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Alyce Zottoli Mabelvale Magnet Middle School August 14, 2013.

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1 Alyce Zottoli Mabelvale Magnet Middle School August 14, 2013

2  The purpose of the interactive notebook is to enable students to be creative, independent thinkers and writers.  Student’s iBooks are personalized and as unique as they are! Classwork is organized through “Student Output” and “Teacher Input” activities, creating a student generated portfolio.

3 LEFT SIDE  This space is used daily for “student output” activities  Opening Task (Do Now)  Closing Task RIGHT SIDE  This space is used daily during class time for teacher facilitated activities.  Work Time / Class work activities The left side/right side model was created to closely resemble the workshop model used in LRSD middle school classrooms. Using common language helps students understand the design and pace of the lesson and assists administrators in evaluations!



6 EXAMPLE LEFT SIDE  Opening Task:  Quick Writes  “Bell Ringers”  Map Skills  Vocabulary  Video Clip Responses  Closing Task:  Summaries  Exit Tickets  Reflection Prompts  Comparisons  SUTW Strategies

7 EXAMPLE RIGHT SIDE:  Cornell Notes  History Frames  Guided Reading  Foldables  Cooperative Learning Activities  Graphic Organizers  Directions for larger scale/out of notebook activities (posters, kinesthetic activities, etc.)


9  Notebooks are checked for completion daily (2 points).  Weekly grades for individual work time assignments.  Develop a rubric to evaluate organization. Rules:  No ripped out pages!  No doodling that doesn’t relate to the assignment.  Date and Page number on each page.

10  Notebooks due the 3 rd day of school  One 70 page, one subject spiral notebook used per semester. Students set up notebooks:  Page 1: Table of Contents  Students number pages in top corners while teacher reviews iBook procedures.  Even numbers = Left Side  Odd numbers = Right Side


12 Q: What type of notebook do you use? A: Students are required to have one “One Subject” COLLEGE RULED notebook per semester (2 for the school year). It must have a MINIMUM of 70 pages.

13 Q: Do students really supply their own notebooks?? A: Yes! Notebook information is explained in the syllabus that is sent home and signed for their first “grade”. Students who do not arrive with a notebook may be supplied one after parent contact.

14 MATERIALS / SUPPLIES Students are expected to arrive to class prepared, with all required materials. The instructor will NOT provide supplies at any time. This class uses an “Interactive Notebook” format for all class time activities. Each student is REQUIRED to purchase a One Subject (70 Sheet) College Ruled Spiral Notebook for each semester (total of 2 for the school year). We will begin using notebooks as a class on Wednesday, August 21 st. INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK Students will use Interactive Notebooks (iBooks) as a part of their daily class routine. The purpose of the notebook is to create a personalized portfolio of student work while encouraging creativity, organization, and responsibility. This notebook stores journal writing, reflections, classwork, notes, and student products. Notebooks are checked daily for completion, and graded weekly on content quality, organization, and accuracy.

15 Q: Do students take the notebooks with them, or are they kept in the classroom. A: My notebooks are stored in crates in my classroom.  AVID students notebooks are located in their binder.  Students may “check out” a notebook to study or work on make up work outside of class.

16 Q: Why should I use interactive notebooks? A: Well….  Promotes responsibility and organization for students.  Time management / More effective use of the 45 minute class period.  Creates automatic and predictable structure for lessons.  Easily accessed student generated portfolio for conferences, etc.  You’ll be a PTAS superstar!

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