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Management of Hazardous Chemicals Toluene. It is a colorless liquid having molecular weight 92 and molecular formula C6H5CH3 It has a sweet pleasant odor.

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Presentation on theme: "Management of Hazardous Chemicals Toluene. It is a colorless liquid having molecular weight 92 and molecular formula C6H5CH3 It has a sweet pleasant odor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management of Hazardous Chemicals Toluene

2 It is a colorless liquid having molecular weight 92 and molecular formula C6H5CH3 It has a sweet pleasant odor. It is almost insoluble in water. Specific gravity at 15 deg.cen 0.866. Boiling point- 110 deg.cen. Flash point- 7 deg.cen.

3 Toluene Due to low flash point liquid toluene as well as vapor toluene are highly inflammable. Due to low specific gravity it always floats on water. Auto ignition temperature 422 deg. Cen.

4 Reactivity Methyl group attached in benzene ring is very reactive. In presence of catalyst it is easily chlorinated to benzyl chloride,benzal chloride and benzo tri chloride. It does not deplete ozone layer. It should be kept away from incompatible materials such as nitro tetra oxide,HNO3+H2SO4,Silver per chlorate to avoid explosion

5 Reactivity Hazardous decomposition products are Carbon monoxide and Carbon dioxide.

6 Toxilogical Information No information about human carcinogen.

7 Storage It is stored in tanks under ground or above the ground with proper care of fire hazard Storage tanks should be as per explosive licence directions.

8 Leakage Leakage can be detected by electronic leakage censor device. Censor should be fixed near the storage tanks in all direction. Censor should be connected through hooter.

9 Personnel Protective Equipments Self contained breathing apparatus. Positive pressure(blower) hose mask. Industrial canister type mask. Protective clothing.

10 First Aid Shift the affected person to open place. Apply oxygen immediately. Remove the contaminated clothing. Plenty of water to be used for eye and skin washing. Call a doctor if the victim is uncomfortable.

11 Employees Selection and Training Toluene leakage should be handled by trained personnel only. Training should be given to competent person only, Training and awareness programme to be conducted frequently.

12 Practice Being Adopted In Lanxess Huge quantity of Toluene 5 MT per hour is used for chlorination This quantity can not be handled with small tanks. Two storage tanks of 1000KL capacity are installed. An auto cut valve is fitted in the pipeline of toluene discharge line. In case of fire this valve will automatically be closed..

13 Practice Being Adopted In Lanxess Vent line of storage tanks are fitted with chilled water condenser. Storage tanks are well connected to earthing pit and continuity of earthing pits are regularly checked and recorded. Tanks are well covered by water hydrant line and water showers are fitted very close to tanks for cooling from out side toluene leakage detectors are fitted in all the required places near storage tanks and in 4 directions.

14 Practice Being Adopted In Lanxess Toluene tankers are connected with auto earthing pit censor.In case tankers are not properly earthed then hooter will start Sampling from each compartment is done.and a composite sample is prepared for analysis. If analysis is found o.k. then tanker is unloaded.

15 Practice Being Adopted In Lanxess ToluenePipe lines are regularly checked for wall thickness and proper records are maintained. Toluene storage tank area is always kept clean.No other combustable item is stored in this area

16 Practice Being Adopted In Lanxess Training is regular practice in lanxess. In house Mock drills are done quarterly. Off sight mock drill is also conducted once in a year. Records of all the trainings are maintained and considered in annual appraisal. Annual health check is done by a competent doctor

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