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Healthy For Life Nutrition Seminar. PRESENTER – CARMEN MARSHALL Founder, Live Well International International Wellness Coach Clients and Certified Live.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy For Life Nutrition Seminar. PRESENTER – CARMEN MARSHALL Founder, Live Well International International Wellness Coach Clients and Certified Live."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy For Life Nutrition Seminar

2 PRESENTER – CARMEN MARSHALL Founder, Live Well International International Wellness Coach Clients and Certified Live Well Coaches in 9 countries Speaker, Trainer, Nutrition & Fitness Expert, Writer & Entrepreneur Creating balance & total mind-body wellness including diet & nutrition, fitness, stress reduction, prosperity and purpose in life

3 Healthy For Life Nutrition Seminar

4 TODAY’S HEALTH REALITY * Annually The World’s Leading Causes of Premature Deaths Are Degenerative Diseases: Cardiovascular Disease (17 million*) Cancer (8.6 million*) Stroke (5.5 million*) Respiratory Disease (3.7 million*) Diabetes (990,000*) 33% of children born in America today are expected to develop Type 2 Diabetes. For Black and Hispanic children, the number jumps to 50%.

5 30% of Americans are trying to lose weight. Another 30% are trying to maintain weight. Americans spend $30 Billion per year on diets and weight control plans. Two-thirds who lose weight on diets gain it back within 1 year. 98% gain their weight back and more within 2 years. WEIGHT CONTROL FACTS

6 WHY DIETS DON’T WORK Short-term solution for a long- term problem Majority of diets are not balanced (Ornish, Atkins) Few tackle the core issue of keeping blood sugar balanced Few look at the whole picture or health as a lifestyle

7 HEALTHY FOR LIFE PROGRAM 3 COMPONENTS Supplementation Nutrition Exercise

8 TOPICS 1. What is the Healthy for Life Program? Why are the 3 components necessary? 2. Understanding the Glycemic Index Keep Your Blood Sugar Stable Reduce Inflammation 3. How can you easily incorporate this healthy lifestyle into your life?

9 WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 3 HEALTH GOALS FOR THIS YEAR? Long term Weight Loss Lose Belly Fat! Increase Energy Reduce Cravings Improve Fitness Strengthen Immune System Reduce Inflammation Reduce Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Triglycerides…

10 TOPICS 1.Understanding the Glycemic Index Keep Your Blood Sugar Stable Reduce Inflammation 2.What is the Healthy for Life Program? Why are the 3 components necessary? 3.How can you easily incorporate it into your life?


12 FOODGLYCEMIC INDEX Glucose Baked Potato Corn Flakes White Bread Table Sugar Apple Peach Black Beans 100 85 84 70 61 38 28 20 High GI = 70+ Medium GI = 56-69Low GI = 55 and below

13 UNDERSTANDING HOW YOUR BRAIN & BODY WORK Brain & body work off of glucose Carbs are NOT bad – it’s the kind & amount Challenge: Brain works off a Narrow Band of Blood Sugar



16 “STATE OF EMERGENCY” SPIKE your blood sugar, brain thinks it’s...DROWNING Blood sugar too LOW, brain thinks it’s...STARVING BOTH states are equally harmful to brain/body….

17 WHEN BLOOD SUGAR SPIKES Brain releases a very powerful hormone INSULIN is your storage hormone It does its job very well!


19 YOU ARE STARVING! (OR DEAD TIRED) Blood Sugar TOO low Shaky weakness, fatigue, mental fog Uncontrollable Hunger (Emotional Eating) “Get me FOOD!”


21 THIS IS WHY... Diets Don’t Work Short Term Solution to Long Term problem Extremes Don’t Work Balance, not deprivation or removing whole food groups Quick Fixes Don’t Work Lifestyle

22 HIGH GLYCEMIC FOODS 85 to 90% of the carbohydrates adults and children are consuming in the US and Canada are considered to be high-glycemic. Bread, rice, cereals, and potatoes actually spike your blood sugar faster than if you were eating table sugar.

23 WHAT ARE HIGH GLYCEMIC FOODS? Sugar, Candy, Ice Cream, Cookies White Flour, White Rice, White Tortillas Most Breads & Cereals Potatoes Highly Processed Foods “Instant” Foods Fruit Juices Every time you spike your blood sugar, you create INFLAMMATION in the body

24 INFLAMMATION “Chronic inflammation lies at the root of virtually every disease process known to modern man – from weight gain, obesity & heart disease to autoimmune disorders like lupus, MS and rheumatoid arthritis.” - Dr. Chris Lydon, Yale University Anti-inflammatory Lifestyle = Supplementation, Exercise & Nutrition

25 WHY IS ENERGY STORED AS FAT? Muscle Cells have insulin receptor sites Too much insulin in blood? Muscle Cells shut down receptor sites  become Insulin Insensitive

26 WHY IS ENERGY STORED AS FAT? BAD NEWS…. –Fat cells are like Energizer Bunnies! –AND have their own insulin receptors

27 TO ADD INSULT TO INJURY... Fat cells duplicate, multiply & secrete hormones which create more fat cells, which create more…

28 GOOD NEWS! REVERSIBLE! Keep blood sugar rolling between “band” Slow release of insulin Muscle cells start regenerating insulin receptor sites Fat cells starve (receptor sites shut down) REGENERATE INSULIN RECEPTOR SITES!

