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Taehyun Kwon Econ 539.  “Affirmative Action, Political Representation, Unions, and Female Police Employment.”  Tim R.Sass and Jennifer L.Troyer, 1999.

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1 Taehyun Kwon Econ 539

2  “Affirmative Action, Political Representation, Unions, and Female Police Employment.”  Tim R.Sass and Jennifer L.Troyer, 1999  Journal of Labor Research 20(4), 571-587.

3  Neo-classical human capital theory - more part time - less work hour  Theory of labor market discrimination - employer, co-workers, customers

4  The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's EEO-4 survey  the LMW Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) survey  The Police Personnel Practices survey performed by the International City/County Management Association (ICMA)

5  f = f (L, Ir, V, Im, U, A, C)  L: Labor force participation rate of adult women in a community  Ir: Gender of city councilors or the mayor  V: Voter preferences  Im: Level of satisfaction of the city manager  U: Existence of a police union  A: existence of one or more previous court- decided EEO lawsuits  C: nonpecuniary characteristics of the job of police officer

6 variable19811987 1991 Council- Manager city -1.50 [-0.90] -5.58* [-3.43] -6.33** [-4.10] 3.37 [2.02] 1.22 [0.79] Judicial decisions 16.23** [9.74] 11.90* [7.31] 8.48-2.96-3.24 Union-0.279.25*11.34*2.984.92* Male Employee -1.14**-1.78** -1.20**-1.15** Lagged Pct. Female New hires _ _0.15* _0.01

7 variable1981-19871987- 1990/91 1981- 1990/91 Council- Manager city 1.681** [0.985] 0.360 [0.180] 0.679 [0.343] 1.705** [1.032] Judicial decisions 6.272** [3.674] 1.840 [0.922] 1.467 [0.721] 8.562** [5.184] Union-1.870** [-1.095] 0.331 [0.166] 0.202 [0.099] -0.919 [-0.556] Male Employee -0.476** [0.279] -0.202** [0.101] 0.277** [0.136] 0.615** [0.372] Lagged Pct. Female New hires _ _0.021 [0.010] _

8  Vivian Price, 2002, “Race, Affirmative Action, and Women’s Employment in US Highway Construction.” Feminist Economics 8(2), 87-113.  Kevin M. O’Brien, 2003, “The determinants of minority employment in police and fire departments.”, The Journal of Socio-Economics 32, 183-195.

9  Anti-discrimination litigation - positive(+)  Existence of Female Councilors or mayors - didn’t significantly affect - O’Brien : support  The proportion of male officers - negative(-)  Labor union - Ambiguous(∆)

10  Female councilors or mayor - doesn’t affect - Black mayor + EEO complaints(O’Brien) - EEO complaints = Judicial, advocate, community pressure(?)  Labor union - mid 1980, early 1990 - negative → positive - further research

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