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Hispanic and Women Farmers and Ranchers Farmer & Rancher Call Center 1-888-508-4429 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Hispanic and Women Farmers and Ranchers Farmer & Rancher Call Center 1-888-508-4429 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hispanic and Women Farmers and Ranchers Farmer & Rancher Call Center 1-888-508-4429 1

2 Hispanic & Women On February 25, 2011, USDA and DOJ announced an optional and voluntary program for resolving claims of discrimination in loan making or loan servicing of Hispanic and women farmers and ranchers in an expedited manner This optional program is being made available as an alternative to litigation As the Hispanic and women farmers and ranchers’ lawsuits alleging discrimination by USDA were not certified as classes, the only alternative was individual litigation By offering this optional, voluntary program USDA and DOJ are providing an avenue for relief for 2 Farmer & Rancher Call Center 1-888-508-4429

3 Potential Claimants Hispanic and women farmers and ranchers whose loans were: – Denied during application submission – Denied during loan application review process – Provided late – Approved for a lesser amount than requested – Approved with restrictive conditions – Not appropriately serviced – Actively discouraged by the actions of USDA personnel from applying 3 Farmer & Rancher Call Center 1-888-508-4429

4 Claims Period USDA will announce the opening of the Claims Period in 2011. The Claims Period has not yet commenced The Claims Period will last 180 days Claims Process will be managed by a Claims Process Administrator and Claims Process Adjudicator As soon as the Administrator/Adjudicator is named, all responsibilities for communications with claimants will transfer to that entity A Claims Package will be delivered to those registering to receive the package Fraud Prevention measures are included in the program 4 Farmer & Rancher Call Center 1-888-508-4429

5 Accessing Claims Packages The claims package will have detailed information about the eligibility and claims process Packages will be available by request Those requesting packages must provide their contact information via: – Farmer and Rancher Call Center: 1-888-508-4429 – Claims Process Website: 5 Farmer & Rancher Call Center 1-888-508-4429

6 Farmer and Rancher Call Center Farmer and Rancher Call Center: – 1-888-508-4429 (toll-free) Call Center will collect contact information and answer questions in both English and Spanish Hours of Operation: – Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm (EST) Call Center opened February 25, 2010 and is expected to remain open until Summer 2011 Contacting the call center is strictly voluntary 6 Farmer & Rancher Call Center 1-888-508-4429

7 Common Questions When can I expect payment? All claims will have to be adjudicated before payment is made. We are not able to estimate when payments to successful claimants will be made. I went into the USDA office and they wouldn't provide me an application, so I don't have a denial letter or anything from USDA. Am I eligible for a claim and if so what do I need to provide? You may be eligible to submit a claim depending on your specific circumstances. You may request a claims package and review the eligibility criteria contained in the claims package. If you have questions, you may consult with counsel or another legal service provider. Does it cost anything to submit a claim? No, there are no fees or charges for you to receive a claims package or to submit your claim. The claims package will include documentation regarding eligibility, the steps for you to take to file a claim, and the claims administrator's contact information for processing inquiries. USDA cannot offer you legal advice. If you have questions, you may consult with counsel or another legal service provider. Who will determine if I'm eligible for a claim? An independent Claims Adjudicator will make the determination of eligibility based upon criteria contained in the claims package. How will I know if USDA or the administrator has received my claim? The Claims Administrator will have a tracking system in use for your claim. You will be able to track the status online, or call the Claims Administrator to confirm he or she has your claim. What types of relief are available? Successful claimants will be eligible for a monetary payment, relief of some FSA loans, and tax relief. Further details will be included in the claims package. Do I need to hire a lawyer to help me with my claim? USDA does not require you to hire a lawyer to participate in this Program. If you have questions, you may consult with counsel or another legal service provider. What will USDA do with my information? The information you provided today will be given to a Claims Administrator with independent decision-making authority. He or she will send you a claims package for you to complete. 7 Farmer & Rancher Call Center 1-888-508-4429

8 USDA CR Accomplishments A few Civil Rights Accomplishments in past several years Lowest number of equal employment opportunity complaints (461) in FY 2010. Lowest number of Farm Service Agency complaints filed (37) in FY 2010. Announced the Pigford II settlement with black farmers, and helped pass legislation that will provide $1.15 billion in funding for this settlement. Announced a historic settlement agreement with Native American farmers who claim to have faced discrimination by USDA in past decades. Suspended all foreclosures in the Farm Service Agency's loan program for 90 days to provide an opportunity to review loans that could have been related to discriminatory conduct. Secretary Vilsack and other senior leaders have taken an active role in reaching out to traditionally underserved groups in personal meetings, speeches, visits to conferences, and other methods. USDA has made improving relations with Native American Tribes a priority. He has directed all USDA agencies to engage in and be thoughtful about tribal issues and named a Senior Advisor on Tribal Relations for the first time. USDA’s politically appointed workforce represents the full diversity of America with self-identified African-Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, Veterans, Americans with Disabilities, and Gay and Lesbian Americans. Began the process of a broader effort towards cultural transformation at USDA. Farmer & Rancher Call Center 1-888- 508-4429 8

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