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Transfer Monitoring. u SCT Banner Transfer Monitoring batch file processing was introduced in the 5.4/4.13 Release Guides (January 2002). u This process.

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1 Transfer Monitoring

2 u SCT Banner Transfer Monitoring batch file processing was introduced in the 5.4/4.13 Release Guides (January 2002). u This process replaced the Financial Aid Transcript process in July 2001.

3 Forms Affected  RTVHOLDHold Type Validation Form n Create mandatory seven-day hold required for transfer monitoring Check Disbursement Hold field  GLRSLCTPopulation Selection Rules Form n Create code and description for Transfer Monitoring Alert selection Names of students in incoming NSLDS Alert files are added to selection automatically during the Transfer Monitoring Import Process (RNRTMNI.)

4 New Forms u RNATMNTTransfer Monitoring Form n User identifies mid-year transfer students and manually adds student ID’s to form. n The data on RNATMNT may be updated prior to extract. n User identifies students to remove from TM and manually clicks ‘Remove’ field to stop Transfer Monitoring. n ‘Remove’ field may be checked only after record is extracted to remove a student from the monitoring process.

5 New Process  RNRTMAC - Trans. Monitoring Application n User identifies mid-year transfer students and batch process adds student ID’s to form. n The data on RNATMNT may be updated prior to extract. n User identifies students to remove from TM and manually clicks ‘Remove’ field to stop Transfer Monitoring. n ‘Remove’ field may be checked only after record is extracted to remove a student from the monitoring process. n Population Selection can be used.

6 New Processes u RNRTMNE Transfer Monitoring Extract n Extracts students based on RNATMNT add/remove data. n Multi-campus schools must run extract process separately for each school code in use. n Output includes: u Monitor Begin Date populated on RNATMNT form for new records to be added. u Outgoing trininfin.dat file is created to transmit to NSLDS.

7 New Processes u RNRTMNE (Cont.) n Batch ID entry on the RPIBATC form. n Add or Remove Batch ID added to student record on RNATMNT form. n.lis file showing students added to or removed from Transfer Monitoring. n Federally required seven-day hold posted on the ROAHOLD Form for each student being added to Transfer Monitoring. n Hold expires automatically.

8 New Processes u RNRTMNE (Cont.) n School should transmit School Inform file on the same day it is created because: u Monitor Begin Date assigned during extract process must be current or future date that is not later than the enrollment start date. u See examples - 5.4/4.13 Release Guides. u Holds must be in place for proper number of days.

9 New Processes u RNRTMNI Transfer Monitoring Import n Uploads TRNINFOP Error/Acknowledgement file n Parameter to print output report u Header and trailer only if no error messages. u Header, trailer, and detail records if errors/warnings in file. n Updates RPIBATC file with number of records accepted/rejected. n School should contact NSLDS if acknowledgement not received in 36-48 hours.

10 New Processes u RNRTMNI (Cont.) n Uploads tralrtop.dat Alert File u Displays incoming data on student’s RNASLxx form. u Parameter to print output file showing student detail. n Optional parameters to create an automated list of students via population selection.

11 New Processes u RNRTMNI (Cont.) n Displays incoming file data on student’s RNASLxx Form u Aggregates, Perkins, Student level flags,Pell Payment Records, Overpayment Records, Loan Detail Records, Name History Records n The user may elect to receive a TRLTRPOP Alert File in Report format. Has same data as extract file, but must be printed outside of Banner.

12 Transfer Monitoring Flow RNATMNT Transmit File RNRTMNE RPIBATC RNRTMNI RNASLxx 3/2002 Enter the transfer students that NSLDS is to monitor or remove ones from being monitored RNRTMAC can be used in batch to create the record Run process to create the extract file Message Class: TRNINFIN File types loaded: Error/Acknowledgment TRNINFOP Alert File-Extract Format TRALRTOP Alert File -Report Format TRLTRPOP View batch information ROAHOLD Schools are required to withhold disbursement for seven days after a student has been added to TM Updated with student specific information

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