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GRAMMAR QUIZ REVIEW Wait, what have we been doing for the last 3 weeks?

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Presentation on theme: "GRAMMAR QUIZ REVIEW Wait, what have we been doing for the last 3 weeks?"— Presentation transcript:

1 GRAMMAR QUIZ REVIEW Wait, what have we been doing for the last 3 weeks?

2 A Complete Sentence  What do you have to have to have a complete sentence? –A Subject (Noun: Person, place, or thing) –A Verb (An action) Don’t forget your helping verbs (Have, Has, Had, Do, Does, Did, Be, Am, Is, Are, Was, Were, Been, Can, Could, Shall, Should, Will, Would, May, Might, Must, Being) –And a complete thought

3 Sentence Fragments  If you have a sentence fragment: –You are MISSING a subject and/or a verb  Runs through the woods.  Jamie on the bicycle.  Caught the ball.  Markese at school on Thursdays.

4 Sentence Fragments & Run On Sentences  If you have a run on sentence: –You have a subject and a verb, but the sentence is incorrectly joined.  M’Kevian and Donzo skipped class went to the store got caught by the truancy officer.  Jazmine and Terri laughed when they saw that M’Kevian and Donzo had gotten in trouble by the officer they ran to class

5 Correcting Fragment & Run On Sentences  Add a subject or a verb  A comma AND use a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So)  Use a semi-colon (;) to separate two COMPLETE sentences  A period (.) and a capital letter

6 What’s a prepositional phrase?  Shows relationship of a noun or a pronoun to another word  Your subject and verb WILL NEVER be in a prepositional phrase! –De’antonie ran across the class to the trash can beside the door. –Ebony, sitting between Ryan and Ant, could not think in order to do her work.

7 Subject & Verb Agreement  If your subject is singular, then your verb is singular. (Singular verbs can have an S on the end.)  If your subject is plural, then your verb is plural. (Plural verbs will NEVER have an S on the end.) –Dashay (she) meets Raekwon to walk to fourth period after lunch. –The students earn extra credit by working extra hard in class.

8 Subject & Verb Agreement  If you have a compound subject, then your verb is plural.  When the parts of a subject are joined by or or nor, then the verb agrees with the subject closest to the verb. –Neither Stephany nor the other students in first block could complete the assignment. –Either Jemerrio or Josh can finish the assignment.

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