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Army Weight Control Program
Army Physical Fitness Program INTRODUCE YOURSELF. INTRODUCE TOPIC AND MAKE INSTRUCTIONAL TIE-IN. As Commanders, it is your job to oversee your unit’s Weight Control Program and Army Physical Fitness Test. REFERENCES AR , Standards of Medical Fitness, 29 Aug 03 AR , Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (Flags), 30 Oct 87 AR 600-9, The Army Weight Control Program, 10 Jun 1987 w/ Interim Change 101 dtd 4 Mar 94 AR 350-1, Army Training and Education, 9 Apr 03 FM 21-20, Physical Fitness Training, 30 Sep 92 w/ change 1 dtd 1 Oct 98 AR AR FM 21-20
Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Identify the Army Weight Control Program and Army Physical Fitness Program policies and procedures. Condition: Given student discussion in a game show format. Standard: As a class identify all correct procedures IAW AR , AR 350-1, AR , AR 600-9, and FM GIVE A NEED STATEMENT (WIIFM). Many of us learn these programs informally based upon information that may or may not be accurate. By learning which regulations govern weight control and APFT, you can ensure your programs follow regulatory guidance, are administered fairly, and will remove obstacles if you need to initiate separation for a soldier for noncompliance. TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: As a class, Identify the correct policy and procedures for the Army Weight Control Program and Army Physical Fitness Program IAW AR , AR 350-1, AR , AR 600-9, and FM
Army Weight Control Program
REFERENCES AR , Standards of Medical Fitness, 29 Aug 03 AR , Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (Flags), 30 Oct 87 AR 600-9, The Army Weight Control Program, 10 Jun 1987 w/ Interim Change 101 dtd 4 Mar 1994
References AR 40-501, Standards of Medical Fitness, 12 Apr 04
AR , Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (Flags), 30 Oct 87 AR 600-9, The Army Weight Control Program, 27 Nov 06 Are you ready on the left? Are you ready on the right? Here’s our first question. Note: Read all questions before advancing the slide for them to see the Q & A.
C. Instill personal discipline in soldiers D. Trim military appearance
1. What are two of the primary objectives of the Army Weight Control Program? A. Insure all personnel are able to meet physical demands of duties under combat conditions B. Look professional C. Instill personal discipline in soldiers D. Trim military appearance ANSWER: A or D AR 600-9, Para 4. Objectives a. The primary objective of the Army Weight Control Program is to insure that all personnel— (1) Are able to meet the physical demands of their duties under combat conditions. (2) Present a trim military appearance at all times. b. Excessive body fat— (1) Connotes a lack of personal discipline. (2) Detracts from military appearance. (3) May indicate a poor state of health, physical fitness, or stamina. c. Objectives of the Army Weight Control Program are to— (1) Assist in establishing and maintaining— (a) Discipline. (b) Operational readiness. (c) Optimal physical fitness. (d) Health. (e) Effectiveness of Army personnel through proper weight control. (2) Establish appropriate body fat standards. (3) Provide procedures for which personnel are counseled to assist in meeting the standards prescribed in this regulation. (4) Foster high standards of professional military appearance expected of all personnel. AR 600-9, Para 4a(1-2)
2. Which answer is NOT a responsibility of the Commander/ Supervisor?
A. Implement the Army Weight Control Program B. Evaluation of the weight & military appearance of all soldiers under their jurisdiction C. Maintain data D. Monitor soldier’s diets ANSWER: D Commander does not have to personally do A-C but it is their responsibility to ensure it is done per para 17 of AR below. 17. Commanders and supervisors Commanders and supervisors (Active and Reserve Components) will— Implement the Army Weight Control Program, to include evaluation of the weight and military appearance of all soldiers under their jurisdiction; to include measuring body fat as prescribed in this regulation. Insure the continued evaluation of all soldiers under their command or supervision against the body fat standards prescribed in this regulation. c. Maintain data on soldiers in their command or under their supervision who— (1) Enter a weight control program each year. (2) Subsequently either meet the body fat standards prescribed in this regulation or were separated from the Service for reasons related to overweight conditions. d. Encourage soldiers to establish a personal weight goal as described above. e. ensure that personnel responsible for issuing TDY and PCS orders include in the text of all orders the words: “You are responsible for reporting to your next duty station/school in satisfactory physical condition, able to pass the APFT and meet weight standards.” AR Para 17
