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Old Testament Survey: Genesis-Esther. Leviticus Altar at tel Dan.

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Presentation on theme: "Old Testament Survey: Genesis-Esther. Leviticus Altar at tel Dan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Old Testament Survey: Genesis-Esther

2 Leviticus

3 Altar at tel Dan

4 Sacrificial Altar

5 Levitical Festivals MonthExtra BiblicalFestivalReferenceCelebration of… March/AprilPassover23:4-8Exodus March/AprilUnleavened Bread 23:6; Ex 12:15-20Exodus March/AprilFirstfruits23:10-17First harvest May/JunePentecost23:9-14Harvest July/AugDestruction of the temple Sept/OctTrumpets23:24Repentance Sept/OctAtonement23:26-36National sins Sept/OctTabernacles23:33-36Wilderness Wandering Nov/DecHannukahMaccabean Revolt Feb/MarPurimEsther


7 The Wilderness

8 Ketef Hinnom



11 Scroll A [Top line(s) broken]...] YHW... [...] the grea[t... who keeps] the covenant and [G]raciousness towards those who love [him] and (alt: [hi]m;) those who keep [his commandments......]. the Eternal? [...]. [the?] blessing more than any [sna]re and more than Evil. For redemption is in him. Scroll B [Top line(s) broken: For PN xxxx] -h/hu. May be blessed h/sh- -[e] by YHW[H,] the warrior/helper and the rebuker of [E]vil: May bless you, YHWH, keep you. Make shine, YH- -[W]H, His face [upon] you and g- -rant you p- -[ea]ce. [Bottom line(s) broken.]

12 Ketef Hinnom For YHWH is our restorer [and] rock. May YHWH bles[s] you and [may he] keep you. [May] YHWH make [his face] shine... [Bottom line(s) broken.] Numbers 6:24-26 24 The Lord bless you, and keep you; 25 The Lord make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you; 26 The Lord lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace.’

13 The Deir 'Alla Inscription



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