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MIDDLE SCHOOL GIFTED SERVICES Gifted Services Advisory Committee December 12, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "MIDDLE SCHOOL GIFTED SERVICES Gifted Services Advisory Committee December 12, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 MIDDLE SCHOOL GIFTED SERVICES Gifted Services Advisory Committee December 12, 2013

2 Rochester Public Schools Inspire Challenge Empower

3 Gifted Services Mission Create an environment in which the full potential of the Gifted and Talented learner is recognized, encouraged and nurtured.

4 Synectics Synectics: the ability to make physical, symbolic, or behavioral connections between the strange and the familiar.



7 Topics for This Evening Rochester Accelerated Math Program (RAMP) Middle School Honors Courses Highly Gifted Program at Friedell

8 Middle School Gifted Specialists Friedell – Joanne Michet John Adams – Cindy Martenson Kellogg – Cindy Martenson Lincoln – Vandi King Willow Creek – Penny Alsager

9 RAMP Goal Provide an opportunity for students to accelerate their math instruction who: Are developmentally ready for the abstract thinking skills required in pre-algebra Possess strong math ability and skills Possess strong organizational and study skills It is the expectation that students in accelerated math will take four years of math in high school.


11 RAMP Criteria RAMP Website

12 RAMP Timeline March 10 – 21, 2014 Orleans Hannah Algebra Prognosis Test Given at all elementary students to qualifying students Week of June 2, 2014 Placement notification sent to families by US Mail June 9 or 13, Make up OH at Middle Schools August 19, 2014 9:00 am or 1:00 pm RAMP Testing Appeals testing – Grade 6 RAMP placement tests – students entering grades 7,8 Edison Board Room

13 Appeals Process 1. FIRST contact the gifted specialist at your student’s school 2. Register your student to take the test with the gifted specialist at your school 3. Complete the RAMP appeal form found on the District Gifted Services website – Due by date of test 4. Pass the Every Day Math 6 Placement test at 80%


15 Middle School Math Subject Acceleration or Credit by Assessment (CBA) Intermediate Algebra Honors Geometry Honors Algebra II Advanced Function Honors

16 Other Credit by Assessment Opportunities for students in Grade 8 CBA - District Web Site

17 What are Middle School Honors Classes? THEY ARE: The new name for “Flex” classes Offered on both teams Addressing the same standards as grade level classes Faster paced; less repetition An opportunity to go into greater depth; more challenge Requiring a greater degree of independence on assignments THEY ARE NOT: An accelerated class; you will not be skipping a grade level class A class that earns HS credit More work; work is matched to your instructional level

18 Who Should Sign Up? Students who: feel the pace of the regular class goes too slowly, has too much repetition, and doesn't require them to learn anything new. are willing to work hard and do their best work have strong reading and writing skills are able to work independently on assignments with few directions are eager to explore new concepts in English, Science, or Social Studies

19 Registration Process Students may request 0-3 honors classes in grades seven and eight. Based on need, availability, and scheduling students may be placed in more than one honors class.

20 Once I am in, then what? Strive to do your best, not be the best We expect all students to maintain a “B” average What happens if I am struggling to keep up? Talk to your teacher to see what you can do to improve your grade with the help of your parents and teachers. Consider whether it is in your best interest to stay or move to the regular class.


22 Highly Gifted Program at Friedell Students and families considering this option must meet ONE of the following criteria: CogAT composite score of 132 or higher; or NWEA test total in Reading = 97 NPR or higher AND NWEA test total in Math 97 NPR or higher AND a CogAT composite score of 128 or higher; or A portfolio of exemplary work may be submitted. The student’s current classroom teacher oversees the completion of the portfolio.

23 HG Program at Friedell October 7 – 25, 2013 Grade 5 CogAT testing November 8, 2013 Make up CogAT testing Mid-November 2013 Notification of qualification December 6, 2013 Portfolio requests due January 10, 2014 HG Portfolios due January 21, 2014 Applications for Friedell due Early February 2014 Acceptance or wait list letters sent February 3, 2014 Signed attendance confirmation letters sent


25 Topics for This Evening Rochester Accelerated Math Program (RAMP) Middle School Honors Courses Highly Gifted Program at Friedell


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