3. What item is NOT policy guidance?
A. Regular weigh-ins B. Maximum program participation - 18 months C. Exceed screening table - tape D. Identify and counsel overweight soldiers ANSWER: B AR 600-9, Para 20. Policy a. Commanders and supervisors will monitor all members of their command (officers, warrant officers, and enlisted personnel) to insure that they maintain proper weight, body composition (as explained in the glossary), and personal appearance. At minimum, personnel will be weighed when they take the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) or at least every 6 months. Personnel exceeding the screening table weight (shown in table 1) or identified by the commander or supervisor for a special evaluation will have a determination made of percent body fat. Identification and counseling of overweight personnel are required. AR 600-9, Para 20a
A. When weight exceeds screening table weight
Procedurally, when do you tape a soldier to determine body fat composition (two answers)? A. When weight exceeds screening table weight B. When appearance suggests excessive body fat C. As a spot check on randomly selected soldiers D. When you do not like someone ANSWER: A or B AR 600-9, Para 21. Procedures a. Body fat composition will be determined for personnel— (1) Whose body weight exceeds the screening table weight in table 1. (2) When the unit commander or supervisor determines that the individual’s appearance suggests that body fat is excessive. AR 600-9, Para 21a
When selecting personnel to administer the tape, what must be considered if there are both males and females? ANSWER: Same gender preferred- not required; same gender present if not possible AR 600-9, Para 21. Procedures a. Body fat composition will be determined for personnel— (1) Whose body weight exceeds the screening table weight in table 1. (2) When the unit commander or supervisor determines that the individual’s appearance suggests that body fat is excessive. b. Routine weigh-ins will be accomplished at the unit level. Percent body fat measurements will be accomplished by company or similar level commanders (or their designee) in accordance with standard methods prescribed in Appendix B to this regulation. Soldiers will be measured by individuals of the same gender. If this cannot be accomplished, a female soldier will be present when males measure females. IRR members on AT, ADT, and SADT will have a weigh in, and body fat evaluation (if required) by the unit to which attached. Active and Reserve component soldiers exceeding the body fat standards in paragraph 20c, above, will be provided weight reduction counseling by health care personnel, entered in a Weight Control Program by unit commanders, and flagged under the provisions of AR 600–31 by the unit commander. Enrollment in a Weight Control Program starts on the day that the soldier is informed by the unit commander that he/she has been entered in a weight control program. The weight reduction counseling can be accomplished prior to or shortly after entry into a program. A member of the same gender is required to perform the tape test AR 600-9, Para 21b
5. Which is NOT a procedure when a soldier is identified as exceeding body fat standards?
A. Weight reduction counseling B. Entered into a weight control program C. Flag D. Determine the end date of participation in the program ANSWER: D AR 600-9, Para 21. Procedures a. Body fat composition will be determined for personnel— (1) Whose body weight exceeds the screening table weight in table 1. (2) When the unit commander or supervisor determines that the individual’s appearance suggests that body fat is excessive. b. Routine weigh-ins will be accomplished at the unit level. Percent body fat measurements will be accomplished by company or similar level commanders (or their designee) in accordance with standard methods prescribed in Appendix B to this regulation. Soldiers will be measured by individuals of the same gender. If this cannot be accomplished, a female soldier will be present when males measure females. IRR members on AT, ADT, and SADT will have a weigh-in, and body fat evaluation (if required) by the unit to which attached. Active and Reserve component soldiers exceeding the body fat standards in paragraph 20c, above, will be provided weight reduction counseling by health care personnel, entered in a Weight Control Program by unit commanders, and flagged under the provisions of AR 600–31 by the unit commander. Enrollment in a Weight Control Program starts on the day that the soldier is informed by the unit commander that he/she has been entered in a weight control program. The weight reduction counseling can be accomplished prior to or shortly after entry into a program. AR 600-9, Para 21b
6. Who does the nutritional weight reduction counseling?
A. Commander B. ISG C. Health care professional D. First line supervisor ANSWER: C AR 600-9, Para 21. Procedures a. Body fat composition will be determined for personnel— (1) Whose body weight exceeds the screening table weight in table 1. (2) When the unit commander or supervisor determines that the individual’s appearance suggests that body fat is excessive. b. Routine weigh-ins will be accomplished at the unit level. Percent body fat measurements will be accomplished by company or similar level commanders (or their designee) in accordance with standard methods prescribed in Appendix B to this regulation. Soldiers will be measured by individuals of the same gender. If this cannot be accomplished, a female soldier will be present when males measure females. IRR members on AT, ADT, and SADT will have a weigh-in, and body fat evaluation (if required) by the unit to which attached. Active and Reserve component soldiers exceeding the body fat standards in paragraph 20c, above, will be provided weight reduction counseling by health care personnel, entered in a Weight Control Program by unit commanders, and flagged under the provisions of AR 600–31 by the unit commander. Enrollment in a Weight Control Program starts on the day that the soldier is informed by the unit commander that he/she has been entered in a weight control program. The weight reduction counseling can be accomplished prior to or shortly after entry into a program. AR 600-9, Para 21b
7. What date is used to determine the
7. What date is used to determine the date of entry into the weight control program? A. Date of weigh-in B. Date of taping C. Date Commander notifies the soldier of enrollment D. Date of weight reduction counseling ANSWER: C AR 600-9, Para 21. Procedures a. Body fat composition will be determined for personnel— (1) Whose body weight exceeds the screening table weight in table 1. (2) When the unit commander or supervisor determines that the individual’s appearance suggests that body fat is excessive. b. Routine weigh-ins will be accomplished at the unit level. Percent body fat measurements will be accomplished by company or similar level commanders (or their designee) in accordance with standard methods prescribed in Appendix B to this regulation. Soldiers will be measured by individuals of the same gender. If this cannot be accomplished, a female soldier will be present when males measure females. IRR members on AT, ADT, and SADT will have a weigh-in, and body fat evaluation (if required) by the unit to which attached. Active and Reserve component soldiers exceeding the body fat standards in paragraph 20c, above, will be provided weight reduction counseling by health care personnel, entered in a Weight Control Program by unit commanders, and flagged under the provisions of AR 600–31 by the unit commander. Enrollment in a Weight Control Program starts on the day that the soldier is informed by the unit commander that he/she has been entered in a weight control program. The weight reduction counseling can be accomplished prior to or shortly after entry into a program. AR 600-9, Para 21b
