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جامعة الكوفة مركز تطوير التدريس والتدريب الجامعي الدورة الخامسة للتأهيل التربوي للعام الدراسي 2013-2014 COMPUTER NETWORKS إعداد م. م. محمد مهدي صالح هندسة.

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Presentation on theme: "جامعة الكوفة مركز تطوير التدريس والتدريب الجامعي الدورة الخامسة للتأهيل التربوي للعام الدراسي 2013-2014 COMPUTER NETWORKS إعداد م. م. محمد مهدي صالح هندسة."— Presentation transcript:

1 جامعة الكوفة مركز تطوير التدريس والتدريب الجامعي الدورة الخامسة للتأهيل التربوي للعام الدراسي 2013-2014 COMPUTER NETWORKS إعداد م. م. محمد مهدي صالح هندسة انظمة الاتصالات والشبكات هندسة تقنيات الحاسوب \ كلية الدراسات الانسانية الجامعة Facebook: Mohammed Altufaili Email: Thursday 30-1-2014

2 The lecture aims : - Introduction to network - Components of the network - Protocol - Networks classification by geography - Segments and backbones


4 Introduction to Networks -A network is a connected system of objects or people, a network is a set of devices (nodes) connected by communication links. -A node can be a computer, printer, or any other device capable of sending and/or receiving data generated by other nodes on the network.


6 Components of the network: 1. Message 2. Sender 3. Receiver 4. Transmission media 5. Protocol

7 Protocols, must be followed in order for the message to be successfully delivered and understood. Among the protocols that govern successful human communication are: An identified sender and receiver Agreed upon method of communicating (face-to-face, telephone, letter, photograph) Common language and grammar Speed and timing of delivery Confirmation or acknowledgement requirements




11 Protocols: The protocol is a set of rules that governs data communications.

12 Networks Classified by Geography : Geographically, networks can be sorted into five classes:- 1. Personal Area Networks (PAN) 2. Local Area Network (LAN) 3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) 4. Wide Area Network (WAN) 5. Global Area Network (GAN)

13 Segments and backbones Segment The term segment refers to a LAN composed of user workstations and other end-user devices, such as servers, printers, IP phones, etc. Backbone The backbone exists primarily as a conduit that enables the segments to communicate with each other.


15 References 1."Data communication and networking“, Forouzan, 4th edition. 2. "Computer networks", Sharam Hekmat

16 Any questions ?

17 Thank you for your attention

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