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Together With Birds Around the World By: Vanessa, Olivia, Simon and Jenny.

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Presentation on theme: "Together With Birds Around the World By: Vanessa, Olivia, Simon and Jenny."— Presentation transcript:

1 Together With Birds Around the World By: Vanessa, Olivia, Simon and Jenny

2 Canada Ontario and Penetanguishene

3 Birds in our Area Birds traditionally in our area are: robins, woodpeckers, least bittern, blue jay, cardinal, red winged black bird, black tern, morning dove, white breasted nuthatch and the chickadee to name a few, along with the Canadian Goose. About 630 bird species that have been seen in Canada. in Canada.

4 Endangered & Threatened Birds Endangered Birds include: Whooping Crane, Eskimo Curlew, Northern Bobwhite, Harlequin Duck, Anatum Peregrine Falcon, Acadian Flycatcher, Spotted Owl, Mountain Plover, Piping Plover, King Rail, Loggerhead Shrike, Henslow's Sparrow, Sage Thrasher, Kirtland's Warbler. Threatened Birds include: Yellow-breasted Chat, Ferruginous Hawk, Marbled Murrelet, Burrowing Owl, Loggerhead Shrike (Prairie population), Baird's Sparrow, Roseate Tern, Hooded Warbler, White-headed Woodpecker Yellow-breasted Chat, Ferruginous Hawk, Marbled Murrelet, Burrowing Owl, Loggerhead Shrike (Prairie population), Baird's Sparrow, Roseate Tern, Hooded Warbler, White-headed Woodpecker

5 Endangered & Threatened Birds (Cont.) In Canada, we have several partners that spend time with our endangered or threatened bird species. They protect their breeding areas and discourage hunting; they also have conservatories. BirdLife International and their co-partner for Canada – Nature Canada, are one of the partners that help keep our birds and many others from becoming extinct. In our area, we also have a place called Wye Marsh.

6 Hunting Season Hunting season in Canada is allowed; it starts around September and runs through October and November. Hunters are allowed to hunt migratory birds to a limit because Canada has a strong policy on habitat protection and bird conservation. Due to the large amount of migratory birds, Canadian Waterfowl Hunting has become quite popular.

7 Russia Minsk; Kortkerosskaya Secondary School

8 Birds in Komi Republic There are 239 types of birds in Komi Republic. Some of these birds are: WillowGrouse White Owl Golden Eagle, Black Grouse Bullfinch Wood Grouse and the Woodpecker

9 Migrating Birds in Komi Republic There are 50 types of wintering birds in the Komi Republic. Migratory birds include: Ducks, Rooks, Swans, Geese and Gulls Wintering birds include: Sparrows, Jackdaws, Crows, Magpies and Pigeons

10 Hunting Season Spring Hunting is allowed. You can hunt from the1st to 10th of May, not more than 10 days. Since this year it is allowed to hunt till the 16th of May.

11 Russia Dzerzhinsk

12 Birds In Dzerzhinsk There are many birds in the town of Dzerzhinsk. The most widespread of them are: SparrowsSwallowsPigeonsCrowsTitsMagpies

13 ***Rare Birds in Dzerzhinsk*** White stork Golden eagle Gray crane Busturd

14 ***Migrating Birds in Dzerzhinsk*** RooksBullfinchsSwallowsSwifts

15 United States of America Washington, DC

16 Birds in Washington It depends on the surroundings. Near the waterfront, water birds may be observed. These include: Seagulls, Sandpipers and Puffins. Near lakes, sloughs and other large bodies of fresh water Cranes, Ducks, Geese, Herons and occasionally Swans may be found. In wooded areas, Crows, Hawks, Falcons, Pheasants, Eagles, and Quail live there. In cities, Crows, Pigeons, Robins and Chickadees.

17 Threatened Birds/Hunting The Northern Spotted Owl and Marbled Murrelet are birds that need help. Many organizations are trying to help them. They have been put on the Threatened species list. The Sierra Club and Defenders of Wildlife both practice conservation and environmental protection. Hunting Season is allowed in Washington.

18 United States of America Seattle; Washington

19 Birds in Seattle The most widespread include: Pigeons Crows Sea Gulls Eagles Robins …and several others

20 Endangered Birds The birds that need help are mostly the same as those formally recognized as endangered, and there are laws that have been enacted about cutting trees and forms of pollution that can affect the birds negatively. Other laws protect certain species of birds, which are usually migratory ones. In the United States, no part of any protected bird can be possessed without a permit that is extremely difficult to obtain. This might seem harmless, but it is illegal to pick up any feathers and eggs you might have found of any sort. You can go to jail for illegally possessing the feathers of our national bird, the American bald eagle.

21 Initiatives to Help Birds Seattle has laws protecting some endangered birds in their area, such as the Migratory Bird Treaty and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The Endangered Species Act also recognizes threatened birds nationally and creates initiatives to help them, and Seattle must comply with this law. *Hunting season is allowed in Seattle however.*

22 Holidays Connected to Birds Canada/United States -National Bird Day -International Bird Day -ThanksgivingRussia -The Bird of the Year -The Day of Birds -Birds Day

23 Questions 1) Question: How many species of birds can be found in Canada? Answer: 630 species of birds 2) Question: What is one of the holidays in Canada associated with birds? Answer: Thanksgiving; National Bird Day 3) Question: How many birds are there in the Komi Republic (Russia)? Answer: 239 species of birds 4) Question: What are the 4 rare birds in Dzerzhinsk? Answer: White Stork, Golden Eagle, Gray Crane, Busturd 5) Question: Is Hunting Season allowed in Seattle? Answer: Yes

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