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Permanent Hair Removal – Electrolysis

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Presentation on theme: "Permanent Hair Removal – Electrolysis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Permanent Hair Removal – Electrolysis
Vickie L.Mickey, CT, CLHRP

2 Electrolysis Only proven method of permanent hair removal recognized by FDA No published studies 1875 Charles Michelle invented method removing ingrown eyelash! Electrolysis - process Electrology - science & profession Electrologist - professional

3 Three Modalities of electrolysis
Thermolysis Galvanic Electrolysis Blend

4 Electrolysis Galvanic current – DC Moves in one direction
Chemical decomposition of follicle Current causes salts & water in skin to form sodium hydroxide (lye) Hydrogen gas & chlorine gas form – bubble can appear at surface of skin Method effective but time consuming Accuracy makes up for time

5 Experiment – Effects of Lye on Skin
Lay lye on a piece of meat Crystal will dissolve Puddle will form Tissue decomposed – caustic action of lye

6 Experiment #2 Fill glass with water Add 2 tsp. salt
Stir until salt dissolves Place positive ground (hand held ground) in water. Place needle in the needle holder (not all the way) Turn on DC & turn up the power Insert needle into water Notice hydrogen bubble

7 Experiment #3 Repeat # 2 using distilled water
Current will not flow through demineralized water Add salt slowly – the meter rises with the addition of conductive material

8 Pouring Lye in Follicle? How do we do that?
Galvanic machine – turned on Rectifier produces DC Rheostat controls intensity of current flow Millampere meter gauges the flow of current Needle holder is attached to the negative cord jack on front of unit Footswitch is attached to the jack on back of unit Needle or probe is placed in needle holder Needle is placed in patients skin Footswitch is depressed , releasing current flow Chemical action of current produces lye Electrical current returns to the positive terminal of the unit

9 Galvanic Current Pros & Cons
Offers highest success rate in hair removal Accurate insertions are not as critical as current runs along the complete needle surface Distorted follicles respond to DC Lye produced in follicle continues to destroy follicle after treatment is over Very slow method – minutes per follicle Multi-needle much better Can have shocking pain sensation when current develops in follicle Incorrect cord set-up can cause tattooing New equipment has a ramping feature to gradually build current.

10 Variables Affecting Galvanic Current
Lye gradient – the concentration of lye produced in the hair follicle. Treatment energy – current duration & current density. These factors affect delivery of lye to the probe tip. Dermal papilla must receive enough lye.

11 Galvanic Do’s & Don’ts Follow manufactures guidelines.
Make sure the negative cord is attached to the negative jack to avoid tattooing. Do not use tapered needles. Do not pulse with galvanic current. Cataphoresis reduces redness but not necessary.

12 Thermolysis Dr. Bordier developed the first thermolysis of hair in 1923. Published results in 1932. Thermo – Greek word for Heat. Ysis – means to dissolve. AC – current. Referred to as high-frequency & shortwave Easy to learn by practitioner

13 Thermolysis Methods Manual Semi-manual Computerized
Thermolysis methods can range from unit design

14 How Thermolysis Works Requires a conductor to deliver current
Current can travel though air via sound waves Needle is the conductor in the follicle Operates at 30 megahertz 30,000,000 times per second

15 Alternating Current To understand thermolysis one must understand alternating current. Imagine a plastic tube filled with balls that fit tightly into inside space of the tube. The balls have a string attached to them; as soon as the ball is pushed into the tube you will pull back on it. This action creates a suction, as the balls are pulled toward you. Repeat this process over and over and you have created alternating current affect.

16 Alternating Current Electrical generators create the “push and pull” phenomenon by rapidly changing an electrical charge from the negative to the positive. Negative charges push the electrons out into the power lines and positive charge pulls it back. One - back and forth motion is called a cycle. Sixty cycles per second is standard American household current.

17 High Frequency Current
Imagine this back-and-forth motion accelerated to million cycles per second. This incredible rate is said be “oscillating”. This quickened movement is called mega cycles: millions of cycles per second. Blend epilators produce current output of megacycles. 13 million back-and–forth electrons per second. Oscillating current is called high frequency or HF.

18 Hertz & Megahertz Hertz the car rental?
No, Hertz & Megahertz are named for Heinrich Hertz. More common names are “cycles” and “megacycles” because these terms express the cycling or oscillation process. Abbreviations for “Hertz” is Hz & MHz for Megahertz.

