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Welcome to 8 th Grade U.S. History Mr. Hughes. Monday, 1 December 2014 1. Current Events (Set 13) 2. December S.O.A. 3. Bill of Rights 4. Bill of Rights.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 8 th Grade U.S. History Mr. Hughes. Monday, 1 December 2014 1. Current Events (Set 13) 2. December S.O.A. 3. Bill of Rights 4. Bill of Rights."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 8 th Grade U.S. History Mr. Hughes

2 Monday, 1 December 2014 1. Current Events (Set 13) 2. December S.O.A. 3. Bill of Rights 4. Bill of Rights Cases 5. Exit Slip Today’s History Standard is 8.2 Planner page 48

3 Tuesday, 2 December 2014 1. Current Event #2 2. Finish Bill of Rights 3. Other Amendments 4. Federalism 5. Exit Slip Today’s History Standard is 8.2 Planner page: 47 1-27

4 Wednesday, 3 December 2014 1. Current Event #3 2. Other Amendments 3. Federalism Venn Diagram 4. Legislative Branch Today’s History Standard is 8.1 Planner page 48 11-27

5 Thursday,4 December 2014 1. Current Event #4 2. Finish Amendments 3. Federalism 4. Legislative Branch 5. Just a Bill (video) 6. Bill to Law Today’s History Standard is 8.1 Planner page 49

6 Friday, 5 December 2014 1. Current Event #5 2. Legislative Branch 3. Just a Bill (video) 4. SNL Parody (video) 5. Bill to Law 6. Executive Branch Today’s History Standard is 8.1 Planner page 48

7 Current Events (Set 13) 1. “Riots after Grand Jury does not Indict Officer Wilson in Shooting Death of Unarmed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo.” Self defense? Excessive force? Communities across U.S. protest perception of racial bias and injustice by law enforcement. Protests, looting, boycotts, follow announcement that police officer won’t face criminal charges Ferguson

8 Current Event #2 2. “Sickles and Stones: Vampire Graves in Poland Shed Light on Fear of the Undead.” Six skeletons from 17 th century were impaired to possibly keep them from rising or biting. Vampire folklore is strong in Eastern Europe; it was believed they not only sucked blood, but spread other diseases too

9 Current Event #3 3. “8 th Amendment: Utah Panel Revives Plan for Executions by Firing Squad Last Used in 2004.” More humane? State lawmakers want to avoid legal challenges to problems with lethal injection drugs. Currently it’s only an option for inmates who were convicted prior to law change in 2004 Capital Punishment.30 Caliber Winchester

10 Current Event #4 4. “ Congress Shows Rare Bi-Partisan Support for Bill Denying Social Security Benefits to Nazis (House vote: 420-0). ” Many Nazis moved here & worked after the war before being deported; they are still collecting retirement checks. Although stripped of their U.S. citizenship, loophole allowed them to still receive Social Security checks

11 Current Event #5 City ordinance is aimed at reducing youth smoking….but they can still smoke, just not buy at 18 5. “Federalism: Northern California City becomes First in State to Raise the Minimum Age for Tobacco to 21.” Healdsburg city council passes ordinance (law) that applies to all tobacco products including electronic cigarettes.

12 History Standards Video Exit Slip Standard 8.2 (Be specific…) Identify and explain one of your rights or freedoms protected & guaranteed by the Bill of Rights to the Constitution. Which amendment or part of amendment is the most important to you? Why?

13 Federal System 1. Declare war 2. Maintain military 3. Regulate trade 4. Establish Post offices 5. Admit new states 6. Coin money 7. Establish foreign policy 8. Set standard weights & measures 1. Establish courts 2. Maintain public welfare 3. Maintain law & order 4. Charter banks 5. Levy taxes 6. Borrow Money 1. Public safety 2. Maintain schools 3. Regulate intrastate trade 4. Establish local governments 5. Make marriage laws 6. Administer state & local elections Shared Powers National Government Powers State Government Powers

14 How a Bill becomes a Law 1.Bill is introduced from committee 2. House votes: (218+ or majority) 3. If approved, Bill goes to Senate. If not, Bill dies House of Representatives 1.Senate votes 2.Rejected bill goes Back to House. 3. Approved bill (51+) goes to President 1. President signs = law 2. Doesn‘t sign in 10 days & Congress is still in session; it becomes a Law Senate President A bill can originate in the House or Senate Congress in session

15 How a Bill becomes a Law If Congress adjourns, and President doesn’t sign within 10 days = Pocket Veto (Bill dies) If President “Vetos,” Bill goes back to Congress House Senate House votes: 1.If 2/3 yes = override (back to Senate) 2. If no, Bill dies Senate votes: 1.If 2/3 yes = Law 2.If no then Bill dies President Veto = reject

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