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Game Programming Practices Course Introduction Yanci Zhang Game Programming Practice.

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1 Game Programming Practices Course Introduction Yanci Zhang Game Programming Practice

2  “games” in our course are NOT Course Descriptions 1/3 Game Programming Practice

3 Course Descriptions 2/3  “games” in our course are Game Programming Practice

4  Game programming covers a wide range of topics  Computer graphics  Computer network  Artificial intelligence  Audio programming  …  Our course will  Cover the most important aspects  Focus on 3D graphics programming  Improve programming skills  Game design is NOT discussed Course Descriptions 3/3 Game Programming Practice

5  Advanced data structures in game programming  3D graphics programming  OpenGL programming  GPU programming  Advanced graphics topics  Multi-threads/core programming  Multi-threads/core programming (Optional)  Network programming  Network programming (Optional)  Artificial intelligence  Artificial intelligence (Optional)  Audio programming  Audio programming (Optional) Lecture Syllabus Game Programming Practice

6  Linear algebra  Linear algebra (vector, matrix…)  Basic data structure knowledge  Basic data structure knowledge (stack, queue, tree, graph…)  Basic C/C++ programming knowledge  Basic C/C++ programming knowledge (pointer, array, OOP…)  Familiar with Visual Studio  Familiar with Visual Studio (NOT VC6)  Knowledge of computer graphics is preferable Course Prerequisite Game Programming Practice

7  Optional subject with 3 credits  Class attendance (5%) + Class exercise (35%) + Final project (60%)  Final project  No final exam  Several candidates projects covering all aspects of the course  Choose and implement one project Grading Policy Game Programming Practice

8  Huge fan of game programming  Improve programming skills to find a good job  Try best to gain credits  Get some easy credits  No easy credits here!!!  No submission of final project = no credits Your Motivations Game Programming Practice

9  Fall love with your computer  Coding, coding, more coding…  Learn to show off  Read English papers/articles instead of Chinese How to learn this course? 锄禾日当午,不如 coding 苦,对着 C++ ,一调一下午; 锄禾日当午,不如 coding 苦,调了一下午, BUG 还得补; 锄禾日当午,不如 coding 苦, Bug 刚补完,结构需重组; 锄禾日当午,不如 coding 苦, Bug 改不完,无言见列祖。 Game Programming Practice

10  Lecturer: 张严辞  1993~1997 , SCU, B.S.  1997~2003 , Institute of Software, CAS, Ph.D  2004 , Chinese University of Hong Kong, research assistant  2005~2008 , University of Zurich, Switzerland, Post Doc.  2008~Present , SCU, associate Prof.  Email :  Teaching Assistants:  唐玉蕾( QQ 971658760 ) Teaching Staff Game Programming Practice

11  Using English slides  Slides are available on web  Always seeking for talented students to join our group  Improve programming skills  Learn how to do scientific research  Learn more graphics  Know more person  Make life more colorful  … More Announcements Game Programming Practice

12  Purpose: Improve the teaching quality  Your expectation  Your programming experiences  Your graphics background knowledge General Information Survey Game Programming Practice

13  Please rate your C/C++ programming level: A.I consider myself an expert. B.I can use C/C++ to write some simple applications. C.I have some basic knowledge but lack of practice. D.What is C/C++? I am a fan of Java.  Did you take the computer graphics course? A.Yes B.No Survey Subjects 1/3 Game Programming Practice

14  How much do you know about computer graphics? A.I have experiences in writing OpenGL/DirectX applications. B.I have some basic knowledge of computer graphics but lack of practice. C.I know nothing about computer graphics.  How much do you know about STL programming? A.I know STL very well. B.I have some knowledge about STL. C.I know nothing about STL. Survey Subjects 2/3 Game Programming Practice

15  Do you own a private computer?  What graphics card do you have?  What is your purpose of taking this course? A.I am a huge fan of game programming. B.I want to improve my programming skill. C.I will try my best to get the credit points. D.I just want to get some easy credit points.  Any suggestions or expectations? Survey Subjects 3/3 Game Programming Practice

16  B.M. Sousa and B.M. Desousa, Game Programming All in One, 2002  D.Astle and K.Hawkins, OpenGL Game Programming, 2001  H.Holland, Game Programming - Tricks of the Trade, 2002  D.S.Dalmau, Core Techniques and Algorithms in Game Programming, 2003  C.Tremblay, Mathematics for Game Developers, 2004   References Game Programming Practice

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