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Defence Authority Public School O & A Levels Muhammad Kamran Qazi Senior Faculty member ECONOMICS.

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1 Defence Authority Public School O & A Levels Muhammad Kamran Qazi Senior Faculty member ECONOMICS

2 Scheme of Presentation Introduction Aims Curriculum Content Scheme of Assessment Assessment Objectives Question / Answers

3 Introduction Two major considerations; a) To develop interest/ taste for economics among students b) The course is designed to strengthen the conceptual base of the students Syllabus Breakup a) The whole syllabus – Covered in Three Years b) Each Year has Two Terms c) First Term – 16 weeks d) Second Term – 14 weeks Assessment Procedure a) Class Assessment – Monthly Tests, Class Participation b) School Exam – Mid Term & Final Term Exam c) Final Cambridge Examination

4 AIMS Improvement of following faculties among students : a)To develop sound understanding of elementary economic theory b) To be comfortable in handling the simple data, graphs and diagrams c) To develop basic aptitude about extracting most authentic/ reliable information from heaps of data/ information around them d) To Co-relate and apply the principles of economics with the ever changing environment of the world outside the class rooms e) To make intelligent economic decisions as a consumer

5 General Schedule of Studies Brief Schedule of Economics GCE (O) for whole year: PeriodActivity August to NovemberIntensive Studies (regular classes) DecemberMid Term Exams at School level January to MarchIntensive Studies (regular Classes) AprilFinal Term Exams at School Level MayCambridge International Exams

6 O Level Program Whole Course Covered – Three Years First Year – Grade 9 / Senior I Second Year – Grade 10 / Senior II Third Year – Grade 11/ Senior III Each Year – Two Terms First Term – 16 weeks Second Term – 14 weeks

7 Breakup of Syllabus 9 th Grade – First Term WeekChapter CoverageLearning ObjectiveInternal Assessment 1 st & 2 nd Definition of Economics, Scarcity, Choice and Basic economic questions Introduction of EconomicsExercises from book Class/ Home work 3 rd & 4 th Opportunity Cost, Production Possibility Curve & its Shifts Introduction of EconomicsMonthly Test 5 th & 6 th Free Market Economic System -Advantages & Disadvantages Planned and Mixed economy Introduction & Understanding of Market Systems Exercises from book Class/ Home work, Home Assignments 7 th & 8 th Factors of ProductionIntroduction & Understanding of Factors of Production Monthly Test 9 th & 10 th Specialisation, Division of Labour, Need for ExchangeDefinition, Adv. & Disadvantages Work Sheets, Qs & As Sessions 11 th & 12 th Types of Integration, Take Over & Merger, Reasons for Firms sizes Basic Concepts of organisations Monthly Test 13 th & 14 th Cost of Production- TypesBasic Concepts of Scale of Prod. Project Assignments & Class Activity 15 th Economies & Diseconomies of Scale – Types, Adv. & Disadvantages Introduction of business organization. Home Assignment. 16 th RevisionPassed Papers – SolutionGroup Discussions, Time management during exam, Methods of Attempting Papers

8 Breakup of Syllabus 9 th Grade – 2nd Term WeekChapter CoverageLearning ObjectiveInternal Assessment 1 st & 2 nd Stock Exchange – Functions, Describe the types of business organization : sole proprietors, partnership,private and public company, multi-national co- operative and public corporation How Stock Market Works, Introduction of Cost Curves Exercises from book Class/ Home work 3 rd & 4 th Market Structure – Introduction of Market Competition, Perfect Competition Monopoly – Graphical Illustration How Market Works Monthly Test Exercises from book Class/ Home work, Home Assignments 5 th & 6 th Monopoly - Advantages & Disadvantages, private and social costs, and benefits along with the conflicts of interest in relation to these costs and the benefits. Understanding of external costs and benefits. Assignment 7 th & 8 th Monopoly - Advantages & Disadvantages, Business Organisation in Private Sector, Sole Trader & Partnership Role of Private Sector Monthly Test 9 th & 10 th Public & Private Limited Companies, MNCs, Public Corporations Role of Public SectorWork Sheets, Qs & As Sessions 11 th & 12 th Money – Definition, Functions, Barter System Trade Union Conceptual BaseMonthly Test 13 th & 14 th Central Bank- Functions, Characteristics Commercial Banks Introduction of BankingProject Assignments & Class Activity 15 th & 16 th RevisionPast Papers – SolutionGroup Discussions, Time management during exam, Methods of Attempting Papers

9 Breakup of Syllabus 10 th Grade – 1 st Term WeekChapter CoverageLearning ObjectiveInternal Assessment 1 st & 2 nd Demand & Supply, Assumption of Law of Demand, Shift in Demand, Supply & Stock, Law of Supply, Shifts in Supply Introduction of Consumer’s & supplier’s behavior Work Sheets, Qs & As Sessions, Class & Home Work 3 rd & 4 th Market Price, Forces of Demand & Supply, Change in Demand/ Supply & Price, Elasticity Concept How Market worksMonthly Test, Exercises from book, Class/ Home work, Home Assignments 5 th & 6 th Elasticity of Supply, Types of Elasticity, Taxes & Subsidies How Market WorksExercises from book Class/ Home work, Home Assignments 7 th & 8 th Factors affecting individual’s choice of occupation, Wage & Non Wage Factors Role of Economic Agents Monthly Test 9 th & 10 th Differences in Earnings between Skilled/ unskilled & male/ female Role of Economic Agents Project & Home Assignments 11 th & 12 th Changing Patterns of Expenditure, Motives for spending, borrowing & saving Role of Economic Agents Monthly Test 13 th & 14 th Unemployment & Inflation - causes & consequences Introduction of Economic issues Project Assignments & Class Activity 15 th & 16 th RevisionPast Papers – Solution Group Discussions, Time management, Methods of Attempting Papers