29 TAKE HOME POINT Don’t SPIKE blood sugar or let it go too LOW Both are equally harmful to brain/body WHY?

30 WHEN OUR BLOOD SUGAR IS TOO LOW Cravings Binging Low Energy Moody, Irritable No Dieting!

31 WHEN WE SPIKE OUR BLOOD SUGAR Store energy as fat  WAIST “Insulin Insensitivity” - difficult to lose weight Uncontrollable Eating & Cravings Increase Risk of Diabetes & Degenerative Disease Decrease immune system Low Energy  Energy Roller Coaster

32 WHEN OUR BLOOD SUGAR IS KEPT STABLE Lose Weight Release Fat – WAIST! Energy! Feel satisfied & lose cravings Increase Fitness Levels Strengthen Immune System Reduce Inflammation Feel GREAT!

33 How Do You Keep Blood Sugar Stable Throughout The Day And Reduce Inflammation ?

34 HEALTHY FOR LIFE PROGRAM 3 COMPONENTS Supplementation Nutrition Exercise

35 SUPPLEMENTATION All about CELL HEALTH All health and disease starts in the cell Get Cells Healthy And Then The Cells Can Take Care Of The Body

36 IMPORTANCE OF SUPPLEMENTATION Research of Dr. Bruce Ames, professor of toxicology at UC Berkeley has demonstrated that “a deficiency in any of the micronutrients such as folic acid, Vitamins B-12, B-6, niacin, C, E, iron or zinc, mimics radiation and chemicals in damaging DNA by causing single & double strand breaks, oxidative lesions or both”. In fact, the damage your system will endure from a nutrient deficiency is hundreds of times greater than any damage cause by radiation or chemicals.

37 SUPPLEMENTATION Every Day… Take a High Quality Multi-Vitamin Essential Fatty Acids – 2 kinds Cell is the building block of the body… where all health and disease originates

38 BUT WHAT ABOUT IF YOU EAT VERY HEALTHY? 1900’s versus today Over farming, fertilization methods Nutrition is no longer in the soil


40 HOW DO YOU SUPPLEMENT? Twice a Day Why? –Body comprised of 100 trillion cells –Every hour 1 billion cells renew **If necessary vitamins, minerals & antioxidants are not available, cells will SUBSTITUTE

41 WHAT I GET ALL MY CLIENTS ON AS A MINIMUM… Multi-Vitamin –Essentials OR Health Pak 100 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) –BiOmega (fish ) –Flax Oil (plants) USANA Health Sciences

42 THE USANA DIFFERENCE 1.Founder & Formulator of the Products 2.Quality and Manufacturing 3.3 rd Party Studies, Awards and Accolades

43 WHY USANA HEALTH SCIENCES? Founder & Formulator - Dr. Myron Wentz Claims to fame – World Expert on Cellular Nutrition –Gull Labs –Viral Tests Kits, Epstein Barr –Founded USANA Health Sciences –Albert Einstein Award

44 WHY USANA HEALTH SCIENCES? Albert Einstein Award –This award is awarded to those whose vision and commitment have contributed to the critical advancement of vital life-saving and life-enhancing technology to benefit mankind.” This award recognizes Dr. Wentz’ groundbreaking vision of a world free from disease and his contributions to science and humanitarian causes. Focused on Prevention and Health of the Cell Albert Einstein Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Life Sciences

45 THE USANA DIFFERENCE Voluntarily adheres to pharmaceutical- grade GMPs (Good Manufacturing Practices) 100% potency guarantee Athlete guarantee Superior ingredients Balanced, science-based formulas - PDR Accredited team of scientific experts Exceptional in-house manufacturing

46 THE COMPARATIVE GUIDE TO NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS BY LYLE MCWILLIAMS, MSC, FP 1500 Products Compared “5 Star Gold Standard of Achievement” Award for “CAPPS”* Highest Quality, Safe & Effective *CAPPS = Completeness, Absorption, Potency, Purity & Safety

