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SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon January 2014 30 2131292827 26 25 1:00 – Volunteer orientation (at the shelter 2422 21 1:00 – Volunteer orientation (at the shelter.

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Presentation on theme: "SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon January 2014 30 2131292827 26 25 1:00 – Volunteer orientation (at the shelter 2422 21 1:00 – Volunteer orientation (at the shelter."— Presentation transcript:

1 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon January 2014 30 2131292827 26 25 1:00 – Volunteer orientation (at the shelter 2422 21 1:00 – Volunteer orientation (at the shelter 20 19 1817151413 121110876 543131 30 23 16 9 2 New Years Day Martin Luther King Day 6:30 -SFTS Board of Directors Meeting 6:30 –Events Planning Meeting Jam the Van 7:00 – January psychic reading event Location is the Clinic

2 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon February 2014 30292827 21282726 25 24 23222120191817 16151413121110 9876543 2131 Groundhog Day Lincoln’s b-Day President’s Day Valentine’s Day Bowling for Paw Maybe could plan a valentines bake sale Boston Store community Days 1:00 – Volunteer orientation (at the shelter Pet Expo

3 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon March 2014 272625 31 30292827262524 23222120191817 16151413121110 9876543 2128 321456 24 Start of Day light Savings time Ash Wednesday St Patrick’s Day 6:30 -SFTS Board of Directors Meeting 6:30 –Events Planning Meeting Jam the Van Boston store Community Days Boston Store community Days Spaygetti and no balls w/clinic open house 7:00 - Wine and Beer tasting

4 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon April 2014 1302928 27262524232221 20191817161514 13121110987 654321 234 31 Palm Sunday EasterTax day Annual Meeting – Wendy To Lead Do we know anything about Rockers for Rescue - It was on April 6 last year Bowling for Paws – Jefferson Families -2 and Adults -6:30

5 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon May 2014 302928 1313029282726 25242322212019 18171615141312 111098765 4321 Mother’s Day Armed Forces Day Memorial Day 6:30 -SFTS Board of Directors Meeting 6:30 –Events Planning Meeting Jam the Van Spring Clean up a the Shelter Spring Clean up a the Shelter (rain date)

6 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon June 2014 29 2 27 30 292827 26252423 222120 19181716 151413 1211109 876 5432 1313026 1 5 4 3 6 28 Father’s day Flag Day Solsitice Yappy Hour – location TBD Recommend garage sale

7 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon July 2014 313029 28 272625242322 21 201918171615 14 1312111098 7 654321 321 30 Independence Day 6:30 -SFTS Board of Directors Meeting 6:30 –Events Planning Meeting Jam the Van Yappy Hour – Lewis station Winery (art fair?)

8 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon August 2014 31302928 31302928272625 24232221201918 17161514131211 10987654 321 STFT Reunion

9 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon September 2014 3029 28272625242322 21201918171615 141312111098 7654321 21543 Labor Day 6:30 -SFTS Board of Directors Meeting 6:30 –Events Planning Meeting Jam the Van Consider a tent event at Pet Mart Consider No Dog Left Behind Run Potential for Bark, Scoot and Boogie Potential rain date for Bark, Scoot and Boogie

10 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon October 2014 3029 2131302928 27 262524232221 20 191817161514 13 121110987 6 54321 Columbus Day Halloween Potential for Bark, Scoot and Boogie Potential for rain date, Scoot and Boogie Lake Mills Fall Festival Maybe a second yappy hour

11 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon November 2014 30292827 30292827262524 23222120191817 16151413121110 9876543 2131 Daylight Savings ends Election day Veteran’s Day Thanksgiving Day President’s Day 6:30 -SFTS Board of Directors Meeting 6:30 –Events Planning Meeting Jam the Van Christmas “mailer” to go out

12 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon December 2014 1313029 28272625242322 21201918171615 141312111098 7654321 432 SolsticeHanukkah Christmas Need to schedule pictures with Santa Need to schedule gift wrapping at the “malls” Need to set up wishing trees We had something about Rockers for rescues on last Dec We also had something about - Bikers Event Michelle

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