8. What is the monthly weight loss goal?
A. 3 to 8 B. 1 to 3 C. As long as there is improvement D. 5 to 8 ANSWER: A AR 600-9, Para 21.e.(1) The required weight loss goal of 3 to 8 pounds per month is considered a safely attainable goal to enable soldiers to lose excess body fat and meet the body fat standards described in para 20c. Weight-ins will be made by unit personnel monthly (or during unit assemblies for ARNG and USAR personnel) to measure progress. A body fat evaluation may also be done by unit personnel to assist in measuring progress. AR 600-9, Para 21 e(1)
A. Two consecutive months B. Three consecutive months
9. How many months of unsatisfactory progress must pass before a soldier is subject to separation and medical evaluation/ re-evaluation? A. Two consecutive months B. Three consecutive months C. Four consecutive months D. Any three months ANSWER: A AR 600-9, Para 21.e. If health care personnel discover no underlying or associated disease process as the cause of the condition (or RC personnel decline to be evaluated under paragraph 21d) and the individual is classified as overweight, these facts will be documented and the individual entered in a weight control program by the unit commander. Suspension of favorable personnel actions will be initiated under AR 600–31 for personnel in a weight control program. (1) The required weight loss goal of 3 to 8 pounds per month is considered a safely attainable goal to enable soldiers to lose excess body fat and meet the body fat standards described in para 20c. Weight-ins will be made by unit personnel monthly (or during unit assemblies for ARNG and USAR personnel) to measure progress. A body fat evaluation may also be done by unit personnel to assist in measuring progress. (2) As an exception to g below, an individual who has not made satisfactory progress after any two consecutive monthly weigh-ins may be referred by the commander or supervisor to health care personnel for evaluation or reevaluation. If health care personnel are unable to determine a medical reason for lack of weight loss—and if the individual is not in compliance with the body fat standards at paragraph 20c and still exceeds the screening table weight (table 1)—the commander or supervisor will inform the individual that— (a) Progress is unsatisfactory. (b) He or she is subject to separation as specified in j below. AR 600-9, Para 1.21 e(2)
10. When is a soldier released from the weight control program?
A. When body fat standards are met B. When either body fat standards or screening table weight is met C. When screening table weight is met D. When soldier reaches 18 months in program ANSWER: A AR 600-9, Para 21.f. Commanders and supervisors will remove individuals administratively from a weight control program as soon as the body fat standard is achieved. The screening table weight will not be used to remove soldiers from a Weight Control Program. The removal action will be documented as shown in figure 1; removal of suspension of favorable personnel actions will be accomplished at that time. AR 600-9, Para 1-21f
A. 36 months B. 24 months C. 18 months D. 12 months
11. How long must this weight control program data be maintained in the soldier’s file after the soldier is removed from the weight control program? A. 36 months B. 24 months C. 18 months D. 12 months ANSWER: A 36 months AR 600-9, Para 21.n. Upon removal from the weight control program, unit records on participation in a weight control program will be maintained in the MPRJ for a period of 36 months from date of removal. If the soldier is transferred to another unit prior to completion of 36 months, action will be taken in accordance with paragraph 21m above. AR Para 21n
B. A medical evaluation is required
12. What happens after six months of unsatisfactory progress in the weight control program for whom no medical reason exists to cause the overweight condition? A. CDR will initiate a mandatory bar to reenlistment or administrative separation proceedings B. A medical evaluation is required C. Soldier may continue in the program as long as they wish D. CDR takes them off program ANSWER: A AR 600-9, Para 21.g After a period of dieting and/or exercise for 6 months, soldiers who have not made satisfactory progress (as explained in the glossary) and who still exceed the screening table and body fat standards will be processed as follows: (1) If health care personnel determine that the condition is due to an underlying or associated disease process, action described in d above will be taken. (2) If no underlying or associated disease process is found to cause the overweight condition, the individual will be subject to separation from the Service under appropriate regulations indicated in j. below. (Superseded by Change 101 (2) below: (2) The unit commander will initiate a mandatory bar to reenlistment or administrative separation proceedings for soldiers who do not make satisfactory progress in the weight control program after a 6-month period and for whom no medical reason exists to cause the overweight condition. The appropriate regulations are indicated in j. below. AR Para 21g(2)
A. Soldier given 120 days to comply B. Initiate separation proceedings
