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Coming to Jesus and Going from Jesus John 8:2-12.

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Presentation on theme: "Coming to Jesus and Going from Jesus John 8:2-12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coming to Jesus and Going from Jesus John 8:2-12

2 Unrighteous Judgments are Condemned by Jesus Cannot vary from revelation, Proverbs 23:23 Foolish to judge unrighteously by refusing verifiable truth, Proverbs 16:25 Unrighteous judging often comes with pride that reinforces unscriptural decisions John 8:2-11: Jesus averts unrighteous judgments against a woman and Himself 2

3 Some Came to Jesus to Learn John 8:2; Matthew 11:28-30 Open, ready hearts Readiness of mind, Acts 17:11-12 Eager enthusiasm, willing, Luke 1:17 Opposite of hardened, closed heart, Matt. 13:19 Willing to do God's will, John 7:16-17 To be saved, Acts 2:22, 37-41; Revelation 22:17 (Isaiah 55:1-3) To be taught and to improve, Acts 2:42; 11:26; 1 Peter 2:2 3

4 Some Came to Jesus to Learn John 8:2; Matthew 11:28-30 Commit ourselves to listening to Christ’s teachings Husbands and wives Parents and children Elders and deacons Preachers and everyone in the pews 4

5 Some Came to Jesus to Accuse John 8:3-6 Minds were already made up, John 7:45-52 Scheme to refute and ensnare, not to listen, learn and live Hardened hearts, convinced and self- righteous, Romans 10:3 (Isaiah 65:1-5) 5

6 Some Came to Jesus to Accuse John 8:3-6 Proof-texting v. proof from the text, 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 “Prooftexting is the practice of using isolated, out- of-context quotations from a document to establish a proposition. Such quotes may not accurately reflect the original intent of the author, and a document quoted in such a manner, when read as a whole, may not support the proposition for which it was cited.” ( 6

7 Some Came to Jesus to Accuse John 8:3-6 Proof-texting v. proof from the text Pick and choose Scriptures to justify objective and rationalize one’s own sin (John 8:4-5) Leviticus 20:10; Deuteronomy 22:22; 17:6-7 Judging, John 8:11; Matthew 7:1 (2-5) 7

8 8

9 Some Came to Jesus to Accuse John 8:3-6 Proof-texting v. proof from the text Pick and choose Scriptures to justify objective and rationalize one’s own sin (John 8:4-5) Leviticus 20:10; Deuteronomy 22:22; 17:6-7 Judging, John 8:11; Matthew 7:1 (2-5) Plan of salvation, John 3:16 and Romans 10:9 while ignoring Acts 2:38 9

10 10

11 Some Go Away from Jesus still in Sin, Without Honoring Him John 8:7-9 Refuse to address personal sin Personal examination, 8:7; Galatians 6:4-5 Sin against the woman, 8:4 Sin against Jesus, 8:6 Sin against God, 8:7 11

12 “freedom from the outward act did not imply inward purity or sinlessness” (J. W. McGarvey) 12

13 Some Go Away from Jesus still in Sin, Without Honoring Him John 8:7-9 Refuse to address personal sin Personal examination, 8:7; Galatians 6:4-5 Sin against the woman, 8:4 Sin against Jesus, 8:6 Sin against God, 8:7 Note: A hurt conscience is not the same as repentance and correction of sin, John 8:9 Will we be like Simon or Felix? Acts 8:24; 24:25 13

14 Some Go Away from Jesus Forgiven, with Faith in Him John 8:10-11 (12) Jesus came to save the lost, and He did that day, John 3:17 Her sin condemned her; Jesus saved her Did not excuse, condone or encourage her sin Strictly charged her to live differently – to “sin no more”, 8:11; Romans 6:1; Hebrews 10:26-27 14

15 Some Go Away from Jesus Forgiven, with Faith in Him John 8:10-11 (12) Follow Jesus, the Light of the World, John 8:12; 12:35-36 Jesus was not distracted or deterred by evil people from continuing to teach the truth Follow his example, 1 Corinthians 4:11-13 15

16 Coming to Jesus and Going from Jesus -Will you come to Jesus to hear, believe and be saved? -Will you come to accuse and argue? -Will you leave saved, or lost? 16

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