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Transition to air quality e-Reporting Introduction to e-Reporting: policy driver, IPR pilot activities, timeline, EEA resources, plans for B-G and update.

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Presentation on theme: "Transition to air quality e-Reporting Introduction to e-Reporting: policy driver, IPR pilot activities, timeline, EEA resources, plans for B-G and update."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition to air quality e-Reporting Introduction to e-Reporting: policy driver, IPR pilot activities, timeline, EEA resources, plans for B-G and update on H-K Valentin Foltescu and Artur Gsella (EEA) 18th EIONET Workshop on Air Quality Assessment and Management Dublin, 24-25 of October 2013

2 AQ e-Reporting stems from Directive 2008/50/EC in relation to air quality Article 28 on implementing measures “…shall identify ways of streamlining the way data are reported and the reciprocal exchange of information data from networks and individual stations measuring ambient air pollution” The 23 rd whereas of the Directive “…It is necessary to adapt procedures for data provision assessment and reporting of air quality to enable electronic means and the Internet… compatible with Directive 2007/2/EC (INSPIRE)” Air Quality Directives and INSPIRE

3 - how has it been? Air Quality Reporting in Europe - how is it going to be? COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 12 December 2011 laying down rules for Directives 2004/107/EC and 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the reciprocal exchange of information and reporting on ambient air quality, notified under document C(2011) 9068)(2011/850/EU) Council Decision 97/101/EC of 27 January 1997 establishing a reciprocal exchange of information and data from networks and individual stations measuring ambient air pollution within the Member States Commission Decision 2004/461/EC of 29 April 2004 laying down a questionnaire to be used for annual reporting on ambient air quality assessment under Council Directives 96/62/EC and 1999/30/EC and under Directives 2000/69/EC and 2002/3/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (notified under document number C(2004) 1714), (Text with EEA relevance) (OJ L156, 30.04.2004, pp.78-125) … Transition to e-Reporting

4 COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 12 December 2011 laying down rules for Directives 2004/107/EC and 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the reciprocal exchange of information and reporting on ambient air quality (notified under document C(2011) 9068)(2011/850/EU): Data flow B: air quality management zones Data flow C: assessment regimes for zones (sampling points within zones) Data flow D: sampling points, stations, measurement methods (processes), etc. Data flow E1a: primary validated measurements Data flow E1b: primary modelling results Data flow E2: primary up-to-date measurements Data flow F1a: aggregated, validated measurements Data flow F1b: aggregated modelling results Data flow F2: aggregated, up-to-date measurements Data flow G: attainment (aggregation within zones, approved by MS) Data flow H: air quality plans Data flow I: source apportionment Data flow J: scenario for the attainment year Data flow K: measures Transition to e-Reporting

5 IPR Pilot group meetings January 2013June 2013November 2013 Three technical meetings in 2013

6 IPR Pilot progress Information sharing of concepts and structure for all data sets Optimised the formats & the data model / schema for e-Reporting Implemented AQD and INSPIRE vocabularies & code lists to support reporting and QA/QC Shared experiences with testing of B to G Several pilot countries on track to perform direct XML reporting

7 Resource to Support users

8 Resources to Support MS Aggregation Rules Code lists QA/QC rules Schema user guide AQUI Temporary support with the transformation to XML (2 years)

9 Key messages Full alignment achieved between IPR and INSPIRE Stable data model for all the data flows Stable and tested schema for B to G Stable schema available for testing H to K Toolbox updated with detailed schema user guide EEA system in place, ready to process the data flows B to G. Support available for reporting deadline 31 Dec 2013 (B, C, D)... Details in the following presentations...

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