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Future Jobs Fund Rethinking Construction Partners Mat Ainsworth Economic Development 29 September 2009.

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1 Future Jobs Fund Rethinking Construction Partners Mat Ainsworth Economic Development 29 September 2009

2 Purpose of today To give an overview of rationale behind Future Jobs Fund and GM’s bid To set out GM’s proposed delivery framework –Recruitment & referral –Pre-employment & interviews –Employment –In work support & exit How we’re making FJF work in Salford

3 Future Jobs Fund key facts Job creation scheme announced in budget, primarily aimed at 18-24 year olds All jobs must be ‘new’ and of ‘community benefit’ Programme funded by DWP up to max of £6500 per person to cover: –Salary costs at NMW for up to 6 months (min. 25hrs/wk) –Reasonable costs for supervising person in the job –Reasonable costs for materials –Reasonable costs for administering the programme

4 Huge national programme with real potential Part of the biggest national jobs programme for a generation –150,000 new jobs over two years –100,000 for young people as part of young person’s guarantee –50,000 in areas of high unemployment Committed to creating real jobs, that are additional and will benefit the community Will support people on the job and help them move into sustainable employment

5 Delivery – National eligibility and referral process Jobcentre Plus will:- identify customers eligible for FJF jobs, match them to the suitable opportunities available, and refer them to the employer for selection/ interview Process will be in place for providers/ others to refer people to FJF jobs, but via JCP in order to check eligibility “Young Person’s Guarantee” jobsJobs for claimants in disadvantaged areas JSA claimant for between 39 and 50 weeks (and those “fast tracked”); Aged 18-24 JSA claimant for between 39 and 50 weeks; Customer in receipt of another benefit for 39 weeks or more; and Live in the disadvantaged area (Local Authority or Ward with JSA rate 1.5 percentage points above national average).

6 Greater Manchester bid Scored top marks in the bid appraisal (65/65) We are (we believe) the largest provider in the country 1500 jobs to start between Oct 09 & March 10 Jobs will last 6 months, so DWP contract until at least Sept 10 1500 jobs = £9.75m!!! Contract likely to be extended if deliver well. Overall programme will run until Sept 2011 Lifetime bid to create 8000 jobs across GM 8000 jobs = £52m!!!

7 Salford’s share Salford City Council is the Accountable Body for the whole GM programme 150 jobs to start between Oct 09 & March 10 150 jobs = £975K!!! Plan to create 800 jobs over lifetime of programme 800 jobs = £5.2m!!! We will fully utilise excellent local infrastructure and partner support to be GM exemplar

8 ? No shortage of eligible people in Salford! LAA Target NI 153 25% Salford Average 19.8% NW Average GB Average 16.4% 13.4% Local Area Agreement Target Super Output Areas 60%

9 No Wrong Door - Small army of people with personal relationships & contact opportunities Skills & Work IAG Enterprise activity Parenting family support Child- care In Work Support Train to Gain JCP Financial advice i Benefit advice Skills for life Confidence building Crime Housing support Drug & alcohol Common Assess -ment JCP Education JOB In work support Health support/ activity Joint Commissioning at centre Local Management Team Health Trainers Community Champions 3 rd SectorGPsHousing Officers i ‘Front Liners’ Teachers Youth Workers Community Development Workers ‘Personal Shoppers’ i i Demand–side measures Coordinate joined up delivery; Inform commissioning Campaigns; Ways of working; Joint activities; Information sharing Skills and Work; Adult Advancement Careers Service; Connexions; Next Step.. Key ‘demand side’ offer for Working Neighbourhoods Teams

10 Greater Manchester delivery model

11 AGMA agent delivery ComponentDescription 1EmployerWill employ FJF employees and provide support during 6 months employment 2Management Information System Will capture jobs created and filled. Ability to highlight progress and issues at GM and borough level 3Recruitment ServiceBridge gap between JCP referral, person being appointed and starting job. 4Individual Action PlansEach recruit will have plan outlining personal development goals and training needs 5JobsearchAll employees will spend half day per week on jobsearch and personal development 6In-work SupportIn work, employees will receive ongoing support to maintain employment & overcome barriers 7Exit SupportSupport to capture learning & development and to move on from the job

12 Expected timescales for appointing AGMA Agent StageDescriptionDate 1Release ITT to Selected Applicants21st September 2009 2Closing Date for ITT Submission2nd October 2009 (5pm). 3Applicant Interviews9th – 14th October 2009 4Successful Applicant(s) Announced3rd November 2009 5Contract Negotiations16th – 27th November 2009 6Contract Start Date30th November 2009

13 Future Jobs Fund in action!!! Highways Maintenance Case Study Jointly funded by Salford City Council, Urban Vision Partnership, and Salford City College Employed and supported via Groundwork Promoted via Skills & Work, Connexions, Jobcentre Plus and WNT's 41 Open Day Enquiries (inc 16 on reserve list) 36 JSA Claimants (6 months+) 17 started pre-recruitment course (4wks) 15 completed pre-recruitment course 15 achieved Level 1 Certificate 8 (aged 18-24yrs) and 9 (aged 25+yrs) 8 now inducted via Groundwork & Urban Vision 8 starting on-site with Urban Vision Partnership (W/c 21st September 09) Further training to achieve NVQ Level 2 in Highways Maintenance via Salford City College Press release ready to go w/c 21 st September

14 From proposal to delivery – work underway! Finalise identified job placements (where, when, how many, key contacts...) Develop job descriptions and person specifications Identify where clients will need CRB check Agree work programmes Create suite of standard paperwork (application forms, record of achievement, exit questionnaires etc) Commission AGMA agent Develop resource pack / FAQs for managers Continue to harvest new job opportunities Others?

15 Questions and discussion

16 Key contacts SCC jobs: Danielle Roscoe (0161 7932203 – Non-SCC jobs: Dave Timperley (0161 7932533 – Programme Lead: Mat Ainsworth (0161 7932546 –

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