13. What happens to a soldier following removal from a weight control program within 12 months if it is determined that the individual exceeds the screening table weight & body fat standard and no underlying or associated disease process is found as the cause of the condition? A. Soldier given 120 days to comply B. Initiate separation proceedings C. There is no regulatory guidance D. Soldier back on program indefinitely ANSWER: B AR 600-9, Para 21 w/change 101. k. Following removal from a weight control program, if it is determined (under a above) that an individual exceeds the screening table weight (table 1) and the body fat standard prescribed in paragraph 20c within 36 months, the following will apply: (1) If the unit commander determines that the individual exceeds the screening table weight and the body fat standard— (a) Within 12 months following removal from the weight control program and no underlying or associated disease process is found as the cause of the condition, unit commander will initiate separation proceedings per g & j above. (b) After the 12th month, but within 36 months from the date of the previous removal from the program, and no underlying or associated disease process is found as the cause of the condition, the individual will be allowed 90 days to meet the standards. Personnel who meet the body fat standard after that period will be removed from the program. All others will be subject to separation from the Service under j above. AR Para 21 k (1)(a)
A. Soldier given 90 days to meet standards B. Immediately separated
14. What happens to a soldier following removal from a weight control program after 12 months but within 36 months if it is determined that the individual exceeds the screening table weight & body fat standard and no underlying or associated disease process is found as the cause of the condition? A. Soldier given 90 days to meet standards B. Immediately separated C. Soldier entered into program indefinitely D. Soldier put in charge of the program ANSWER: A AR 600-9, Para 21.k. Following removal from a weight control program, if it is determined (under a above) that an individual exceeds the screening table weight (table 1) and the body fat standard prescribed in paragraph 20c within 36 months, the following will apply: (1) If the unit commander determines that the individual exceeds the screening table weight and the body fat standard— (a) Within 12 months from the date of the previous removal from the program and no underlying or associated disease process is found as the cause of the condition, the individual will be subject to separation from the Service under j above. (b) After the 12th month, but within 36 months from the date of the previous removal from the program, and no underlying or associated disease process is found as the cause of the condition, the individual will be allowed 90 days to meet the standards. Personnel who meet the body fat standard after that period will be removed from the program. All others will be subject to separation from the Service under j above. AR Para 1.21 k(1)(b)
What happens if the soldier meets standards at the end of 90 days? A. Removal from the program with the old removal date showing on records B. Separation C. Removal from the program with the new removal date showing on records D. Permanent enrollment into the weight control program ANSWER: C Removed from the program, new removal date AR 600-9, Para 21.k. Following removal from a weight control program, if it is determined (under a above) that an individual exceeds the screening table weight (table 1) and the body fat standard prescribed in paragraph 20c within 36 months, the following will apply: (1) If the unit commander determines that the individual exceeds the screening table weight and the body fat standard— (a) Within 12 months from the date of the previous removal from the program and no underlying or associated disease process is found as the cause of the condition, the individual will be subject to separation from the Service under j above. (b) After the 12th month, but within 36 months from the date of the previous removal from the program, and no underlying or associated disease process is found as the cause of the condition, the individual will be allowed 90 days to meet the standards. Personnel who meet the body fat standard after that period will be removed from the program. All others will be subject to separation from the Service under j above AR 600-9, Para 21k
A. Held to standards of AR 600-9 B. Put on program upon pregnancy
15. What happens when a soldier who previously met AR standards becomes pregnant? A. Held to standards of AR 600-9 B. Put on program upon pregnancy C. Put on program upon termination of pregnancy D. Exempt from the standards for duration of pregnancy plus the period of 180 days after termination of pregnancy ANSWER: D AR 600-9, Para 21 & Interim Change 101 K (1) (c) Personnel who meet the AR 600–9 standards and become pregnant will be exempt from the standards for the duration of the pregnancy plus the period of convalescent leave (changed to 180 days) after termination of pregnancy. They will be entered in a weight control program, if required, after completion of convalescent leave and approval of a medical doctor that they are fit for participation in a weight control program. This procedure also applies to individuals in a medical holding unit who have been hospitalized for long periods. Soldiers entered/reentered in a weight control program after pregnancy, prolonged treatment, or hospitalization will be considered to be in a new weight control program. Paragraph 21k of this regulation will not apply at that time. AR Para 7-10 IAW DOD Directive , post partum soldiers are exempt from the APFT for 180 days following termination of pregnancy. They are expected to use the time in preparation for the APFT after receiving clearance from their physician to resume physical training. The above guidance will only be modified if, upon evaluation of a physician, it has been determined the post partum soldier requires a more restrictive or longer profile because of complicated or unusual medical problems. AR 600-9, Para 1.21 k. (1(c) & AR Para 7-10e