47 HEALTHY FOR LIFE PROGRAM 3 COMPONENTS Supplementation Nutrition Exercise

48 INACTIVITY AND INSULIN INSENSITIVITY Lack of physical activity increases insulin insensitivity High-glycemic diets combined with inactivity are the main reasons for the epidemic of obesity and diabetes


50 EXERCISE Improves Insulin Sensitivity 5-6 times per week 30-60 min Moderate - Intense FUN!

51 HEALTHY FOR LIFE PROGRAM 3 COMPONENTS Supplementation Nutrition Exercise

52 NUTRITION 5 MAIN CONCEPTS 1.5 - 6 small meals per day 2.*Combine a low glycemic Carb, Protein, EFA & Fiber 3. Replace high glycemic carbs with low glycemic carbs 4. Breakfast Choices – Most Important Meal of the Day 5. Utilize the USANA Foods - Healthy for Life Program

53 5. UTILIZE THE USANA FOODS HEALTHY FOR LIFE PROGRAM 5 Day RESET! Phase I – Continued Weight Loss Phase II – Healthy Maintenance

54 THE USANA HEALTHY FOODS DIFFERENCE Certified Low Glycemic Less Sugar Than an Apple No Artificial Sweeteners, No Transfats Taste Great! Perfect Combination of 4 Essentials - Good Carb, Protein, EFA & Fiber Weight loss, Performance, Energy, HEALTH!

55 5 DAY RESET Kit Checklist 15 Nutrimeal Pouches 5 Peanut Butter Bars 5 Oatmeal Raisin Bars 5 AM/PM Packs Reset DVD Program Guide

56 5 DAY RESET BENEFITS Helps balance blood sugar & improve insulin sensitivity Gets rid of cravings Lose 4-5 lbs – around the WAIST! Teaches you HOW to eat (not a juice cleanse!) Sleep like a baby, clear skin Convenient

57 RESET 5-6 SMALL MEALS USANA Health Pak 100 Breakfast – USANA Nutrimeal AM Snack – USANA Nutrition Bar Lunch – USANA Nutrimeal PM Snack – USANA Nutrition Bar Dinner – USANA Nutrimeal 1 Piece of Fruit, 1 serving raw vegetables

58 What You Do After The 5 Day Reset Is The Most Important

59 PHASE I CONTINUED WEIGHT LOSS USANA Multi-Vitamin & EFA’s Two USANA Nutrimeal Shakes One USANA Nutrition Bar One Regular Low-glycemic Meal AND Snack Limit or choose low-glycemic options for Breads, Flour, Rice, Cereals, Potatoes, Pasta & Avoid Sugar

60 PHASE 2 HEALTHY MAINTENENCE USANA Multi-Vitamin & EFA’s Replace ONE meal & ONE snack with USANA’s foods Continue to eat low-glycemic meals and snacks Eat healthy low-glycemic carbs This is what I have done personally for the last 9 yrs

61 IF YOU HAVE 5 WEDDINGS IN 5 DAYS... Start with Phase 2 – Healthy Maintenance –Significant Health Benefits with just this phase –Go back and do the RESET later

62 HEALTHY FOR LIFE CLINICAL RESULTS Reversal of Metabolic Syndrome 12-Week Clinical Trial Defined by FDA & approved by Western Review Board

63 HEALTHY FOR LIFE 3 MONTH CLINICAL STUDY CategoryStartEndImprovement Weight215202 Total Cholesterol206176 Triglycerides141106 Blood Pressure - Systolic13112110 decrease Insulin Sensitivity11112716 increase Insulin Levels3419`15 decrease 13 lb loss 30 decrease 35 decrease


65 ANN WOLTER 158 lbs April 07 210 lbs June 06

66 ANN WOLTER – DENVER, CO 15 months – 70 lbs lost Now a Live Well Coach “Turned her “Healthy for Life” Program into her “Healthy for Life Career” Kurt Wolter lost 25 lbs & cholesterol went from 290 to 200 in 6 months

67 MARNINA KREGAS 122 lbs October 2009 154 lbs August 2009

68 MARNINA KREGAS – PARKER, CO 3 months – 32 lbs lost Went from size 10/12 clothing to size 2 Now a Live Well Coach and has a passion for helping people people change their lives just like she did Husband John Kregas lost over 30 lbs

69 MIKE RIEBESELL 179 lbs April 2008 232 lbs July 2007

70 MIKE RIEBESELL – NAPLES, FL 9 months – 53 lbs lost Missed only 1/2 day of school instead of the 13 days missed in the previous year Now in college majoring in Exercise Science because of his experience with Live Well International Parents have incorporated the program into their chiropractic clinic

71 HEALTHY FOR LIFE PROGRAM & REDIRECTIONAL SPENDING Reduces Your Grocery Bill! –Meal Replacements - $3.30 –Snack Bars - $2.40 –Essentials - $1.60/day –Live Well Coach and Team Live Well Support Free * Prices include shipping and taxes

