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Presentation on theme: "GIMAC network advocacy CÔTE D’IVOIRE FEMMES AFRICA SOLIDARITE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Human Rights Council - Geneva 16 th Session 16 th Session Written statement – Called for an independent international commission of inquiry Written statement – Called for an independent international commission of inquiry Commission of inquiry established to investigate human rights violations after the elections on 28 November 2010 Commission of inquiry established to investigate human rights violations after the elections on 28 November 2010

3 Human Rights Council - Geneva 17 th Session of the HRC – report of the independent international commission of inquiry 17 th Session of the HRC – report of the independent international commission of inquiry Four women from Côte d’Ivoire – written statement asking for the full participation of women in the Truth, Dialogue and Reconciliation Commission to be set up by the government Four women from Côte d’Ivoire – written statement asking for the full participation of women in the Truth, Dialogue and Reconciliation Commission to be set up by the government Meeting with high level stakeholders and one of the members of the commission of inquiry – Madame Reine Alapini Gansou Meeting with high level stakeholders and one of the members of the commission of inquiry – Madame Reine Alapini Gansou

4 Key Findings of the report of the Commission of Inquiry Root causes – use of ethnic backgrounds for political reasons, manipulation of Ivorian youth, unresolved land issue Root causes – use of ethnic backgrounds for political reasons, manipulation of Ivorian youth, unresolved land issue Crimes against humanity and war crimes committed by both sides Crimes against humanity and war crimes committed by both sides Violations continue in the west, south-west and Abidjan Violations continue in the west, south-west and Abidjan The issue of displaced people, refugees in Liberia and cross-border insecurity should be addressed The issue of displaced people, refugees in Liberia and cross-border insecurity should be addressed

5 Key Findings of the report of the Commission of Inquiry Recommendation of the establishment by the Human Rights Council of an independent mechanism to monitor the human rights situation Recommendation of the establishment by the Human Rights Council of an independent mechanism to monitor the human rights situation The Dialogue, Truth and Reconciliation Commission should be in practice with good standards The Dialogue, Truth and Reconciliation Commission should be in practice with good standards The UN to assess the work of the UN Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI ) – did not use all the full means available to protect the civilian population The UN to assess the work of the UN Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI ) – did not use all the full means available to protect the civilian population Need for a professional army that respects human rights Need for a professional army that respects human rights

6 Key Findings of the report of the Commission of Inquiry IMPORTANT: IMPORTANT: Prompt ratification of the : Prompt ratification of the : - Protocol to the African Charter on the Rights of Women in Africa - African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child Desire in Côte d’Ivoire for Ivorian communities to continue to live together Desire in Côte d’Ivoire for Ivorian communities to continue to live together

7 Key Findings of the report of the Commission of Inquiry Request that the Ivorian government ratify: Request that the Ivorian government ratify: - The Rome Statute – The Ivorian government has invited the International Criminal Court to investigate and try crimes under international law - African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance Recommendations of previous commissions were not implemented and as such lasting peace and stability will be elusive if impunity continues Recommendations of previous commissions were not implemented and as such lasting peace and stability will be elusive if impunity continues

8 Key Recommendations by Ivorian women at the 17 th Session of the HRC Women should participate in the peace process and national reconciliation Women should participate in the peace process and national reconciliation Media should be involved in gender promotion Media should be involved in gender promotion Artists should contribute to a culture of peace Artists should contribute to a culture of peace Need for prompt legal so that victims do not become resigned and discouraged Need for prompt legal so that victims do not become resigned and discouraged Women should be better integrated in economic opportunities Women should be better integrated in economic opportunities Women in the region (Mano River) should collaborate in peace and reconciliation efforts Women in the region (Mano River) should collaborate in peace and reconciliation efforts

9 Key Recommendations by Ivorian women at the 17 th Session of the HRC Reconciliation should include all parties because if not, some parties might use other means to get justice Reconciliation should include all parties because if not, some parties might use other means to get justice Reconciliation should be an order of priority so that we do not find ourselves in the same place again Reconciliation should be an order of priority so that we do not find ourselves in the same place again

10 Thank you!


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