19 Radio Waves Imagine a plastic tube representing a wire with electrons moving back and forth a million times per second. Suddenly, this energy is emitted into the air, from the entire length of the wire. This is called radio wave emission! Do you know what radio waves are? No one does! Electrologist know what these waves do to human tissue! Tell me what do they do?

20 Tissue Heating 1899 scientists discovered that human tissue could be heated by high frequency. Experimentation in 1920’s & 1930’s demonstrated the benefits HF Current. Diathermy was produced by numerous medical devices for applications in heating muscles and soft tissue.

21 Tissue Destruction HF can produce enough heat to cause necrosis (permanent tissue destruction). Different degrees of HF used on medicine produce specific results such electrodessication, electro coagulation, and electro section.

22 Electrocoagulation Low level tissue destruction : tissue is clotted and rendered dysfunctional, but not dried out! Electrodessication is severe tissue destruction by heat that dehydrates. Dermatologist use HF devices call “hyfrecator” to burn off moles and other unwanted tissue.

23 HF Epilators Produce electrocoagulation by converting liquids in the tissue , such as blood to produce a jell-like state! HF denatures tissue proteins (the cooking process).

24 “Coagulation” Term Used in Profession
Technically this term may not be accurate within our profession, but used for nearly a century. Terms: clot, “cook” denature and coagulate are commonly used as a synonyms to denote tissue destruction by HF.

25 Other Names for High Frequency
Short Wave Radio Frequency High Frequency is the most universal term!

26 Hinkel Explains HF All matter is composed of atoms. Atoms have positive charged protons and negatively charged protons. The presence of a negative charged proton in the tissue causes an attraction and electrons are repelled. Similarly, a positive charge attracts electrons and repels protons.

27 High Frequency Needle Produces a radio wave when inserted into the skin, the electric field causes certain atoms to become excited. These atoms are pushed and pulled by rapidly changing polarity. Agitated atoms vibrate against each other and generate heat by friction. Did you know that the needle does not get hot? The tissue around the needle become hot because of the surrounding HF waves or field. Did you know that the heat felt during treatment is the vibration of the molecules against one another!

28 HF Heating Hf is more intense in conductive substances containing saltwater. The more conductive the substance the hotter it will get! Dry material cannot conduct high frequency. Invisible radio wave energy radiates from the entire needle, but it is concentrated at the tip! This is called the Point Effect!

29 Summary Remember: Epilator produces HF current.
HF current creates radio waves around the needle. Energy fields causes friction in the wet tissues. Generation of heat results in tissue destruction which kills the follicle.

30 Point Effect Electrical current merges & concentrates on sharp pointed objects. Lightening Rods have a sharp pointed end. The needle like shape works to conduct lightening to the ground. The point effect is perfect for hair removal, because the tip produces more energy, coagulation is initially concentrated in the lower follicle.

31 Heating Pattern DC the lye pattern flows out along the entire needle, the lye is uniform in formation. HF starts at the tip of the needle and progresses upward. HF current climb takes place because the current always flows to the wettest, most conductive material.

32 Hotter Closer To The Needle
HF patterns climbs away from the needle, coagulation continues to take place in all the treated tissue. Tip tissue - exposed to HF longer. Highest temperatures at core nearest needle tip. Temperature drops off and becomes too low to affect tissue as it moves up.

33 Denatured Protein When animal tissue is heated to a high enough temperature, the protein is denatured. Regardless if you boil, fry, bake, or microwave animal tissue you coagulate liquids and denature the tissue protein. HF current is similar to the current in a microwave oven, the energy radiates from the tissue and denatures the tissue.

34 Egg White Analogue Egg whites are protein, like human tissue.
Fill a small metal container with raw egg white. Wet your hand with water, cradle and hold container. Wet hand grounds the HF. Insert needle into egg white – apply HF. High HF intensity coagulates at the tip of needle and moves upwards.

35 TIDS Variables of Time, Intensity, Depth of insertion and Size needle (TIDS) drastically change how HF cooks tissue. Human tissue coagulation intensifies, temperatures increase with longer exposure to HF current. Steaks become hotter and more well-done the longer the pan remains on the fire. The follicle cooks with longer HF flow! If we leave the needle in the egg whites longer, the higher temperatures and more intense cooking develops within the pattern closer to the needle.

36 Intensity Variable As HF intensity raises, the tissue is cooked faster. Higher HF intensity causes intense tissue coagulation , as the intensity is increased the larger the heating pattern forms.