16. How many circumference sites and landmarks are “taped” on a male soldier?
B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 ANSWER: B AR 600-9, B–4. Circumference sites and landmarks for males a. Abdomen. The soldier being measured will be standing with arms relaxed. The abdominal measurement is taken at a level coinciding with the midpoint of the navel (belly button) with the tape placed so that it is level all the way around the soldier being measured. Record the measurement at the end of a normal expiration. It is important that the soldier does not attempt to hold his abdomen in, thus resulting in a smaller measurement. Also the tape must be kept level across the abdomen and back. b. Neck. The soldier being measured will be standing, looking straight ahead, chin parallel to the floor. The measurement is taken by placing the tape around the neck at a level just below the larynx (Adam’s apple). Do not place the tape measure over the Adam’s apple. The tape will be as close to horizontal (the tape line in the front of the neck should be at the same height as the tape line in the back of the neck) as anatomically feasible. In many cases the tape will slant down toward the front of the neck. Therefore, care should be taken so as not to involve the shoulder/ neck muscles (trapezius) in the measurement. This is a possibility when a soldier has a short neck. AR App B-4
17. How many circumference sites and landmarks are “taped” on a female soldier?
B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 ANSWER: D AR 600-9, App B–5. Circumference sites and landmarks for females a. Neck. This procedure is the same as for males. b. Abdomen. The soldier being measured will be standing with arms relaxed. The abdominal measurement is taken at a level coinciding with the midpoint of the navel (belly button) with the tape placed so that it is level all the wayaround the soldier being measured. Record the measurement at the end of a normal expiration. It is important that the soldier does not attempt to hold his abdomen in, thus resulting in a smaller measurement. Also the tape must be kept level across the abdomen and back. d. Hip. The soldier taking the measurement will view the person being measured from the side. Place the tape around the hips so that it passes over the greatest protrusion of the gluteal muscles (buttocks) keeping the tape in a horizontal plane (i.e., parallel to the floor). Check front to back and side to side to be sure the tape is level to the floor on all sides before the measurements are recorded. Since the soldier will be wearing gym shorts, the tape can be drawn snugly to minimize the influence of the shorts on the size of the measurement. AR App B-5
End of Army Weight Control Program Questions
INTRODUCE YOURSELF. INTRODUCE TOPIC AND MAKE INSTRUCTIONAL TIE-IN. As Commanders, it is your job to oversee your unit’s Weight Control Program and Army Physical Fitness Test. REFERENCES AR , Standards of Medical Fitness, 29 Aug 03 AR 600-9, The Army Weight Control Program, 10 Jun 1987 w/ Interim Change 101 dtd 4 Mar 94 AR , Army Training and Education, 9 Apr 03 FM 21-20, Physical Fitness Training, 30 Sep 92 w/ change 1 dtd 1 Oct 98 AR , Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (Flags), 30 Oct 87
Army Physical Fitness Program
FM 21-20
References AR 350-1, Army Training and Education, 9 Apr 03
AR , Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (Flags), 30 Oct 87 FM 21-20, Physical Fitness Training, 30 Sep 92 w/Change 1, 1 Oct 98
18. Who will take part in physical fitness training?
A. Enlisted Only B. Everyone but Staff Officers C. E7 and below D. All soldiers ANSWER: D AR Para 1–21. Army Physical Fitness Training Program c. Personnel in the active Army, ARNG, and USAR will take part in either collective or individual physical fitness training programs year-round. Active Army units, individuals, and RC soldiers on active duty will conduct regularly scheduled (at least three to five times per week), vigorous physical fitness training during the unit’s normal duty day as determined by the commander. (1) Commanders of ARNG and USAR units incorporate mission and battle-focused physical fitness training into appropriate inactive duty training periods. (2) Personnel will be excused from physical fitness training only during periods of temporary or permanent medical limitations established in accordance with AR 40–501. (3) Personnel who cannot take part in physical fitness training because of a profile condition will be placed in rehabilitative programs and, within profile guidelines given by health care personnel, be supervised by the commander. (4) Soldiers age 40 and over will be evaluated for coronary heart disease risk factors as part of their periodic physical examination. The medical procedures for the cardiovascular screening program (CVSP) are outlined in AR 40–501. It is the soldier’s responsibility to ensure that the CVSP is conducted as close to the 40th birthday as possible and as promptly as medical facilities permit. (5) All soldiers centrally selected for command positions and Command Sergeants Major (CSM) designees, regardless of age, must have a CVSP, meet body composition standards set forth in AR 600–9, and pass the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) or an alternate before assuming command or assignment to a CSM position. A CVSP clearance granted during the soldier’s last periodic physical examination is sufficient to meet the CVSP requirement. FM Pg All soldiers, both active and reserve component soldiers msut take the APFT for record regardless of age. AR Para 1-21c & FM Page 14-1
19. Commanders will incorporate mission and battle-focused physical fitness training into appropriate inactive duty training periods. A. True B. False ANSWER: A AR Para 1–21. Army Physical Fitness Training Program c. Personnel in the active Army, ARNG, and USAR will take part in either collective or individual physical fitness training programs year-round. Active Army units, individuals, and RC soldiers on active duty will conduct regularly scheduled (at least three to five times per week), vigorous physical fitness training during the unit’s normal duty day as determined by the commander. (1) Commanders of ARNG and USAR units incorporate mission and battle-focused physical fitness training into appropriate inactive duty training periods. (2) Personnel will be excused from physical fitness training only during periods of temporary or permanent medical limitations established in accordance with AR 40–501. (3) Personnel who cannot take part in physical fitness training because of a profile condition will be placed in rehabilitative programs and, within profile guidelines given by health care personnel, be supervised by the commander. (4) Soldiers age 40 and over will be evaluated for coronary heart disease risk factors as part of their periodic physical examination. The medical procedures for the cardiovascular screening program (CVSP) are outlined in AR 40–501. It is the soldier’s responsibility to ensure that the CVSP is conducted as close to the 40th birthday as possible and as promptly as medical facilities permit. (5) All soldiers centrally selected for command positions and Command Sergeants Major (CSM) designees, regardless of age, must have a CVSP, meet body composition standards set forth in AR 600–9, and pass the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) or an alternate before assuming command or assignment to a CSM position. A CVSP clearance granted during the soldier’s last periodic physical examination is sufficient to meet the CVSP requirement. AR Para 1-21c(1)
