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Fundamental Success. Charlotte Larocque Certified Human Resource Professional Certified Master Practitioner & Coach in Time Line Therapy ® Hypnotherapy.

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Presentation on theme: "Fundamental Success. Charlotte Larocque Certified Human Resource Professional Certified Master Practitioner & Coach in Time Line Therapy ® Hypnotherapy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundamental Success

2 Charlotte Larocque Certified Human Resource Professional Certified Master Practitioner & Coach in Time Line Therapy ® Hypnotherapy Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Trainer Internal and External Communication Specialist Meyers Briggs Indicator Type® Step 1 & 2 Practitioner

3 I believe that every individual is born with unlimited potential and it is his/her thinking that creates success. I am committed to providing my clients with the resources to augment current potentials, create performance and, thus, positive change.

4 50% of an employee’s happiness is directly linked to their relationship with their immediate boss. Saratoga Institute

5 What Does it Cost to Train a New Employee (on average)? To hire and train a new employee and to have them reach the output of the employee who just vacated the job: 30-50% of the annual salary of entry- level employees 150% of middle level employees Up to 400% for specialized, high level employees

6 If an entry level employee has a starting wage of $25 an hour and, just to be fair we will say he/she is a fast learner At 30% $15,500

7 For a company of 300 employees with an average hourly wage of $25 an hour: 10% turnover rate is equal to $468,000 or $7,800,000 in additional sales at a 6% profit margin.

8 The median total income of the Aboriginal population aged 25 to 54 in 2005 was just over $22,000, compared to over $33,000 for the non-Aboriginal population. For First Nations people living off reserve, the median income was about $22,500, compared to just over $14,000 for First Nations people living on reserve. Statistics Canada

9 Aboriginal Youth represent the fastest growing demographic in Canada, and the country is experiencing skills shortages in various sectors and regions. Given the proximity of many First Nations communities to large economic projects, there is a tremendous opportunity to address some of Canada’s skills needs, while also improving the economic opportunities for Aboriginal Youth, Aboriginal Women and their communities.

10 Government Funding cuts



13 20% technical 80% psychological Projection is Perception Everything in life is:

14 Fundamental Success Program Uses current ASETS Funds (if required) On-the-job transfer of knowledge Company Leaders / Mentors First Nation Community members Workforce Fundamentals Alexis Principles and Supervisor Training Technical Training Mentorship Program

15 Companies are in business to make money People and communities need money to satisfy their basic fundamental needs

16 I believe  Every individual is born with unlimited potential and that we are all connected and one with the universe.  When we work together in unity, we can and will create positive change.  The Creator put me on this Earth to make a difference by helping others and sharing my gift of knowledge.


18 Each year I choose 6 to 10 communities across Canada that I can partner with to create meaningful employment for their people. Would you like to access jobs for your people? Do you have a company or companies trying to engage your community member, but are falling short in creating a culture for long-term results? (i.e. term contracts or people return home after a short period of time due to personal or unrelated issues.) Do you currently have access to ASETS or other training dollars? Would you like to see better results and have the ability to strengthen your community? Together, we can build a program to fit your needs and create a WIN-WIN for everyone.

19 Long Term Solutions Three to four phases Focuses ASETS dollars towards actual jobs Builds relationships and partnerships with companies Minimal to no cost to the COMMUNITY

20 Alexis Principles Building Bridges for Effective Business Development The Alexis Principles™ is a set of cross-cultural strategies that build bridges for successful business development and communications between individuals, businesses, corporations, and government agencies in any cultural context. One Day Interactive Workshop

21 Phase 1: Workforce Fundamentals – 20 Community Participants  Accountability in the Workplace  Effective Communication Skills and Body Language Basics  Teamwork and Team Building  Dealing With Difficult People  Cost Implications of Safety and Disengagement  Diversity and Civility in the Workplace  Critical Thinking Skills  Time Management  Organizational Skills Training sessions will be comprised of both activities and lectures, in all four learning styles, that will cover the following subjects:  Creating Motivation for Yourself and Others  Interpersonal Skills  Leadership and Influence  Building Self Confidence  Receiving Constructive Criticism  Emotional Intelligence  Overcoming Obstacles  How to Set and Achieve Goals  Personal Money Management  Change Management and Staying on Track  Fulfilling Your Potential With a Positive State of Mind

22 Phase 1: Workforce Fundamentals – 20 Community Participants  Build confidence and self-esteem  Expectations of the Company  Meeting personal, family and Community values and beliefs  Create the thinking needed for success  Have Elders share wisdom and Cultural traditions  Honor those who support them  Give back to the Community  Create economic growth and prosperity

23 Phase 2: Supervising Mentors – 20 Company Supervisors Training sessions will be comprised of both activities and lectures, in all four learning styles, that will touch upon the following subjects: HR Do’s and Don’ts for Mentors Building and Maintaining the Positive Culture Identifying and Fostering Potential Motivating Your Team Coaching and Mentoring Employee Engagement Communication Basics– internal and external, verbal and non-verbal Aboriginal Inclusion and Preventing Discrimination Overcoming Roadblocks and Common Obstacles Focusing on the Relationship


25 Phase 3: On-the-Job Mentorship Program – 20 Company Supervisors and 20 Community Participants Supervising Mentors will provide mentorship, coaching and support to the Participants on an on-going basis for a minimum of three (3) months. Additional Phase: Additional Training (as required) – Funded by Community ASETS training dollars After Phase 1 and before Phase 3, if additional training such as Heavy Equipment Operation, Class 1 drivers, post-secondary education, skilled trades etc. are required, that would be provided out the community’s current training dollars. In other words, this program itself IS OF LITTLE TO NO COST TO THE COMMUNITY, the goal is to focus current ASETS training funds towards actual jobs and build relationships/partnerships between the communities and companies for long-term results.

26 Program Goals: Build sustainable relationships and partnerships. To provide Aboriginal people with meaningful employment and companies with quality workers. Each program would be specific to the needs of the company and the Community. The first step would be to identify these needs, current and potential barriers, then tailor something that fits. Develop win-win situations for the good of all parties.

27 My Giveback to the Community: Business/Entrepreneur training course material Train an assistant to offer the above courses in the Community

28 Imagine the difference the program will make.

29 I would love to learn from you: What are some of the other barriers you are currently seeing? How can we work together to customize this program to fit the needs of your community? What aspects of the program do you like or think will fit with your goals? What, if anything, would you change or add? Which companies and communities do you know of that may be interested in partnering with you to make this a reality?

30 Thank You! 204-573-0798 ius Opes

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