flu, as well as more serious health problems like heart disease, diabetes and other diseases.” --By Elizabeth Scott, M.S., “Stress and Sickness: How Stress Management Aids Wellness
Back to School & Work Season
Enhanced Immunity Proper Rest Mental Clarity and Focus
Every Desktop, Pencil Sharpener, Computer Mouse, Doorknob and Faucet an Infected Child Touches Becomes Colonized With Germs! Nearly 22 million school days are lost annually due to the spread of germs at school dōTERRA
Establish Daily Routines
Essential Oil Spotlight: OnGuard Blend
Wild Orange Clove Cinnamon Eucalyptus Rosemary Eucalyptus was able to stimulate cell mediated response. Clove was able to stimulate both a humoral and a cell-mediated response. The research is suggestive that essential oil are immune regulating agents Clove essential oil increased white blood cells counts and regulated both humoral and cell mediated immunity Ginger essential oil also stimulated cell-mediated immune responses
Internal Immune Defense External Immune Defense
PB Assist+ OnGuard Throat Lozenges Healthy Populations of Flora Increases Primary Immunity 5 billion CFUs You stay well! Safe for children and adults On Guard on the GO!!
dōTERRA Internal Immune Defense External Immune Defense PB Assist
On Guard Foaming Handwash OnGuard Cleaner Concentrate OnGuard Essential Oil On Guard Throat Lozenges dōTERRA
Use OnGuard Foaming Handwash at all sinks
Create a small, portable pump for work or school
Use OnGuard Cleaner Concentrate to Sanitize Surfaces
Product developed as a result of OnGuard research Cleaning power + natural protection against harmful surface-borne microbes. Non-toxic and biodegradable: family and environmentally friendly!
to the feet a.m./p.m. Diffuse at Home this fall
Use Internally at First Sign of illness Use the aromatouch technique Apply OnGuard Blend to the feet a.m./p.m.
dōTERRA “Why do I Have to go to Bed?”
Insufficient Sleep = Increased Illness! dōTERRA
All Lost Sleep Accumulates Progressively as a Larger and Larger Sleep Indebtedness
The Average Sleep Requirement for Students is Well Over Eight Hours According to Stanford University the following in formation applies dōTERRA
Develop a Daily Routine = Encourage Restful Sleep Morning Night
Apply Balance to Bottom of Feet, the Temples and Base of Skull Diffuse calming Serenity or use in Bath. Apply to Feet and Spine Balance has Blue Spruce, Rosewood, frankincense and Blue Tansy Apply balance at the same time you apply On Guard with the aromatouch. Lavender Marjoram Roman Chamomile Ylang Ylang Sandalwood Vanilla Spruce Frankincense Rosewood Blue Tansy Fractionated Coconut Oil
Mental Clarity and Focus
Enliven the Mind! Invigorate the Senses!
Diffuse Peppermint and Citrus Bliss While Studying improve a child’s ability to remember content, focus and for mental clarity Premix a small spray bottle or roll on to use at school Apply to temples, brain stem and forehead
Essential Oil Spotlight: ROSEMARY
Stimulating to the mind Beautiful aroma to diffuse Helps with concentration and logical thinking such as math and numbers Eases sore muscles when applied
Off to College GIVE THEM TOOLS Studying Relationships New germs
Anxiety/ Sleeplessness
With dōTERRA, you can be prepared as the kids head back to school!
So as you can see, with doTERRA, you are in control.
Choose to FALL back into your health groove with essential oils:
Address health holistically body-mind-spirit Be prepared with natural defense Empower yourself to care of your family ©2009 dōTERRA INTERNATIONAL,LLC
dōTERRA makes it easy!
Important Tool to Use Oils Safely!
