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What is seed dispersal ???  Seed dispersal is the movement of transport of seeds away from the parent plant  Plant have limited mobility and consequently.

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2 What is seed dispersal ???  Seed dispersal is the movement of transport of seeds away from the parent plant  Plant have limited mobility and consequently reply upon a variety of dispersal vectors to transport their propagules, including both abiotic and biotic vectors

3 Types of Dispersal  Water  Wind  Animals  Explosive Mechanism

4 How are seeds dispersed by Water ???  wetar aquatic (water) and some terrestrial (ground) plant species use hydrochory, or seed dispersal through water  Seeds can travel for extremely long distances, depending on the specific mode of water dispersal.  The water lily is an example of such a plant. Water lilies' flowers make a fruit that floats in the water for a while and then drops down to the bottom to take root on the floor of the pond.

5 Wind is one of the main agencies of seed dispersal. The way it transports them depends on the type of seed and where it grows. Some tall trees produce seeds with stiff wings covering the seed that enable them to fly long distances. The wings are twisted and balanced so that the seed spins around as it is carried along by the wind. These natural adaptations for using the wind to transport the weight of the seed must be technically accurate, as the wings of modern planes and helicopters are designed in the same way. How are seeds dispersed by wind ???

6 How are seeds dispersed by animals ???  Animals of all sorts and sizes help plants to disperse their seeds. The method they use depends on the type of seed To attract the animals and birds and encourage them to act as seed carriers, plants often surround their seeds with a brightly-coloured and sweet-tasting

7 HOW ARE SEEDS DISPERSED BY EXPLOSIVE MECHANISM There are several methods plants use to fling their seeds out of the seedpod. All of them rely on the effect of evaporation of water in the seedpod, so this method of seed dispersal usually takes place in the sun. It is one of the favorites methods used by members of the Papilionaceae (formerly Leguminosae). Oxalis seeds are covered by an elastic coating. When this dries out, it splits suddenly, shooting the individual seeds out of the pod.

8 Thank you for your kind attention Credits Anisah Bevlyn Kenji Yuheng

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