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Learning About the Roots of Democracy

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1 Learning About the Roots of Democracy

2 Complete chart as we move through the activity
4 Forms of Government Monarchy Dictatorship Oligarchy Democracy Definition Meaning Visual Description Country Example

3 Monarchy A monarchy is a form of government in which one person (king, queen or emperor) has the power to make all political decisions. The word monarchy comes from the Greek term “monos” meaning single and “arkhein” meaning rule. One of the first forms of government A monarchy is hereditary

4 Monarchy in Ancient Greece
The Mycenaeans of ancient Greece established kings to rule their kingdoms from BC. The people of the villages paid taxes to the king, obeyed his laws and depended upon him for their defense. The king relied on soldiers to enforce laws. His eldest son succeeded him on the throne. The Monarchy disappeared when the Mycenaeans destroyed themselves through in-fighting

5 Absolute-power to rule citizens freely (Saudi Arabia)
Constitutional- monarchy with Parliament and Prime Minister as head of government (UK)

6 Monarchy Who makes the decisions in a monarchy?
What are the advantages of a monarchy? What are the disadvantages? Why do you think monarchy was one of the earliest forms of government?

7 Oligarchy An oligarachy is a form of government in which a few individuals have all the power to make all the political decisions Oligarchy comes from the Greek word “oligos” meaning few and “arkhein” meaning rule Oligarchy developed as an alternative to monarchy

8 Oligarchy in Ancient Greece
By 800 BC small groups of people began to share the ruling power, those with wealth and power. They also enforced their rule with military support. Most citizens had very little say in how the city-state was run. Oligarchies disappeared when they ruled harshly and their subjects rebelled. Others lost support when they could not solve key problems such as food shortages.

9 Alternative to monarchy
Former USSR, Apartheid South Africa

10 Oligarchy Who makes the decisions in an oligarchy?
What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages? Why do you think Oligarchies often developed after monarchies?

11 Tyranny/Dictatorship
Government in which one individual has seized power by force and rules single-handedly. Tyranny comes from the Greek word “tyrannos” which means usurper with supreme power. Over time a tyrant became known as a person who held on to power through cruel and abusive means Rarely have they established dynasties. Their power usually dies with them.

12 Tyranny/Dictatorship in Ancient Greece
First arose in Greece in 600’s BC The middle class became angry with their rulers and demanded more power. The oligarchies refused. Previous military leaders responded to the middle class and promised to make the changes they requested. Backed by the middle class, they took control. In some areas, tyrants became harsh and greedy and were overthrown by the people.

13 Power usually dies with them
Power to govern without consent of governed North Korea

14 Tyranny/Dictatorship
Who makes the decisions? What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages? Why do you think tyrannies sometimes developed after oligarchies?

15 Democracy Form of government where political decisions are made by all people The word democracy comes from the Greek work “demos” meaning people and “kratos” meaning power.

16 Democracy in Ancient Greece
Developed around 500 BC in city-state of Athens They developed an assembly open to all adult male citizens. This body met 40 times a year and made decisions based on debate and vote. A council of 500 ran the day to day duties of the government.

17 Parliamentary democracy
Representative democracy- people elect representatives to make decisions Direct democracy-all decisions made by the people Ancient Greece, US

18 Democracy Who makes the decisions? What are the advantages?
What are the disadvantages? Why do you think democracy developed in Ancient Greece?

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