37 Depth: Variable Most misunderstood variable is needle depth!
A deep needle insertion disperses the HF current over a larger surface areas, causing a slower cooking. Shallow insertion concentrates the current and causes more intense tissue destruction. Most common error causes serve damage to the skin in a too shallow insertion.

38 Size: Variable Needle diameter greatly affects how HF destroys tissue.
Thin needles produce more cooking than thicker needles. Thin needles concentrate the HF to a smaller areas. Larger needles concentrate the HF to a greater surface areas. Many electrologist use too small of a needle size, thus causing over treatment. Choose a needle the size of the hair!!

39 TIDS Conclusion Only you can control the TIDS variable.
Always consider when using HF on a patient!

40 Moisture Gradient Moisture Gradient of the follicle helps concentrate coagulation in the lower follicle area, your target! It protects the upper dermis area! The blood vessels in the dermis are like a car radiator, it carries the HF heat away!

41 HF Too Low Low intensity may be less painful, however the target area is missed! Upper dermis is coagulated! HF current used lower than correct blend values results in coagulation in the middle of the needle and progresses upwards. If the patient feels almost nothing the HF current is too LOW!

42 HF Too High Dire consequences can result!
Extreme HF creates a heating pattern that climbs the needle so rapidly that using manual timing is unthinkable. Fast current rise can result in pitted scars. Some epilators produce HF levels that are too high!

43 Flash Method The Kree company out of New York developed the HF in automatic thermolysis. Known as the Kree Method. Current is on for ½ second & very high HF. Nearly all epilators are capable of the so called Flash technique. High HF produces a narrow heating pattern that rapidly climbs the needle. High current can produce blistering temperatures, a sizzle, and dry-out the tissue. Super Flash is the modern version of flash. This method emits HF for a fraction of 100th of a second. Can cause a sparkler effect.

44 Flash Method Continued
Large to medium hairs require several super flashes at varying depths. HF Super Flash current is applied at the bottom, middle, and top of the follicle. Ensures entire follicle is treated!

45 HF Blow-Out Dr. James Shuster describes the devastating effect of using ultra high HF as HF Blow-out. HF Blow-out is when intense HF current converts water in the tissue to steam that blows out of the follicle, Sizzle is heard as steam escapes from the follicle opening. The lower follicle fills with non-conductive steam that prevents coagulation of the lower follicle. Hair Regrows and the skin is Overtreated! Flash users have been told that the sebum is being cooked. A puff of smoke, smell of burning tissue, result in the needle drying out the skin with tissue stuck to the needle. This drastic level of tissue destruction is totally unnecessary.

46 Manual HF Correct blend levels of HF are much lower than flash.
Manually controlled. Low current may flow up to 20 seconds. Low current creates the preferred broad heating pattern. Tissue is coagulated; not dried out. Technician has time to control tissue destruction. Manual low intensity HF, as in the blend, results in less over treatment!

47 Measuring The HF All epilators produce a fixed range of HF intensities. Measured in voltage. Average blend epilator produces 0 to 100 volts. Average flash epilator produces 50 – 300 volts. Face panel numbers indicate the HF levels, some use meters. Indicates epilators output only, energy within follicle is not measured as in DC meters.

48 Receptivity Factor HF entering the follicle is directly proportional to the amount of moisture in the tissue. Skin has a “receptivity factor” for HF. Turn your HF dial to 50 volts, insert needle into leather, nothing happens. Why? Use same setting on moist young skin and heating tissue destruction occurs. Each patient has different skin moisture, therefore HF output produces different current levels in each patient and body area.

49 Follicle Temperature Level of destruction in the follicle is determined by the temperature achieved in the tissue. No meter exists that can measure actual temperature in the follicle. One must rely on well-designed machine output indicators to give idea of temperature produced. Cell injury can begin at only 105 degrees. Coagulation of human tissue takes place between 127 degrees to 212 degrees. Above 212 degrees (the boiling point) tissue is desiccated), deprived of water. Severe burning takes place at 240 degrees! Correctly designed blend epilators has HF output that produces only coagulation temperatures. 35 to 90 volts encompass that range in the blend method.

50 Capacitive Return HF does not require the use of hand-held ground.
For unknown reasons, radio waves are able to travel from the patient into the air and return to the epilator. This phenomenon is called “capacitive return”. Research has shown that certain epilators require less voltage when the hand held ground is used.

51 HF Overtreatment Used for over 70 years without documented adverse side effects. Destructive capacity of HF is much more than DC. Over treatment with blend is always caused by improper HF.

