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ProvidRoleing social support services Role of professionals providing social support in Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "ProvidRoleing social support services Role of professionals providing social support in Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 providRoleing social support services Role of professionals providing social support in Europe

2 Revision Answer the following questions related to the definition of social work: 1. What does the social work profession promote? 2. Which theories does social work utilise? 3. Which principles are fundamental to social work?

3 Answers 1. Social change, problem solving in human relationships and empowerment of people to enhance well-being 2. Theories of human behaviour and social systems 3. Principles of human rights and social justice

4 Types of work Complete the following text: The work of social workers may include, i__________ practice, groupwork, c__________ work, social d__________, social a________, policy development, research, social work e________ and s___________ functions in these fields.

5 The work of social workers may include, interpersonal practice, groupwork, community work, social development, social action, policy development, research, social work education and supervisory functions in these fields.

6 Basic values Social work is committed to five basic values: Human d_________ and worth Social j_________ Service to h____________ I____________ C____________

7 Answers Human dignity and worth Social justice Service to humanity Integrity Competence

8 Tasks – group work Talk to your colleagues and make the following lists containing at least five items: Specializations available to social workers; Duties of social workers; The most important skills that social workers need

9 Specialization of social workers Clinical social workers Child welfare or family services social workers Protective services Mental health Health care School Criminal justice Occupational Gerontology Social work administrators Social work planners and policy-makers

10 Duties of social workers Interview clients Provide counsel and therapy Plan programs of assistance for clients Investigate cases of child abuse or neglect Act as advocates for client groups Develop or advise on social policy legislation

11 Provide mediation services and psychosocial assessments Evaluate the effectiveness of counselling and social programs May provide public education and consultation May supervise other social workers Keeping accurate records and preparing reports

12 Skills and knowledge that are needed: Listening carefully Helping people with their personal problems Taking responsibility for someone’s welfare Ethical behavior Keeping detailed and accurate records Patience and persistence

13 Inspiring trust and confidence Working with minimal supervision Working well in a team No emotional involvement Communication skills Handling pressure Being interested in people’s care and well-being

14 -mJ6L7312Uk Five questions – a quiz mJ6L7312Uk mJ6L7312Uk

15 Homework Write a short essay describing why you want to become a social workers (300 words)!

16 Statistics The number of jobs for social workers will grow faster until 2014, especially in the field of gerontology, juvenile delinquency, the mentally ill, AIDS, immigrants as well as in private practice 15% of social workers abandon the profession within the first year of work

17 Shortage of social workers There are over 100,000 registered social workers in the UK; however, there is still a shortage of them How about situation in Croatia?

18 Conclusion Despite the many frustrations of this job, most social workers find their jobs profoundly rewarding Helping struggling clients improve their lives to become happy and productive members of society can provide a sense of satisfaction and connection that few other jobs offer

19 Role of professionals in Europe Read the text on p. 48 and answer the following: What has British social work become focused on in practice? Why is the title ‘social worker’ being increasingly replaced by other titles? Which title would you suggest and why? What is the role of social pedagogues in the community?

20 Vocabulary – p. 48 Statutory – propisan zakonom Funding – financiranje Spasmodic – neredovito, nejednolično Intermediary – posredan Charge – štićenik All facets of community life – svi aspekti života u zajednici

21 Translate the following: An intermediary and well-organized profession has developed which takes up much of the slack between statutory, protective social work and more radical community work. What is statutory social work?

22 Statutory social work Social work that involves situations where an individual is part of a court or administrative process (placement in care by the court, young offenders, victims of crime, adoption, custody of children, etc.)

23 The Social Worker Read the text on p. 51 Briefly describe the After-Care Scheme in terms of their aims and services they provide What are the biggest problems of young people leaving care?

24 Thank you for your attention!

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