20. What is the FIRST priority in the physical fitness program?
A. Preparing soldiers for APFT B. Keeping soldiers fit and trim C. Supporting unit’s METL D. Promoting unit cohesion ANSWER: C AR 350-1, Para 4–9. Army physical fitness training in units a. Commanders will conduct physical fitness training programs that enhance soldiers’ abilities to complete soldier or leader tasks that support the unit’s METL. (1) Preparation for the APFT is of secondary importance. Maintenance of the military skills listed below will also be emphasized. AR 350-1, Para 4–9a
20b. The APFT must be completed…?
A. In order (PU, SU, run) and within 2 hours on the same day. B. In any order and within 2 hours on the same day. C. In order within 8 hours on the same day. D. In any order and within 8 hours ANSWER: A AR Para 1–21. Army Physical Fitness Training Program d. Physical fitness standards are developed by TRADOC and approved by HQDA, DCS, G–3. The APFT provides a measure of cardio respiratory and upper and lower body muscular endurance. It is a performance test that indicates a soldier’s ability to perform physically and handle his or her own body weight. Standards are adjusted for age and physiological differences between men and women. The APFT consists of push-ups, sit-ups, and a 2-mile run, done in that order on the same day. (See repetition and time guidelines in FM 21–20.) For soldiers on a permanent profile, a record test must include an aerobic event. The only approved aerobic events are the 2-mile run, 800-yard swim, 6.2-mile bike ride (stationary or track), or the 2.5-mile walk. Testing is prescribed for all soldiers as follows: FM 21-20, Pg 14-2 The test period is defined as the period of time which elapses form the starting to finishing the three events. It must not take more than two hours. Soldiers must do all theree events in the same test period. AR 350-1, Para 1-21d & FM 21-20, Pg 14-2
A. 800 yard swim, 10 mile bike ride, and 3 mile walk
21. What are the 3 approved aerobic events for soldiers on a permanent profile? A yard swim, 10 mile bike ride, and 3 mile walk B. 1,000 yard swim, 6.2 mile bike ride, and 3 mile walk C yard swim, 6.2 mile bike ride, and 2.5 mile walk D. 1,000 yard swim, 10 mile bike ride, and 2.5 mile walk ANSWER: C AR Para 1–21. Army Physical Fitness Training Program d. Physical fitness standards are developed by TRADOC and approved by HQDA, DCS, G–3. The APFT provides a measure of cardio respiratory and upper and lower body muscular endurance. It is a performance test that indicates a soldier’s ability to perform physically and handle his or her own body weight. Standards are adjusted for age and physiological differences between men and women. The APFT consists of push-ups, sit-ups, and a 2-mile run, done in that order on the same day. (See repetition and time guidelines in FM 21–20.) For soldiers on a permanent profile, a record test must include an aerobic event. The only approved aerobic events are the 2-mile run, 800-yard swim, 6.2-mile bike ride (stationary or track), or the 2.5-mile walk. Testing is prescribed for all soldiers as follows: AR Para 1–21d
B. As soon as the profile is lifted C. Two times the profile length
22. How much time is given for APFT preparation once the temporary profile expires? A. Six months B. As soon as the profile is lifted C. Two times the profile length (maximum of 90 days) D. One month after the profile is lifted ANSWER: C AR Para 1–21. Army Physical Fitness Training Program d. Physical fitness standards are developed by TRADOC and approved by HQDA, DCS, G–3. The APFT provides a measure of cardio respiratory and upper and lower body muscular endurance. It is a performance test that indicates a soldier’s ability to perform physically and handle his or her own body weight. Standards are adjusted for age and physiological differences between men and women. The APFT consists of push-ups, sit-ups, and a 2-mile run, done in that order on the same day. (See repetition and time guidelines in FM 21–20.) For soldiers on a permanent profile, a record test must include an aerobic event. The only approved aerobic events are the 2-mile run, 800-yard swim, 6.2-mile bike ride (stationary or track), or the 2.5-mile walk. Testing is prescribed for all soldiers as follows: FM Pg 14-20
A. The regular three-event APFT B. At least one APFT event,
23. After a temporary profile expires, the soldier take diagnostic and/or record APFTs in the form of…? A. The regular three-event APFT B. At least one APFT event, soldiers choice C. At least one APFT event, commanders choice D. Just the APFT event they were exempt from ANSWER: A FM 21-20, Page 14-20 Temporary Profiles A soldier with a temporary profile must take the regular three-event APFT after the profile has expired. (Soldiers with temporary profiles of more than three months may take an alternate test as determined by the commander with input from health-care personnel. ) Once the profile is lifted, the soldier must be given twice the time of the profile (but not more than 90 days) to train for the APFT. For example, if the profile period was 7 days, the soldier has 14 days to train for the APFT after the profile period ends. If a normally scheduled APFT occurs during the profile period, the soldier should be given a mandatory make-up date. FM 21-20, Pg 14-20