52 HF & The Curved Follicle
Hair that is naturally curly or “kinky” has curved follicles. Degree of curve to the follicle makes accurate needle-insertions more difficult. Sodium hydroxide produced by DC is capable of reaching the areas outside of HF field. Therefore single needle or multi-needle galvanic is better on these patients. Galvanic current fills a need in our work and is the basis for the blend-current method.

53 Pacemakers Emit electrical stimuli at either a constant-rate or on-demand. Constant rate pacemakers might be adversely affected by HF emissions form the epilator. Most pacemakers have built in safety factors such as electro-magnetic shields. Rarely does the HF field cause clinical problems. Before treating a patient with a pacemaker you must get written approval from the attending physician and the manufacture of the device. Unstable cardiac patients with pacemakers must not be treated! Do not work directly overlying a pacemaker, due to possible interference of HF.

54 Pregnancy For the same legal reason do not work on pregnant women, unless you get written permission form the patient’s doctor.

55 The Blend Hinkle’s scientific methods and willingness to share information was his greatest gift to our profession. Blend is considered the “golden” method of electrology. Both HF and DC flow from the needle at the same time. Hinkle analogy of Blend current best illustrates the dual-current phenomenon.

56 Blend Effects Combining the DC & HF does not change the integrity or unique way of destroying the tissue. DC flows producing lye to decompose the tissue and the HF coagulates the follicle. The interaction of the current in blending is complicated and not totally understood, but they profoundly enhance treatment speed and efficiency. Combining the two currents produce better results than the individual current could attain.

57 Hinkle’s Findings The lye is more reactive in the blend.
All chemicals react faster when heated. Studies in the Netherlands confirmed the action of heat on lye. Normal blend temperature is 140F to 160F, lye causticity is four times greater than at body temperature.

58 Hinkle's Findings When the HF coagulation renders the cell a porous mass, it then breaks the cell membrane to release moisture and denatured protein molecule. This makes the cell more permeable to enable the lye to penetrate the cooked mass.

59 Hinkle's Findings Turbulence from the HF in the follicle causes the tissue to churn, lye produced by the DC is forced into hidden crevices of the follicle. Hinkle believed this help to destroy the follicle. Hinkle also contended that when the two currents flow at the same time the HF heating pattern supersedes the DC lye pattern. He believed that the HF controlled the DC and was the master current.

60 DC & HF Experiments This experiment demonstrates several important characteristics of the DC & HF currents. Note: non-living tissue reacts differently however these test will demonstrate visible evidence

61 Schuster’s Findings Dr. Schuster studies suggest that DC electrons flow through the skin, lye forms in the tissue itself. Schuster’s studies do not show that HF alters the DC. Schuster doubts that HF causes tissue permeability. Schuster supports Hinkle’s notion of increased lye reactivity.

62 Conclusion Bono believes that the laboratory experiments are attempts to describe the blend! Blend is a proven method for over 50 years! Arthur Hinkle never invented methodology based solely on laboratory findings or theory concepts. Hinkle observed countless expert blend technicians and them attempted to understand the results.

63 Research Conclusion DC creates lye that decomposes the follicle.
HF heats saltwater in the tissue, thus increases lye efficiency. Deep coarse hair in moist skin creates a high “receptive factor” which can result in over treatment. Such hairs have big target areas requiring ample treatment. DC alone takes too long to eliminate course hair. HF generates a narrow heating pattern that can miss the target! The lethal combination of coagulation and hot lye is disseminated in the lower follicle before the HF rises. Hair is destroyed without over treatment. The blend can make up for inaccurate insertions by the broad destructive pattern.

64 Classic Blend 1. Choose needle size – about the size of the hair. Correct needle size guards against HF over treatment. 2. Needle length – approximate the exact depth of the follicle. Do depth gauge! a. Short needles for small to medium hairs. b.Regular needles for larger hairs. c.Tapered needles come in different lengths. Choose one that is longer than you think necessary.

65 Classic Blend 3. Position needle in needle-holder, tighten the pin-vise. 4. Once a year check pin-vise – they should not close with a circle or hole in middle. If so replace the needle holder as it will not permit proper electrical contact. 5. Finger Position – use what works best of you. 6. Stretch the skin – use the thumb and first finger to hold the tweezers and needle holder, use remaining fingers to gently press and stretch the skin.

66 Classic Blend Did you know that recent research proves that stretching the skin does not permit the needle to slide into the follicle? Dr. Shuster’s experimentations demonstrate that the needle does penetrate the outer root sheath. Stretching firms and stabilizes the skin as the needle punctures the bloodless outer root sheath.

