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DICOM WG13 22/04/2009 Update, IHE-J Endoscopy Committee Activity 22/04/2009 IHE Japan Endoscopy Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "DICOM WG13 22/04/2009 Update, IHE-J Endoscopy Committee Activity 22/04/2009 IHE Japan Endoscopy Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 DICOM WG13 22/04/2009 Update, IHE-J Endoscopy Committee Activity 22/04/2009 IHE Japan Endoscopy Committee

2 DICOM WG13 22/04/2009 Contents Relationship between IHE-J & JAHIS IHE document & JAHIS document JAHIS Endo Data Exchange Protocol Transactions Endo Specific Transaction1: Notification of the Report Status Endo Specific Transaction2: Pathology Order Current Activity Future Activity

3 DICOM WG13 22/04/2009 Relationship between IHE-J & JAHIS JAHIS (Japanese Association of Healthcare Information Systems Industry) is one of member groups that established IHE-Japan. JAHIS/IHE-J studied the contents of IHE Endoscopy Vol Ⅱ (Transaction) after publishing Vol Ⅰ ( trial implementation version). JAHIS/IHE- J determined to proceed HL7 part of IHE Endoscopy as JAHIS data exchange protocol. Ver1.0 has been published last summer.

4 DICOM WG13 22/04/2009 IHE document &JAHIS document < IHE Endoscopy > HL7 Part DICOM Part Order Transaction Execution Data Transaction (Billing) JAHIS Endo Data Exchange Protocol Ver1.0 Ver2.0 We categorized the scope of IHEVol Ⅱ from technical point of view and determined to complete each part one by one. IHE Endoscopy Vol Ⅰ Profile IHE Endoscopy Vol Ⅱ Transaction Done Future Work Working < JAHIS Endo Data Exchange Protocol >

5 DICOM WG13 22/04/2009 JAHIS Endo Data Exchange Protocol In the latest Guide-Line for Healthcare Information Security Management that Japanese government (the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) published, “JAHIS Endo Data Exchange Protocol” was adopted one of the recommended Standards.

6 DICOM WG13 22/04/2009 Transactions HIS EIS PACS REPORT ⑨ Observation report notification ② Patient Information notification ④ Endoscopy order ⑥ Endoscopy result query ① Patient Information Query ③ Endoscopy order query ⑦ Patient arrival notification ⑤ Endoscopy notification ② Patient Information notification Image Status etc. ⑧ Observation report status notification

7 DICOM WG13 22/04/2009 Transactions Message DefinitionMessage TypeTrigger EventEvent Type 1) Patient information queryQRY→ ←ADR Patient queryA19 2) Patient information notification ADT→ ←ACK Admit/visit notificationA01 Transfer a patientA02 Discharge/end visitA03 Patient goes on a “ leave of absence ” A21 Patient returns from a “ leave of absence ” A22 Cancel admit/visit notificationA11 Cancel transferA12 Cancel discharge/end visitA13 Cancel leave of absence for a patientA52 Cancel patient return from a leave of absence A53 Update patient informationA08 3) Endoscopy order queryOSQ→ ←OSR Query for order statusQ06

8 DICOM WG13 22/04/2009 Transactions Message DefinitionMessage Type Trigger EventEvent Type 4) Endoscopy order ( HIS - EIS ) OMG→ ←ORG General clinical orderO19/O20 5) Endoscopy notification ( EIS - PACS/REPORT ) OMI→ ←ORI Imaging orderO23/O24 6) Endoscopy result queryQRY→ ←ORF Query for results of observationR02, R04 7) Patient arrival notification ( EIS - HIS ) ORU→ ←ACK Unsolicited transmission of an observation message R01 8) Observation report status notification ( REPORT - EIS ) MDM→ ←ACK Original document notificationT01 9) Observation report notification ( REPORT - HIS ) MDM→ ←ACK Original document notification and content T02

9 DICOM WG13 22/04/2009 Order Placer Pathology Label Printer Endoscope HL7 Message DICOM Message Patient Information Endoscopy Order Patient Information Order Information Patient Information Order Information Patient Information Order Information Endo Specific Transaction1: Notification of the Report Status ADT/Order Information Observation Report Complete!

10 DICOM WG13 22/04/2009 Endo Specific Transaction2: Pathology Order Original Idea  Endoscopy to have Order Placing function Current Idea  Endoscopy Department System has no OP.  HIS to place a Path-Order  HIS generates a Path-Order on the observation report that Report system provided.  JAHIS is also studying Path-Order protocol. How many OP in the system? What if HIS to place a path-order?

11 DICOM WG13 22/04/2009 Order Placer Pathology Label Printer Endoscope HL7 Message DICOM Message Patient Information Endoscopy Order Patient Information Order Information Patient Information Order Information Patient Information Order Information Endo Specific Transaction2: Pathology Order Here is a Label Printer Sending Observation Report to notice OP for Pathology Order

12 DICOM WG13 22/04/2009 Current Activity We are studying to establish execution information exchange (for billing) as JAHIS Endo data exchange protocol Ver2.0  Defining Z segment for execution data Japanese insurance system is complicated and requires not only Diagnosis Code and Procedure Code, but also Complementary Procedure Code and Material information.  Z segment to be sent to HIS by OMI message. For US and EU, OBR-13 and OBR-44 may be used as ICD and CPT code container.

13 DICOM WG13 22/04/2009 Messaging Route  Report→ ① →EIS→ ② →HIS  Route ① should be optional, route ② should be required so that the system allows user to enter execution data from either EIS or Report. Current Activity

14 DICOM WG13 22/04/2009 Future Activity Completion of JAHIS Endo Data Exchange Protocol Ver2.0 Completion of IHE Endo Vol Ⅰ & Vol Ⅱ  Including Lower GI (Currently Upper GI only)  Refining “Endo” Profile for conectathon  Completion of Vol Ⅱ within the scope of HL7. Attending IHE-J annual Connectathon from Endo domain  Connectathon is the event where venders together check interoperability.  Not only Endoscopy system vender but HIS vender to implement IHE Endoscopy.

15 DICOM WG13 22/04/2009 Thank You.

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