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Presentation on theme: "STARTING NEW PRAYER GROUPS CRSBoston HSIB - May 2013."— Presentation transcript:


2 Optional - For former prayer group members Roadmap For Starting New Prayer Groups 1 commissio n Seed team 2 Prepare Training materials 5 Meet w/ former Pry Grp people 6 Train those prepared to lead 7 advertise Pry Grp meeting to public 4 Gather Resources to begin 3 Get Pastor's support 8 Start Prayer meeting 9 Conduct basic pry mtgs 10 Offer LISS/ other commitment 11 Train discerned people to lead Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6 Former members common activity

3 1. Commission "Seed" Team Train Seed Team - HSIB o Constitution (How does CRSB work?) o Leadership o Prayer meeting focus o Start up Packet (see item 2) Members seek blessing of their prayer group for 6 month mission o Blessing and prayer support given o Issues to be overcome Determine the parent pry grp for new group

4 2 Prepare Training materials Letter(s) to priest(s) bulletin announcements (Letters to former prayer group members) Meeting location and time and day Fundamental Set of Teachings Bonfire Meeting / Altar Calls / Testimonies

5 3 Get Pastor's support Have parishioner(s) who want pry mtg ask the pastor to meet with team Team brings credentials, Pilot Article, constitution references, etc. Explains service to the parish Asks pastor for public endorsement Encourage pastor to be present at start of first prayer meeting

6 4 Gather Resources to begin Music minister / praise leader o music sheets, etc. Prayer meeting coordinator Hospitality Prayer ministry Intro talk Teachings Some "seasoned" support people Planned format for the first few meetings

7 5 Meet w/ former Pry Grp people Send letter to former attendees (3 wks min) Put notice in bulletin (3 wks min) Put together an agenda for the meeting Describe the CRSB project and ask for volunteers to help for 3 months Get commitment from some Plan training dates

8 6 Train those prepared to lead Present CRS Vision and Mission Explain Constitution Leadership Principles Purpose and focus of a prayer meeting How to lead a prayer meeting LISS or other rededication prepared talks to start

9 7 Advertise Pry Grp Mtg to public bulletin announcements (3 wks) Ask the priest to announce from altar (3 wks) Flyers around the church (3 wks) Priest available at first meeting to endorse and introduce team

10 9 Conduct basic pry mtgs Keep meetings short Praise and worship Intro talk Short teaching on Life in the Spirit Testimony or prepared witness Intercessory prayer Announcements (probably no collection to start - but love offering basket) Hospitality - keep it short

11 10 Offer LISS/ other commitment Soon after Prayer meeting is underway (2 months?) Offer some kind of commitment to those who want to come forward Anointing Altar call begin LISS Continue with basic teaching

12 11 Train discerned people to lead After LISS invite those who want to go deeper to Sign up for BCM weekend Sign up for HSIB fundamental Courses o Charismatic gifts o Answering the call to ministry

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