10 Breakup of Syllabus 10 th Grade – 2nd Term WeekChapter CoverageLearning ObjectiveInternal Assessment 1 st & 2 nd Population, Changing Size & Structure of Population, Consequences IntroductionQs & As, Class/ Home work 3 rd & 4 th International Trade – Principles, Advantages & Disadvantages IntroductionMonthly Test, Home Assignment 5 th & 6 th Protectionism, Reasons of Protectionism Introduction of International trade Exercises from book Class/ Home work, Home Assignments 7 th & 8 th Developed & Developing Countries, Disparities, Qs & As from pas papers Introduction & discussionMonthly Test 9 th & 10 th Reasons for disparities in living standards, Tax Structure Introduction of macro economic factors Assignment 11 th & 12 th Taxation, Prices – Advantages & Disadvantages Introduction of macro economic factors Monthly Test 13 th & 14 th RevisionPast Papers – SolutionGroup Discussions, Time management during exam, Methods of Attempting Papers

11 Breakup of Syllabus 11 th Grade – 1 st Term WeekChapter CoverageLearning ObjectiveInternal Assessment 1 st & 2 nd Introduction of Macro Economics, Role of Government & its Aims Introduction of Macro economics Home Assignment Qs & As Session 3 rd & 4 th Trade Offs between Government Aims, introduction of Fiscal Policy Introduction of Macro economic issues Monthly Test 5 th & 6 th Circular flow of income, Details of Fiscal And Monetary Policy Introduction of Macro economic issues Qs & As session, Home Assignments 7 th & 8 th Introduction of Inflation as a Macro economic issue, measures to control inflation Introduction of Macro economic issues Monthly Test 9 th & 10 th Introduction & Types of Employment, consequences of unemployment Introduction of Macro economic issues Qs & As Sessions, Home assignment 11 th & 12 th Policies to control unemployment, economic growth Explanation of Macro economic issues Monthly Test 13 th & 14 th Monetary & Fiscal policy to improve economic growth Explanation of Macro economic issues Project Assignments & Class Activity 15 th & 16 th RevisionPast Papers – Solution Group Discussions, Time management during exam, Methods of Attempting Papers

12 Breakup of Syllabus 11 th Grade – 2nd Term WeekChapter CoverageLearning ObjectiveInternal Assessment 1 st & 2 nd Equality of Income & Wealth, Balance of Payments & its Transactions How Stock Market Works, Introduction of Cost Curves Exercises from book Class/ Home work 3 rd & 4 th Explanation of Balance of Payments accounts, Policies to control deficits & Disequilibrium How Market worksMonthly Test 5 th & 6 th Barriers on imports, Explanation of Terms of Trade & its effects on Balance of Payments How Market WorksExercises from book Class/ Home work, Home Assignments 7 th & 8 th Solving of Past Papers for the Period June 1997 to 2011 Revision Group Discussions, Time management during exam, Methods of Attempting Papers 9 th & 10 th Solving of Past Papers for the Period June 1997 to 2011 RevisionDo 11 th & 12 th Solving of Past Papers for the Period June 1997 to 2011 RevisionDo 13 th & 14 th Solving of Past Papers for the Period June 1997 to 2011 RevisionDo

13 Internal School’s Assessment Term Mark Weighting YearMonthly Test AttendanceClass Participation Exam 9 th Class 10%5% 80% 10 th Class 10%5% 80% 11 th Class 10%5% 80%

14 Scheme of Assessment Ordinary Level In addition to the various class tests and school examinations, the students at O level take the following exams at the end of the Final year. PaperTypeDurationNumber of Questions Max. Mark Mark Weighting 1Multiple Choice 1 hour40 30% 2(a) Case Study 2 Hrs 12070% (b) Structured Essay 3 from a choice of 6 60

15 Assessment Modes &Objectives 1. Multiple Choice Component Objectives: To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of content Interpretation of verbal, numerical and graphical economic data By using economic concepts, theories and data in explaining and analysing economic issues 2. Data Response Objectives: To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of content Interpretation of verbal, numerical and graphical economic data 3. Essay writing Objectives: To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of content By using economic concepts, theories and data in explaining and analysing economic issues To evaluate economic information, arguments, proposals and policies on the criteria of theoretical and conceptual base developed among the students To organise, present and communicate economic theories and facts in logical and appropriate form.

16 Book List Economics : A complete Course by Dan Moynihan & Brian Titley Economics for GCSE by AG Anderton Introductory Economics by GF Stanlake Web Sites The times100 students and teacher resource

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