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Bridger Pipeline, Yellowstone River Response GLENDIVE, DAWSON COUNTY, MONTANA WINTER 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Bridger Pipeline, Yellowstone River Response GLENDIVE, DAWSON COUNTY, MONTANA WINTER 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bridger Pipeline, Yellowstone River Response GLENDIVE, DAWSON COUNTY, MONTANA WINTER 2015

2 Initial Timeline  On Saturday, January 17, 2015 Bridger Pipeline records a rapid pressure drop in its injection pipeline near Glendive, Montana at approximately 1200  Bridger immediately begins to shut down the pipeline (the procedure takes roughly 45 minutes)  Bridger makes notification to NRC, Montana DES/DEQ, Dawson County DES, and the City of Glendive  Initial survey crews do not see any evidence of an oil spill on the ground or in the water

3 Site Conditions  Bloody Cold  Covered in Ice

4 More Timeline  By 2100 on January 17, Bridger has determined that the release has occurred between two block valves approximately 6800 feet apart that straddle the Yellowstone River  Metering indicates that at least 300 bbls. Of oil (Bakken Crude) has been lost  Calculations indicate that the pipeline volume between the valves would be an additional 925 bbls.  No oil has been seen, smelled, or detected on the water or in the area

5 Site Location

6 Area Map

7 Sunday, January 18, 2015  OSC Peronard departs from a spill near Greeley, CO en route to Glendive, MT at 0800  2 START Contractors depart Denver, CO (with sampling/monitoring gear) en route to Glendive, MT at 0830  During the Day the City of Glendive Water Treatment Plant begins receiving odor and taste complaints from City water users  OSC Peronard arrives in Glendive and tours the scene at 1700  No oil scene  WTP looks normal, smells like chlorine  At 1900 an Organizational Unified Command (UC) meeting is held

8 Priorities/Operational Theaters  Safety  Ice conditions, Cold, Fast Moving Water  Water Treatment and Distribution System  Assess, fix as needed  Secure Pipeline  Remove remaining oil  Recover Oil From Water  Assess Impacts

9 Safety Issues  Temperature fluctuated throughout response, created unstable ice  Some concern about VOCs in air  Recovery of someone lost under the ice unlikely  Bad form to kill someone just to recover oil

10 Water System  On January 18, 2015, Emergency Samples collected by the MDEQ were sent to lab in Billings, MT for rush analysis. DW quality data available in two days  START conducted head-space analysis (using multi-raes)of water samples at intake, in treatment plant, in distribution system, and from homes/businesses. All samples indicate the presence of VOCs in water. Up to 50 ppm VOCs detected in head space  Decision to clean Water System made by UC based on head space analysis made around 1200 on Sunday, January 18, 2015, after consultation with ATSDR  A do not consume advisory issued by UC around 1400  OSC Peronard ordered up mobile lab (with 2 chemists) and 2 more OSCs




14 Water System Plan  Clean of Water Treatment Plant  Flush Distribution System  Flush Homes  Sample and Confirm all clear  City Engineer and 2 MDEQ DW Specialists to oversee  In the Meantime Provide Bottled Water

15 Bottled Water  Begun at 1800 on Monday, January 18, 2015  Secured and brought to Glendive by MDES  Distribution handled by Dawson County Health Department with labor assistance provided by Bridger  Issues  ATSDR Opinion no acute health threat, only chronic  But hard data not available for few days, I suspect levels higher  Hospital  State Prison



18 Water Plant Clean-Up  Began around 1300 on Monday January 19, 2015, took about 24 hours  Aerators rigged-up in pre sedimentation ponds, clear-well  Dual media filters (typically only run with sand in winter, as was the case now) were subject to a “hyper “ backwash  Air monitoring indicated spike in VOCs then steady drop off  Carbon added back to filters (modeled based on input of 100 ppm VOCs) to remove organics

