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 new amazing words,  main idea and details,  text structure,  high-frequency words,  vocabulary words, and  statements and questions.

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Presentation on theme: " new amazing words,  main idea and details,  text structure,  high-frequency words,  vocabulary words, and  statements and questions."— Presentation transcript:


2  new amazing words,  main idea and details,  text structure,  high-frequency words,  vocabulary words, and  statements and questions



5  The main idea is the most important idea about the topic.  Details are small pieces of information in a selection that tell more about the main idea.  Good readers decide which ideas are most important as they react.

6 A statement is a sentence that tells something. A statement ends with a period. Some places are very dry. A question is a sentence that asks something. A question ends with a question mark. What can live in a very dry place? A statement and a question begin with a capital letter.

7  can an oak tree live in a very dry place  Can an oak tree live in a very dry place?  an oak tree needs plenty of water  An oak tree needs plenty of water.  it cannot live in a very dry place  It cannot live in a very dry place.

8  does a cactus need much water  Does a cactus need much water?  a cactus does not need much water  A cactus does not need much water.  where does a cactus live  Where does a cactus live?

9  The main idea is the most important idea about the topic.  Details are small pieces of information in a selection that tell more about the main idea.  Good readers decide which ideas are most important as they react.

10  You can understand what you are reading better if you will pay attention to how the author has organized the selection.  Sometimes the author writes in a way that makes you feel as if you are walking along with him or her as different things are explained or pointed out.  Ask yourself questions as you read so you can understand what the author is trying to tell you.

11 A statement is a sentence that tells something. A statement ends with a period. A desert is a very dry place. A question is a sentence that asks something. A question ends with a question mark. What grows in a desert? A statement and a question begin with a capital letter.

12  we are going for a walk in the desert  We are going for a walk in the desert.  what will we see there  What will we see there?

13  what could you find in a walk on Oak Street  What could you find in a walk on Oak Street?  you would see kids in the park  You would see kids in the park.  you could buy ice cream from the man with the cart  You could buy ice cream from the man with the cart.  you could jump rope with the kids at the corner.  You could jump rope with the kids at the corner.



16 Is each sentence a statement or a question?  We went for a walk in the desert.  Was it hot there?  We were careful.  Did you take water with you?

17 A good listener does several things when someone is speaking.  Be polite.  Pay attention to the speaker.  Sit quietly.  Face the speaker.  Make eye contact.

18 Vocabulary & Amazing Words:  Jigword Jigword Spelling Words:  Quia Games Quia Games  Spelling City Spelling City High Frequency Words:  Hot Potatoes (fill-in-the-blank) Hot Potatoes (fill-in-the-blank)

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