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“The Energy Consultant” League of Families/ Gezinsbond vzw Christel Verhas, PhD Director of Socio-cultural and Policy Work.

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Presentation on theme: "“The Energy Consultant” League of Families/ Gezinsbond vzw Christel Verhas, PhD Director of Socio-cultural and Policy Work."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Energy Consultant” League of Families/ Gezinsbond vzw Christel Verhas, PhD Director of Socio-cultural and Policy Work

2 League of Families - Gezinsbond Pluralist, inclusive –280.000 members –13.000 volunteers –180 professionals Three pillars –Socio-cultural work –Benefits for members –Policy advocacy

3 280.000 MEMBER FAMILIES representing > 1 mio (out of 6.3 mio) Flemish citizens 13.000 VOLUNTEERS Local: 995 “sections” Regional: 33 committees Central: –General Assembly (176 members) –Administrative Council (24 members) –President = volunteer! 180 PROFESSIONALS Social life at local level –Cultural activities –Education: e.g. parenting support Benefits for members –Babysitters service –Reduction card Political action on behalf of families –Lobbying –Sensibilisation

4 Millenium Development Goals 7: Ensure Environmental Sustainability 1: End poverty 3/4: Improve Maternal and Child Health Source: NASA

5 EU2020 Strategy Smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Energy transition Energy poverty reduction Specific targets: 13 % energy from renewable resources 20 % increase in energy efficiency 20 million fewer people in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion Electricity generated from renewable resources Source: Eurostat

6 Belgium Flanders in Action: Pact 2020 Energy - improving efficiency & reducing consumption Eco-efficiency – reducing the energy consumption of buildings Poverty, Environment, Health Promotion,.. Solidarity ! => Flemish Energy Agency subvention for energy consultants project Source: IGN

7 Renewable Energy in Belgium (2009) Renewable: 4.7% of total consumption Own production: 25% of consumption –Nuclear: 55% (phaseout) –Biomass/waste: 3.8% –Hydroelectric: 1.4% –Wind: +/- 2% (max 12%) –Solar:<2% “Belgian weather” Source: jana-en-aline.skynetblogs.beSource: FOD Economie, 2009

8 Energy consumption in Belgium (2009) 1/3 of Belgium’s energy consumption in 2010 could be attributed to “domestic” use FAMILIES responsible for considerable share (>20%) on demand side Source: FOD Economie, De Energiemarkt in 2009

9 Opportunities for impact Renovation of old, energy-inefficient housing –mostly detached, old buildings –LINK with “energy poverty”, family budget & health Low norms apply to new buildings New small-scale technologies –sun boilers, photovoltaic's, geothermal heating Liberalization of the energy market –Strong monopoly of public service provider (largely nuclear production) – now waning

10 The “Energy House” Source:

11 Energy Consultants 2011-2013 MAIN AIM: influencing climate change by reducing “demand” for domestic use Four main areas of activities –General information –Educational activities –Individual advice –Policy feedback

12 Energy Consultants 2011-2013 General information –Website, various publications, “Energy tip” Educational activities –“Energetic” sections –Workshops: “Energy Accountancy”, “A bonnet for your home”, “Grandma’s energy saving tips”,… –With League of Environmental organizations (BBL): “Energy chase”

13 Energy Consultants 2011-2013 Individual advice –Helpdesk –Energy meter lending service –Energy Audit and “Home Parties” –Rent-E-consultant: 5 “Mini scans” Policy feedback

14 The first year (2011) in numbers +/- 25.000 hits, 22 Energy tips and various publications 24 “energetic sections”, 41 educational activities, “Energy Accountancy” workshop 60-70 Helpdesk calls/month –Slow during summer –Busy after cancellation of financial support 5 home party and 16 mini scan requests

15 Success Factors + Experience in energy consultancy (6 years) + Links: consumer organization, socio- cultural, educational work, policy work + Cooperation with other actors - League of environmental organizations (“energy chase”) - Treemagotchi (planned for website)


17 Barriers -Dependence on timing (summer holidays) & planning of families -Dependence on weather for scans -Policy circumstances (e.g.. cancellation of supporting financial measures) -Parties/scans victims of their own success

18 Policy Recommendations Clear communication on energy programs Durable financial stimuli for investment in energy efficient housing/innovative technology –set expiration date stimulates investment –communicate cancellation a year in advance –tailor made solutions for target groups Re: providers/technologies families indicate –need for independent advice from a trusted source –need for dependable services

19 Director Socio-cultural and Policy Work Christel Verhas, PhD Energy Consultants Charlotte Claessens & Pieter Ledeganck European & international Policy Aagje Ieven Contact Details

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