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A Century before 2 Great Saints of India were commissioned & Sent To America, as it was predicted at that time that world would be torn by two bitter.

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Presentation on theme: "A Century before 2 Great Saints of India were commissioned & Sent To America, as it was predicted at that time that world would be torn by two bitter."— Presentation transcript:


2 A Century before 2 Great Saints of India were commissioned & Sent To America, as it was predicted at that time that world would be torn by two bitter wars ! Industrialization had created a tri-polar world: America, Germany and Japan and these three were fighting, To capture the market of two most populous nations: India and China ! The aim of sending Sw.Vivekananda and Yogananda to America was to make the west know that War is not a means of achieving their business goals.


4  in a bipolar world: America and USSR  Then again U.S waged three more Wars : On Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.  Such wars in 4 decades resulted in another New World order:  One world, one Boss: USA

5  With hegemony comes the Ego of a Nation: To manipulate everything to meet the selfish needs of consumptive society.  And this kind of selfishness triggered frequent slowdown in the World economy.  The World in no more keen on depending on the consumptive society of America.

6  Because India had shown that it could grow well even during recession: Her culture remains as a facilitator for creating a stable economy……..  In the 90’s She had created and established -  IT companies.  Last decade India displayed her skills as a global player.  In the coming decade, India will show case her leadership in every field:  This is a prophesy **, or a divine plan.

7  Created a stable Government.  This was also prophesied well in advance!**  Though all the news predicted a hung parliament, prophesies never fail to happen, once uttered!  India is the land of prophets!  And all the prophets were of the east (orient)  The West is where most of the inventions and business activities have grown and spread out.  The education had naturally grown first in the west to support the business activities. * * Jesus Calls-May-09

8  30,000 years before, every land other than America,Africa,Australia and China spreading from Atlantic to Pacific was called,“ India”  Once again India will spread her  wing s of Peace on whole earth, With her philosophies, technologies and her wares  And also create a new world order:  A world without borders!

9 I nd i a, like a mother, always wants to be present in the hearts of whole humanity!!


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