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By: Nicholas Currie, Patrick Ludemann and Nicholas Woo.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Nicholas Currie, Patrick Ludemann and Nicholas Woo."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Nicholas Currie, Patrick Ludemann and Nicholas Woo

2  In order to calculate the area of a rectangle you use the formula length times width is equal to area. l= 20cm w= 12cm lw= 20 x 12 A= 240cm 2

3  To find the area of a square you use the formula side 2 is equal area. s=12cm 12 2 A= 144

4  To find the area of a circle you do the formula Pi x radius 2. 5 P= 3.14 A= π5 2 A= 78.5

5  To find the area of a parallelogram use the formula Area equals base x height. b=10cm h=5cm A=bh A=10(5) A=50cm 2

6  To find the are of a triangle use the formula Area equals base x height. h=4cm b=9cm

7  To find the area of a trapezoid use the formula Area equals half of base a +base b x height. a=10cm h=7cm b=19cm


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