67 Classic Blend Insertion – aim the needle tip at the follicle opening. Align the needle to the first millimeter of the hair shaft emerging from the follicle. The first millimeter of the shaft points you to the exact location in most cases. This is referred to as the “Pathfinder”. This hair is fresh out of the follicle and relatively moist. Keep needle stationary as the current coagulates the follicle. Subtle movement to verify insertion accuracy can be done by moving the needle to the other side of the follicle. If needle is perfectly inserted the hair “wags” like a dogs tail!

68 Classic Blend Establishing depth gauge – after thoroughly coagulating an anagen hair, remove the needle from the follicle. Place tweezers at skin level. Grasp the hair and epilate. The epilated root and the hair shaft are the depth gauge. Note your correct needle depth! As you continue the treatment, a tiny DC “froth” sticks to your needle exactly at skin level. This is another indicator of correct insertion depth!

69 Classic Blend HF current controls the HF coagulation and DC lye in the follicle. Establish your HF first!!! Think of your epilator intensity dial is just like a radio volume control. As it increases the current strength goes up. Like the radio increases, the control until the tissue coagulation takes place. When the patient feels tissue being destroyed you have reached your working point.

70 Classic Blend Automatic blend epilators are not the classic manual blend. Follow instruction manual to disable all automatic functions. Find starting point on epilator, should be in manual. It will be a specific number such as “3” or it may be a number on the HF meter.

71 Classic Blend Confirm the starting point by setting the epilator at the lowest HF setting. Insert into a medium size hair on your arm, you should feel mild current in 2-3 seconds. Keep the current on for 20 seconds. If these conditions are met your epilator is correctly set. Begin treatments at your starting point, allow the patient to get used to the low current, then gradually advance HF.

72 Classic Blend Repeat this process several times, increasing HF intensity slightly each time that you coagulate and epilate a new hair. Communicate with the patient, let them know that your are trying to find their pain tolerance. Remember that most West Coast electrologists use the two hand technique, which enable them to count the seconds that it takes to have the hair release with progressive epilation.

73 Classic Blend The working point reveals the skin’s electrical resistance. Dry skin has higher resistance, more HF is needed, and vice versa for moist skin. The HF working point is your electrical conduit for DC. Early pioneers were confronted with obstacles as to how to combine two currents.

74 Classic Blend HF is considered the dominant current, DC can block or “flood-out” the HF. If DC is too high, the HF flow can be reduced. Hinkle realized that the correct amount of lye was necessary, therefore named the measurement the “unit of Lye”. Hinkle defined the unit of lye as the product of the amount current (in DC milliamperes) multiplied by the time current flow in seconds.

75 Classic Blend For 20 yrs. Hinkle studied and collected data regarding the units of lye formulation. Small vellus hairs require 15 units of lye, 30 units on small terminal hairs, Medium require 45 units, large terminal need 60 units, and very large need 80 units. He learned that all hairs epilate with HF 3-20 seconds.

76 Classic Blend Hinkle’s simple formula for blend is: divide units of lye by seconds of epiliation time. Example: judge a hair to need 30 units of lye, the time to epilate is 10 seconds. Divide the 30 units by 10 seconds and you get 3. The number three is the setting for your DC meter 3mA. If the numbers are not even set the DC meter to the nearest round number. Do not use the seconds counter, count the seconds yourself.

77 Classic Blend Summary The basic steps you have learned will become second nature. Choose correct needle size, find your HF working point, set the DC meter! You got it!

78 DC & HF Experiments Hinkle's Meat Experiment demonstrate several characteristics of current. Current will react differently in meat as it is not living tissue. These tests will give visible evidence of how DC & HF acts on human skin.

79 What You Need 1. Beefsteak – fresh and moist with a little fat. A small cube of meat is all you will need. 2. Glass of saltwater: mix 2 teaspoons of salt in water. 3. Sheet of Aluminum Foil

80 Basic Setup Place meat on aluminum foil.
Wet the meat with saltwater – this grounds meat to aluminum and moistens the meat for a good electrical conduction. Roll the DC ground up in the aluminum foil. Wet your hand with saltwater and firmly hold the aluminum foil and ground – this grounds the HF. Check all cords are connected properly. Use a .004 inch diameter needle. Periodically moisten the meat and your hand with saltwater in ensure proper electrical contact.