A. It is up to the commander B. No, not until he gets his physical.
24. A soldier just turned 40, he is waiting for his “over forty physical”, does he have to take the APFT? A. It is up to the commander B. No, not until he gets his physical. C. Yes, unless he has a medical profile. D. No, he won’t have to take another APFT due to age. ANSWER: C FM 21-20, Page 14-1 Over-Forty Cardiovascular Screening Program The Army’s over-40 cardiovascular screening program (CVSP) does the following: - Identifies soldiers with a risk of coronary heart disease. - Provides guidelines for safe, regular CR exercise. - Gives advice and help in controlling heart-disease risk factors. - Uses treadmill testing only for high risk soldiers who need it. - All soldiers, both active and reserve component, must take the APFT for record regardless of age unless prohibited by a medical profile. For soldiers who reached age 40 on or after 1 January 1989, there is no requirement for clearance in the cardiovascular screening program before taking a record APFT. Soldiers who reached age 40 before 1 January 1989 must be cleared through the cardiovascular screening program before taking a record APFT. Prior to their CVSP evaluation, however, they may still take part in physical training to include diagnostic APFTs unless profiled or contraindications to exercise exist. All soldiers must undergo periodic physical examinations in accordance with AR and NGR These include screening for cardiovascular risk factors. AR 350-1, Para 1-21d(4) Soldiers age 40 and over will be evaluated for coronary heart disease risk factors as part of their periodic physical examination. The medical procedures for the cardiovascular screening program (CVSP) are outlined in AR 40–501. It is the soldier’s responsibility to ensure that the CVSP is conducted as close to the 40th birthday as possible and as promptly as medical facilities permit. FM 21-20, Pg 14-1 & AR Para 1-21c(4)
minimum of two records per year B. No more than twice a year
25. How often may a commander administer the APFT (record or diagnostic)? A. As often as they wish, minimum of two records per year B. No more than twice a year C. No less than quarterly D. Minimum of one record per year ANSWER: A AR 350-1, Para 1–21 Army Physical Fitness Program d.(2) Commanders may administer the APFT as often as they wish; however, they must specify beforehand when the results are for record. The Active Army, Active Guard/Reserve (AGR), and USAR Troop Program Unit (TPU) soldiers will take the APFT at least twice each calendar year. A minimum of 4 months will separate record tests if only two record tests are given. The intent is for the Active Army, the AGR, and USAR TPU soldiers to take a record APFT every 6 months. Mission requirements often prevent the even spacing of record tests. Therefore, commanders are encouraged to test soldiers for record as close to the record test window as possible. Memo: LTG Helmly, Feb 03, mandated all USAR soldiers will take the APFT twice per year. AR was published Apr 03. AR 350-1, Para 1–21 d(2)
A. No minimum time B. 4 months C. 6 months D. 1 month
26. When a commander administers two record APFTs per year, how much time must elapse between record tests (excluding re-tests/ makeup)? A. No minimum time B. 4 months C. 6 months D. 1 month ANSWER: B Minimum of 4 months AR 350-1, Para 1–21 Army Physical Fitness Program d.(2) Commanders may administer the APFT as often as they wish; however, they must specify beforehand when the results are for record. The Active Army, Active Guard/Reserve (AGR), and USAR Troop Program Unit (TPU) soldiers will take the APFT at least twice each calendar year. A minimum of 4 months will separate record tests if only two record tests are given. The intent is for the Active Army, the AGR, and USAR TPU soldiers to take a record APFT every 6 months. Mission requirements often prevent the even spacing of record tests. Therefore, commanders are encouraged to test soldiers for record as close to the record test window as possible. AR 350-1, Para 1–21 d(2)