72 REDIRECTIONAL SPENDING Phase I – Continued Weight Loss 2 meals, 1 snack, Essentials, BiOmega $10.30/day Phase 2 – Healthy Maintenance 1 meal, 1 snack, Essentials, BiOmega $7.60/day Digestive Health Probiotics & Digestive Enzymes $2.15/day * Prices include tax and shipping

73 GIVE THE HEALTHY FOR LIFE PROGRAM 6 MONTHS… You will be a walking billboard of health! …6-12 months every cell has renewed


75 RESET & PHASE I/II Macro-Optimizers RetailWhsl. Autoship 5 Day RESET Program $119.94 $111.05 $99.95 Includes 15 Nutrimeal Pouches, 10 Bars, 5 Health Pak 100 am/pm packets, Guide, DVD & Magnet Phase I - Continued Weight Loss $249.12$230.66 $207.60 4 wk supply of 2 shakes &1 bar/day (choose 6 Nutrimeal Gusset Sacks & 2 Nutrition Bar Boxes) Phase II – Healthy Maintenance $159.30$147.50 $132.75 4 wk supply of 1 shake & 1 bar/day (choose 3 Nutrimeal Gusset Sacks & 2 Nutrition Bar Boxes) USANA Blender Bottle $ 6.61 $ 5.95

76 ESSENTIALS – MULTIVITAMIN Essentials RetailWhsl. Autoship Health Pak 100 $132.00$122.22 $110.00 ( Chelated Mineral, Mega Antioxidant, Proflavanol 90, Active Calcium, AO Booster, in AM/PM packs) Essentials $51.00$47.22 $42.50 (Chelated Mineral, Mega Antioxidant) Body Rox $23.94$22.17$19.95 (Teen Essentials) Usanimals $16.63$13.89$12.50 (Kid Essentials)

77 OPTIMIZERS & EFA’S Optimizers RetailWhsl. Autoship *BiOmega $23.94$22.17 $19.95 *OptOmega Oil $23.94$22.17 $19.95 Active Calcium$21.54$19.95$17.95 Body Rox Active Calcium Chewable $28.74$26.61$23.95 CoQuinone 30$54.54$42.17$37.95 Digestive Enzymes$35.94$33.28$29.95 Fibergy Plus$35.94$33.28$29.95 Ginkgo-PS$39.53$36.60$32.95 Palmetto Plus$23.94$22.17$19.95 PhytoEstrin$23.94$22.17$19.95 Poly C$15.55$14.40$12.96 Probiotics Plus™$29.95$27.72$24.95 Procosa II$28.79$26.66$23.99 Proflavanol 90 - Extra Strength$44.34$41.06$36.95 Visionex$35.94$33.28$29.95 Hepasil DTX$39.00$36.11$32.50 Pure Rest™ (Melatonin) $17.94$16.61$14.95 Vitamin D $23.94$22.17$19.95

78 3 CUSTOMER PROGRAMS 1. Preferred Customer Program Your own direct account with USANA 20%+ off retail 2. Member Associate Program Refer 2 people $29.95/yr 3. Enlightened Living Partner/Entrepreneur Program

79 THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING! We look forward to working with you on your Healthy for Life Program!

80 STATISTIC CITATIONS Healthy For Life Slide 3/4 adults 65 years + will have a degenerative disease 50% will have TWO –U.S. Census Bureau. 65+ in the United States: 2005 (Current Population Reports). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office; 2005. Available at 1/3 children will get diabetes –From the Center for Disease Control, published on WebMD 67% of North Americans Overweight/Obese 2015  75% of adults, 24% of children –Johns Hopkins University, published in the Journal Epidemiologic Reviews.

81 STATISTIC CITATIONS CONT… Weight Control Facts Slide 30% of Americans are trying to lose weight. Another 30% are trying to maintain weight. Americans spend $30 Billion per year on diets and weight control plans. Two-thirds who lose weight on diets gain it back within 1 year. 98% gain their weight back and more within 2 years. –Strand, Dr. R. Healthy for Life, 2005 High Glycemic Foods Slide 85 to 90% of the carbohydrates adults and children are consuming in the US and Canada are considered to be high-glycemic. –Schlosser, E., Fast Food Nation, 2006. pp125 and 126 But What About If You Eat Very Healthy Slide We would have to eat 8 oranges today to equal one orange back on the early 1900’s –“Sharp Decline Of Nutritients In Our Daily Food,” By André Picard, from the July 6. 2002 issue of the Globe and Mail

82 THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING! We look forward to working with you on your Healthy for Life Program!

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