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End of the Era of Good Feelings Caused by two things: James Monroe
The Panic of 1819 The Missouri Compromise of 1820 James Monroe
ELECTION OF 1824 John Quincy Adams Henry Clay Andrew Jackson
William Crawford All four candidates professed to be Republicans! No one candidate got enough electoral vote John C. Calhoun John C. Calhoun on two tickets as VP Andrew Jackson got the most votes and the most popular vote--sounds like he should be President?? Henry Clay (Speaker of the House of Rep. gets support for Adams Adams elected President and a few days later Clay announced as his Secretary of State Jackson’s supporters angry and felt election was stolen--claim a “corrupt bargain”
“I am a man of reserved, cold, austere, and forbidden manners”
JOHN Q. ADAMS John Q. Adams known as “Old Man Eloquent” One of the most successful Secretary’s of State, yet least successful President Was a “minority president” which made it difficult for him to gain any support for his programs During his time, turn of America from nationalism towards state’s rights and sectionalism Many of his programs were not liked by the West “I am a man of reserved, cold, austere, and forbidden manners”
“Revolution of the Common Man”
ELECTION OF 1828 John Q. Adams Andrew Jackson “Revolution of the Common Man” Republican Party split into National Republicans (Adams) and the Democratic-Republicans (Jackson) Mudslinging and very nasty campaign Rachel Jackson Hello children… The Hermitage “King Mob” “Old Hickory”
THE SPOILS SYSTEM James A. Garfield “To the victor belong the spoils”
Spoils System is the rewarding of jobs to political supporters Andrew Jackson believed in the Spoils System Jackson brought the spoils system to the National level Believed in “rotation in office” or “turnabout is fair play” Under Jackson, people who were illiterate or crooks got govt jobs “To the victor belong the spoils” James A. Garfield The Spoils System gets worse and worse…until James A. Garfield is assassinated because he didn’t give a job to someone and they were extremely upset!!! “I never did think too much of man who could only think of one way to spell a word”
TARIFF OF 1828 Nicknames for Tariff Southern Response?
Highest tariff up to this time in history--higher than the Tariff of 1816 Protected manufacturing and factories The South hated it--the North loved it Was passed to make JQ Adams look bad Supported tariff Opposed tariff John C. Calhoun Daniel Webster Nicknames for Tariff Southern Response? South hated the tariff because they felt it discriminated against them Also worried about states rights Tariff of Abominations Black Tariff
TARIFF OF 1828 South Carolina was the main leader against the Tariff of Abominations Writes the South Carolina Exposition and Protest Secretly written by John C. Calhoun in opposition to tariff Said that the states had the right to declare the tariff null, void, and unconstitutional within its borders No southern states joined S. Carolina in declaring the Tariff of 1828 null and void “Nullies” John C. Calhoun
Jackson was not a supporter of tariff, but was of union Began preparing an army to go to South Carolina “I will hang the first man by the first tree I see” Henry Clay will offer a compromise Tariff of 1833 FORCE BILL Authorized the President to use the military if needed South called it “Bloody Bill” South Carolina repealed “nullification” of Tariff But, they “nullified” the Force Bill!!!!!
WEBSTER-HAYNE DEBATE “Liberty and Union, Now and forever,
Famous debate that occurred in 1830 Robert Hayne was a good orator from the South Daniel Webster was a good speaker from the North Debate started on the sale of public lands and after 9 days it was really about Union versus States’ rights Brought tears to the eyes of listeners “Liberty and Union, Now and forever, one and inseparable--Daniel Webster “Our Union it must be preserved--Andrew Jackson “The Union, next to our liberty, most dear”--Calhoun Daniel Webster Robert Hayne WEBSTER-HAYNE DEBATE
Native Americans who refused to leave:
TRAIL OF TEARS Trail of Tears was a mass movement of Indian groups from south to reservations in Ok. Jackson wanted to move Indians Cherokee’s went to Supreme Court in Worchester v. Georgia Marshall court ruled in favor of Indians Native Americans who refused to leave: Black Hawk--Indian up North who fought against eviction Osceola--leader of Seminoles who fought eviction for 7 years; many stayed and hid in the Everglades 5 Civilized Tribes Cherokees Creeks Choctaws Chickasaws Seminoles “John Marshall has made his decision,now let him enforce it” -Andrew Jackson
“The Bank is trying to kill me…but I will kill it”
BANK OF THE US President Jackson disliked the Bank of the United States Jackson felt the Bank was monopolistic and wanted to destroy it People of the West didn’t like the Bank either Henry Clay and Daniel Webster attempt to recharter Bank early to make Jackson look bad Starts battle over bank!! Czar Nicholas Pet Banks McCulloch v. Maryland State banks that Jackson put federal govt money into Declared the Bank of the United States CONSTITUTIONAL Head of the Bank of the United States Law that said all land purchases had to be in hard currency Specie Circular “The Bank is trying to kill me…but I will kill it”
ELECTION OF 1832 Winner: Jackson
ANDREW JACKSON HENRY CLAY First election to have a third party involved called the Anti-Masonic Party First election to have a nominating convention to choose candidates First election to have party platforms Winner: Jackson
THE WHIG PARTY Formed in opposition to Andrew Jackson
Called Andrew Jackson “King Andrew”
ELECTION OF 1836 WHIGS? Martin Van Buren “Little Magician”
“Wizard of Albany” Divorce Bill Bill that “divorced” the government from banking altogether Hand picked successor to Andrew Jackson Not very popular; had all Jackson’s enemies
Boosted the power of the Executive Branch Led common man into national politics Created powerful Democratic party Helped set up the 2 party system ANDREW JACKSON’S LEGACY
TEXAS GTT Moses Austin Stephen Austin
Texas belonged to Spanish who wanted to populate the area but was having trouble Moses Austin Moses Austin got rights to land to populate with American families Moses Austin dies and land is taken over by son Stephen Austin Settlers in Texas refuse to abide by Mexican rules and declare their independence Stephen Austin GTT
“I shall never surrender or retreat…victory or death”
BATTLE OF THE ALAMO Battle for Texas independence Less than 200 Texans at the Alamo Mexican leader at the Alamo Took 13 days to take the Alamo Installed as governor of free Texas Sam Houston Santa Anna Famous People? “I shall never surrender or retreat…victory or death” William Travis James Bowie Davy Crockett
3 Battles for Texas Independence
SAN JACINTO Last battle for Texas independence Sam Houston and troops took advantage of Mexican siesta Captured Santa Anna who signed treaty giving Texas independence Border was Rio Grande We released Santa Anna and he repudiated the whole agreement as illegal b/c it was extorted under duress!!! 3 Battles for Texas Independence The Alamo Goliad San Jacinto Texas will not become a state until 1845 because of slavery issue!!! 28th state--the Lonestar State First Governor will be Sam Houston
“Tippecanoe and Tyler Too
ELECTION OF 1840 Martin Van Buren William H. Harrison Only real candidate Democrats had Known for battles of Tippecanoe and Thames Chose John Tyler as his VP Whigs published no platform Adopted hard cider and log cabins of symbols of their campaign Said Van Buren was “aristocratic” WINNER “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too DEMOCRAT WHIGS
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