27. What constitutes a failed record APFT?
A. Below minimum standards-only B. Failure to take a test without an authorized reason C. Unauthorized rest position resulting in below standard score D. All of the above ANSWER: D AR Para 1-21d (5) Soldiers who fail a record APFT for the first time or fail to take a record APFT within the required period will be flagged in accordance with AR 600–8–2. In the event of a record test failure, commanders may allow soldiers to retake the test as soon as the soldier and the commander feel the soldier is ready. Soldiers without a medical profile will be retested no later than 90 days following the initial APFT failure. Reserve component soldiers not on active duty and without a medical profile will be tested no later than 180 days following the initial APFT failure. (6) Personnel who initially fail the CVSP and are subsequently cleared will have no more than 179 days of conditioning before retaking a record APFT. (7) All soldiers must attain a score of at least 60 points on each test event or receive a “GO” on the alternate aerobic events. If a soldier does not attain a minimum of 60 points in each event or a “GO” on an alternate aerobic event, the soldier is an event failure. When a soldier fails one or more events, the soldier is a test failure. FM 21-20, Page THE UP POSITION IS THE ONLY AUTHORIZED REST POSITION. IF YOU STOP AND REST IN THE DOWN (STARTING) POSITION, THE EVENT WILL BE TERMINATED. AR Para 1-21d(5,7) & FM 21-20, Pg 14-16
B. Retest as soon as the soldier & CDR feel the soldier is ready
28. What actions must be taken when an RC soldier (not on AD & w/out a medical profile) fails an initial record APFT for the first time or within the required period? A. Flag IAW AR B. Retest as soon as the soldier & CDR feel the soldier is ready C. Retest not later than 180 days following the initial APFT failure D. All of the above ANSWER: D AR Para 1-21d (5) Soldiers who fail a record APFT for the first time or fail to take a record APFT within the required period will be flagged in accordance with AR 600–8–2. In the event of a record test failure, commanders may allow soldiers to retake the test as soon as the soldier and the commander feel the soldier is ready. Soldiers without a medical profile will be retested no later than 90 days following the initial APFT failure. Reserve component soldiers not on active duty and without a medical profile will be tested no later than 180 days following the initial APFT failure. AR Para 1-21d(5)
B. Barred from re-enlistment or
29. Soldiers w/out medical profiles who repeatedly fail the APFT will be ? A. Counseled B. Barred from re-enlistment or processed for separation from the service C. Given a “U” for unsatisfactorily participation D. Given another record test ANSWER: B AR Para 4-9c (2) Soldiers without medical profiles, who repeatedly fail the APFT, will be barred from re-enlistment or processed for separation from the service. Provisions for separation are in AR 600–8–24 (for officers) or AR 635–200 (for enlisted soldiers) and counterpart ARNG and USAR regulations. A repetitive failure occurs when a soldier fails a record test, the soldier is provided adequate time and assistance to improve his or her performance, and failure occurs again. (See AR 635–100 for officers who have incurred a statutory active duty service obligation because of participation in an Army-sponsored educational or training program.) AR Para 4-9c(2)
30. What criteria is required to obtain the Physical Fitness Badge?
A. Score 270 or above with at least 90 points per event on the APFT B. Score 270 or above C. Score 290 or above D. Score 270 or above with at least 90 points per event on the APFT and meet body composition standards ANSWER: D AR 350-1, Para 4-9 Army physical fitness training in units c. Commanders may establish incentives and unit physical fitness objectives related to their mission essential tasks. (1) Soldiers who score 270 or above, with a minimum of 90 points per event on the APFT, and meet body composition standards will be awarded the Physical Fitness Badge for physical fitness excellence in accordance with AR 600–8–22. Soldiers are required to meet these criteria during each APFT for record to continue to wear the badge. ALARACT Message 025/99 Implementation of new APFT Standards Soldiers that score 270 or above, with a minimum of 90 points per event on the APFT and meet body fat standards will be awarded the Physical Fitness Badge for Physical Fitness excellence. Soldiers are required to meet the above criteria each record test to continue to wear the badge. Teaching point: The award of the physical fitness badge should come from the command (i.e. The supply channels) The soldier should not be forced to get the badge from the PX with his own money. Teaching point: Recommend to the commanders to provide the soldiers with a framed certificate of achievement. AR 350-1, Para 4-9c(1)
End of Army Physical Fitness Program Questions
FM 21-20
References AR 40-501, Standards of Medical Fitness, 12 Apr 04
AR 350-1, Army Training and Education, Apr 03 AR , Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (Flags), 30 Oct 87 AR 600-9, The Army Weight Control Program, Nov 06 FM 21-20, Physical Fitness Training, 30 Sep 92 w/Change 1, 1 Oct 98
Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Identify the Army Weight Control Program and Army Physical Fitness Program policies and procedures. Condition: Given student discussion in a game show format. Standard: As a class identify all correct procedures IAW AR , AR 350-1, AR , AR 600-9, and FM Did we accomplish our terminal objective?
Army Weight Control Program
Army Physical Fitness Program
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