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Classification Writing

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1 Classification Writing

2 Clothing in your closet College Instructors Neighbors
Choose one of the following essay topics: Clothing in your closet College Instructors Neighbors

3 Write a brainstormed list of at least three ways you could classify your topic (basis of classification). For example, if your topic were "Friends," you might brainstorm a list that looked like this: How far away my friends live from me How much I trust each friend Where I know my friends from

4 Friends that live within walking distance of my house
Write a list of at least three categories and brainstorm ideas for each of your categories. For example, if you chose the basis of classification, "How far away my friends live from me," you might brainstorm a list that looked like this: Friends that live within walking distance of my house neighbors who are friends people I rode the bus to school with who are friends people I see at my neighborhood supermarket who are friends Friends that live in my town or part of the state friends I see at NWACC (unless you live within walking distance of NWACC ;-)) friends I see at Razorback games friends I see when I vacation in Eureka Springs Long-distance friends Friends who have moved out-of state Friends I have made over the internet Pen-pals

5 Write three possible thesis statements for your organized list
Write three possible thesis statements for your organized list. Be sure each is a complete sentence, includes a controlling idea and is specific.

6 Write a topic sentence and organize (and add, if necessary) at least three specific details for your paragraph groups (use the checklist for writing classification paragraphs on page 136).

7 Organize the thesis statement along with the topic sentences and events and details you have chosen for each paragraph into an outline or plan.

8 Choose at type of order (time, space, or order of importance) and revise the outline or plan to reflect the ordering.

9 Write a first draft of the essay, paying particular attention to transitions in and between the paragraphs.

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