19 More Water Plant Clean-up  Mobile Lab arrived on-site around 0130 on Tuesday, January 20, 2015. They start running samples at 0600  Mark McDaniels and Scott Walker kick much ass  Data indicates that the air-stripping is quite effective  Mobile lab reports benzene up to 40 ppb (MCL=5 ppb) and toluene and xylene up to 700 ppb. In all 6-12 VOCs identified in each sample  Issues  While mobile lab can meet DQOs/MDLs their method is not DW certified  Aerators muck up turbidity. Plant intact running at around 50,000 NTU




23 Distribution System Flush  Started on Tuesday, January 13, 2015, around 1400. It took roughly 36 hours.  Planned by the System Design/Operating Engineer, using a system distribution pressure model  Worked basically upstream to downstream.  Section isolated, drained and clean water pushed out from WTP  No pressure loss allowed to minimize bacteriological issues  VOC monitoring/head-space analysis done continuously  Once monitoring showed ND for VOCs sample sent to mobile lab for confirmation (typically 2-hour turn around)


25 More Distribution System Flush  Staggered samples taken from WTP and Distribution System and sent to off-site lab for DW analysis, including Bac-T, once on-site lab indicates ND for VOCs  Mobile lab data quality and detection levels meet or beat off-site lab  Issues  Concern of discharge permit (40 CFR 122.3(d))  “Compliance Question” (NCP @ 40 CFR 300.322(b) & (c))  Prison Unrest  Surgery Cancelations

26 Home/Business Flush  A Fact Sheet on flushing your home/business was developed by UC and City Engineer  It gives a procedure based on size of home and size of water tanks  Public Meeting held Thursday, January 22, 2015, to explain procedure and operations to date  Call-in number and e-mail address provided for folks who need individual help  Samples collected from roughly 50 homes/businesses, monitoring done at many more

27 All Clear for Water System  Given by UC with concurrence from MDEQ on Friday, January 23, 2015, around 1300  Issues  Still oil in the river, we expected a second slug with ice break-up (continued sampling at intake, and developed an intake procedure)  Installation of a real-time VOC water monitoring unit at Glendive WTP not completed until February 20, 2015  With break-up (March 10-12, 2015) a second slug did indeed come (VOC monitor worked, aerators put back on-line for 2 days, system operated at full capacity after a 12-hour slow down)


29 Pipeline Recovery Operations  Pipeline shut-in at block valves  Pipeline unearthed and “tapped” then “cut and blanked” on both sides of the River  Pipeline cleared in three steps  Gravity drained  Vacuumed from both ends  Pressure “pigged’ from upstream to downstream  496 bbls of oil recovered from pipeline




33 Oil Recovery from the Yellowstone River  Three Basic Techniques Attempted  Ice slotting (didn’t work)  Open water boom drags (not feasible as it turns out)  Auger oil ice mining with sump and squeegee recovery (finally something)  Recovered 60 bbls.  Only 1-2 bbls recovered after February 1, 2015  Put on hold in mid-February  Oil Recovery past point of diminishing returns  Ice conditions are way unstable and unsafe

34 Ice Slotting


36 Auger Oil Ice Mining  Oil turned out to be trapped between layers of ice and in fissures


38 Oil Lost/Recovery Tally Oil Involved Lost During Pumping: 300 bbls Volume in Pipe: 925 bbls Total:1225 bbls Oil Recovered From Pipeline496 bbls From River 60 bbls Total:556 bbls Oil in River Discharged;729 bbls Less recovered-60 bbls Total:669 bbls

39 Assess Impacts  Good News  No oil fouled flora/fauna  Banks clear  No impacts to Eagles  Bad News  669 bbls lost  Some initial fish uptake  Soluble/entrained VOCs detected as far down river as Williston, ND

40 For More Info:  Contact:  Paul, 303 312-6808;  Marty, 303 312-6963;  Joyel, 303 312-6647;   Click on Websites  Click on Region 8  Click on Bridger Pipeline

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