81 Test 1:DC Lay needle on meat.
Set DC meter to 0.5 mA (5 tenths milliamperes). Allow current to flow 2-4 minutes. Observe narrow pattern of lye form with hydrogen bubbles. Stop current, wipe away foam with finger. Observe groove that has formed as meat dissolved. There is not “cooking” of tissue. Repeat this experiment using 1.0 mA, observe much faster DC lye formation.

82 Test 2: DC Inserted 1. Insert needle deeply into meat.
2 Turn DC to 1.0 mA (10 tenths milliamperes). 3. Allow current to flow for 2-4 minutes. – Frothing appears at insertion site. 4. With current flowing, slide needle up and down in meat. Observe the needle does not stick to meat as there is no cooking of tissue. 5. Set current at 1.0 mA, make a very shallow insertion – immediately abundant lye is formed with much bubbling. (Current is concentrated on small surface area thus generates concentrated lye.)

83 Test 3: HF 1. Lay needle on meat.
2. Use HF level – observe meat turning brown. Note coagulation starts at the tip of needle and flows up. Heating pattern is broad. With magnification you will see that HF causes moisture to boil. Turbulence is created by HF 3. Experiment using different current strengths. 4. Experiment using different needle lengths. Observe : higher current creates faster coagulation, less needle contact with meat causes rapid violent cooking. Note: meat may stick to needle. This indicates unnecessary tissue destruction. Remove any tissue from needle as it insulates the needle which will make the subsequent test difficult

84 Test 4: HF Inserted 1. Insert needle deeply into meat.
2. Turn HF dial to high output (70V-90V). 3. Allow current to flow 20 seconds. Observe: at seconds the cooking at insertion point, current has risen slowly. 4. Insert needle shallow. Observe: almost instant tissue destruction and burning. (this happens to your client when you make a shallow insertion . Note the tissue sticks to the needle . 5. Insert deeply again and apply high level HF. Slowly withdraw the needle until the needle is out of the skin. Observe: cooking is rapid as the needle is withdrawn. Finally, with the needle just touching the surface of the meat a burn is created. Notice tissue smokes as it is burned. 6. Repeat experiment again using different depths and current strengths.

85 Test 5: DC & HF 1. Lay needle on meat.
2 Use 70V HF and 1.0ma Dc (10 tenths millamperes). 3. Apply current simultaneously for about 20 seconds. Observe: Coagulation (browning) and lye (frothing) formation. Note the coagulation and lye patterns are broad and congruent. Notice lye production is accelerated and the needle does not stick to the tissue. 4. Try different needle depths and current levels. Observe: Shallow needles cause rapid coagulation and potential burn.

86 Test 6: DC & HF Inserted 1. Insert deeply into meat.
2. Apply 70V – 90V HF and 1.0 ma DC simultaneously for 20 seconds. Observe: bubbles appear (hydrogen frothing) along with coagulation. 3. Slide needle up and down with currents flowing. Observe: Needle does not stick because DC dissolves tissue and coagulation is not intense. Tissue is not dehydrated. 4. Insert shallow. Observe: shallow insertion causes rapid coagulation and lye formation. Note coagulation dominates.

87 Test 7: HF Blocks Lye 1. Insert needle about half way into meat.
2. Use full power HF and 0.5 mA DC (5 tenths milliamperes). 3 Apply DC current and see that meter reads 0.5 mA. 4. Now, add the HF full power. Observe: HF super-heats and dries out the tissue. DC is not able to flow, or becomes unstable as the epilator attempts to boost voltage. Note: that the meter drops, or becomes unstable as the epilator attempts to boost voltage. (This experiment demonstrates that high HF output must not be used for the blend, it hampers DC lye formation.

88 Test 6 : DC & HF Inserted 1. Insert deeply into meat.
2. Apply 70 V – 90V and 1.0 mA Dc simultaneously for 20 seconds. Observe: bubbles appear along with coagulation. 3. Slide needle up and down with both current on at same time. Observe:

89 The Epilator Not all epilators are designed the same.
Bono likes to have control! When purchasing a epilator don’t expect all units to produce the same HF. Know the face-technique and body-technical settings, a wide range setting has better control. “If automation keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button fingers.” Frank Lloyd Wright

90 The Epilator Bono contends we still need to use the basic concepts laid down by Hinkle. They still have merit!

91 Bio. Michael Bono, The Blend Arthur Hinkle,PEE
Richard Lind, BA,Ma, Electrolysis , Thermolysis, and the Blend: The Principles and Practice of Permanent Hair Removal

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