How to Purchase? Wholesale Membership Retail Customer
Purchase products at full retail price No commitment or obligation Wholesale Membership Enrollment Kit Purchase required ($35 or $150 - $2,200 as a kit) 25% discount from retail • $100PV/mo for commissions
25% DISCOUNT OFF RETAIL PRICES 10%- 30% FREE LOYALTY REWARDS CREDITS Retail Profit Fast Start Bonus Power of Three Bonus Unilevel Bonus Leadership Performance Pools 2 FREE WEBSITES 1 for ordering, 1 for buyers Since most people decide to buy at Wholesale, let me explain what you get after you buy your initial Family Physician Kit as an Enrollment Kit: You get 25% off of all retail prices You can earn another 10-30% in free product credits with our REWARDS program You can sponsor other wholesale members and earn sales commissions You’ll get 2 free websites – one where people buy their products from you, and one where you place your own wholesale orders Of course, you will also hear about a LOT of great new promotions on products that are offered regularly.
Best Way to Buy Products Each Month! Earn FREE Products with EACH order! Completely Optional Flexible dates Most people choose to take advantage of it $100 PV monthly qualifies you for commissions FREE Additional Monthly Gift - Product of the Month Club I’d like to take a few minutes to explain the GREAT benefits of dōTERRA’s Rewards program. Purpose of Rewards program is to make sure you never run out of the supplements and oils that you need. By participating in Autoship REwards, you earn an increasing amount of free products each month as a reward…10% months 1-3 up to 30% after 13 months. The REWARDS program is similar to a cable TV or magazine subscription but has FAR more benefits! With an Autoship of $100+ PV, you get another benefit: you qualify for bonuses such as the Fast Start Bonus,the Power of Three Bonus and the Unilevel bonus. If you are not on $100 Autoship REWARDS , you lose out on these bonuses and commissions. You can change the order and the date your order is sent to you each month if you want so you can build your collection of oils and replace oils you use frequently, each month. Your credit card is charged ON the date it ships. Products are delivered right to your door via FedEx Ground. If you choose to start taking the Lifelong Wellness Supplements I mentioned, you’ll get a 40% discount. dōTERRA’s REWARDS program is a great way to SAVE and add the products you want over time.
Why Now? A key aspect to successfully working with a company is growth and timing.
Why dōTERRA? Explain that one of the most important factors that determine the success of any company is it’s leadership. Local Leadership Recognize
There are many ways to make money with doTERRA.
We will talk about one of them.
Rewarding Compensation Plan as a Home-Based Business
Pay for your oils “hobby”: $100-$500 per month 2-3 hours a week Part-time employment: $500 - $5,000 per month 10 – 20 hours a week Full-time income: $5,000 - $50,000 per month 40+ hours a week Weekly and Monthly Bonuses and Commissions Leadership Bonus Pools
3 Easy Steps To Get Started
1 – Choose a Kit and SAVE 2 – Select a Monthly LOYALTY REWARDS Order 3 - Get a Modern Essentials Book (At this point make sure that you help people sign up and answer any questions that people have as they are filling out the form.)
Home Essentials Kit $250 Saves $41 below wholesale
Choose a Kit Home Essentials Kit $250 Saves $41 below wholesale Any kit this size or larger gets 4 FREE SUMMER SENSATION OILS while supply lasts!!
Natural Solutions Kit -$550 Saves $90 + 100 Free Product Credits + 15% LRP
Every Oil Kit -$1525 Saves $174 + 200 Free Product Credits + 20% LRP
SPECIAL OFFER TONIGHT: Get $100 of Oils FREE Plus 4 Free Oils!
Choose a 100+PV enrollment kit and a 100+PV dōTERRA Rewards order for September and get $100PV in FREE product credits to spend on oils! Choose a 200+PV enrollment kit and ALSO get the 4 Summer Sensation oils! COMBINE BOTH OFFERS FOR THE MOST SAVINGS!
Join Us at the doTERRA CONVENTION! September 13 – 15, 2012 in Utah
Tickets only $125 if purchased within 30 days of enrolling as an IPC! The best education! The MOST fun! Cool people! New Products! WORTH THE INVESTMENT!
Get YOUR doTERRA Essential Oil Kit:
Call or the person who invited you tonight, or contact me, Marty Harger at or
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